Ending to Episode Three!!!!!! - SPOILERS OF COURSE

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Jan 2, 2008
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(After a final boss fight with an advisor, you (Gordon) and Alyx walk away together. A few months later, there is a cut scene where Freeman is running up a corridor in a hospital. He makes it into a room where Alyx is there and a doctor. The doctor is holding a baby.)

DOCTOR: well done Freeman, it is a girl. Would you like to hold her?

(Freeman nods. Freeman holds the baby in his arms. But then he looks shocked. He has gone pale. We get to see the baby. The baby has the G-man's face. The face grins.)

G-MAN BABY: yesss. Well done Mr.Freeman.

(Then everything freezes. Alyx then turns into the G-man as well and so does the doctor. Then Freeman finds himself surrounded by G-men all looking the same.)

G-MAN BABY: we have been testing you all your life, and I think you have done a s s s...superb job. But no Mr. Freeman, it aint over yet.

(Everything around Freeman turns black. The G-man baby is gone. The fully grown G-man is in front of him. Freeman cant move.)

G-MAN: (continuing) or for that matter Mr. Freeman, it is only the beginning.

(The G-man smiles. He staigtens his tie and brushes something of his coat.)

G-MAN: and dont worry Mr. Freeman, we will someday meet again.

(The G-man walks of. He enters through a white door and it closes....)

Name: Gordon Freeman

Status: put in statis till further needed
I can't take this seriously. I planned to point out fifty thousand million flaws in it, but I just can't. It just doesn't work that way.

I'm going to bed.

Yeah... kinda stupid.

I'm going to be- well, actually I'm going into town, I got some shit I gotta take care of.
I hope you were high whilst writing that "theory".

Endings where everything you've previously done is suddenly meaningless("It was all a dream", "It was all a test", etc.) are always lame unless done exceptionally well. In this case it hasn't.
Well...as a matter of fact, the GMan baby would be quite crazy to see :D I guess you took the idea from that one Arnold Schwarzenegger film, when he gives born to the baby with arnie face :D
I feel guilty actually coming up witha theory, but in terms of his...storyline, I could see it happening if many things were altered.

If the g-man's face comes up on the baby, it would have to dissapear quite quickly, maybe put it back to normal with a double take. I can then see the doctor and alyx asking if anything is wrong, and when the player looke up they would have the faces as well. Gordon would stumble out of the room into the hall, finding every nurse/doctor/patient with the same face. He races down the hallway to the only open door to find HIM sitting at a desk.

A little smile graces his face and the gman says: "You dindn''t really think it was...over, did you Doctor Freeman?"

Of course for all of this to happen the final cinematic would be a pre-rendered bit, not the free camera we have seen from the HL series. And this is of course assuming Alyx and Gordon get together, and that the story wouldn't suck so bad as to end up reduced to what I have managed to type here :)

edit: ugh I feel so dirty now

I reckon there are pornos out there with a better plot than this...
This is quite possibly the worst fanfic ever.
HAAH ....wait, that was a joke right?

No acctaully, I interviewd Mark Laidlaw and he accidently gave me the ending to Episode Three and I decided to post it on the internet. Of course it was a joke. Its just something I wanted to do, and it was meant to be daft. Thats it. Wish people will stop taking life seriously. :hmph:
But it was just shit. It wasn't even amusing in it's stupidness. It's just shit.
That was just so rubbish it wasn't remotely funny, if anything it was nauseating because of how corney it was.
This is almost the exact same as one which was posted on another thread... it was funny then, but...
Yeh, that is such a corny ending...

Will this guy be a guest star?


Yes, its baby-Kleiner...:laugh:



i'm going to bed...
I think closing it would be better, for the greater good of us all.
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