Enemy Emotions


Feb 17, 2005
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Ok so we all know there will be crabs and synths hanging out in Aftermath. So what about alien emotions? The zombies had some emotion but it didn't go with the ai. Antlions had the mind of an insect. I wish to see a monster that is curious/angry/frightened and shows it, such as rushing at you enraged when shot at.
You would like to see a walking stuffed turkey with emotions?
Ok, how gay is it to see a monster that is frightened......very
That could be interesting, but with the scenario of Aftermath I don't think it would really work.
Headcrabs are too stupid to have emotions such as running away from danger.
Antlions would run away from danger scattering into hiding holes because they feel safe in the dark. Vortigaunts having a weak relay with Xen wouldn't be able to teleport away, I think they would take a honourable death in their ways.
Staem23 said:
Ok, how gay is it to see a monster that is frightened......very
I think Halo pulled it off wonderfully, look at the grunts :) The best thing about Halo was the grunts, the way they would get scared and start running around when you killed their elite leader. Lovely.
The game Operation Flashpoint had a morale system based on a skill meter. In a group the officer unit had the most skill and the regular infantry guys had descending skill levels. Once you killed an officer and the highest ranking soldiers, the squad would run away from the battlefield.
All unscripted. :smoking:
It would be nice for something like this for the Overwatch squads. :)
I think valve pulled it off with the houndeye/bullsquid/gonarch/ichyosaur pretty good, which made the game seem more scary, it should work again.

Staem23 said:
Ok, how gay is it to see a monster that is frightened......very

Better than running at you mindlessly.
Staem23 said:
Ok, how gay is it to see a monster that is frightened......very

I know a gay man so buff he could kill you with one hand.
sid_burnd said:
He's still gay though.
Thats enough of that sid. :stare:

One thing, unless it was a scripted scene... would you have time to see an enemies emotion before pounding them full of lead? Although... Halflife 2 did it with the zombie screams pretty well...
4 useful enemy emotions:
but how do you decide, in any given situation, whether a monster should exhibit fear or scarednesss?
a question for the ages...
JellyWorld said:
I think Halo pulled it off wonderfully, look at the grunts :) The best thing about Halo was the grunts, the way they would get scared and start running around when you killed their elite leader. Lovely.
I thought that was horribly retarded actually. They went running off making high pitched whining sounds.
Wouldn't it be cool though to have a predator-type of monster, six times your size, sniffing around for you sounding more enraged by the second as you hide under a broken table? Then it gives out a sharp growl to signal it found you. Enemy emotions is what really makes games scary.
special-ed said:
Wouldn't it be cool though to have a predator-type of monster, six times your size, sniffing around for you sounding more enraged by the second as you hide under a broken table? Then it gives out a sharp growl to signal it found you. Enemy emotions is what really makes games scary.

How about for gargantuans in Aftermath?
special-ed said:
Wouldn't it be cool though to have a predator-type of monster, six times your size, sniffing around for you sounding more enraged by the second as you hide under a broken table? Then it gives out a sharp growl to signal it found you. Enemy emotions is what really makes games scary.
That would be awesome if it wasn't scripted.
Grunts made Halo... well, as fun as hell. I has so much fun scaring the crap out of grunts. I loved Splinter Cell Chaos Theory as spys online, because, I could scare people and they would have emotions. God couldn't stop me from playing a single player game where enemies (specially beasts) show realistic emotions.
the poison headcrabs did have emotions in hl2, sort of. When they were under fire, they'd panic and skitter off away from the gunfire. Try it, heavily damage a poison crab without killing it and watch as it runs away.

I'd like to see overwatch fall back and regroup or break formation when they see half their squad cut down. that sort of stuff adds emotion
Flyingdebris said:
the poison headcrabs did have emotions in hl2, sort of. When they were under fire, they'd panic and skitter off away from the gunfire. Try it, heavily damage a poison crab without killing it and watch as it runs away.

I'd like to see overwatch fall back and regroup or break formation when they see half their squad cut down. that sort of stuff adds emotion
I've always figured that the biggest problem with HL2, is that overwatch always fights like their back is against the wall. In most cases, as their own get cut down, they retreat, until we can't shoot them, reform, and charge.
Oh yeah this would be cool,

*Zombie walks slowly toward you but stops mid way* "I HATE MY LIFE!!!" *Zombie falls to the ground crying and bangs his headcrabbed head against the cement*
Flyingdebris said:
the poison headcrabs did have emotions in hl2, sort of. When they were under fire, they'd panic and skitter off away from the gunfire. Try it, heavily damage a poison crab without killing it and watch as it runs away.

I'd like to see overwatch fall back and regroup or break formation when they see half their squad cut down. that sort of stuff adds emotion
They do, and normal headcrabs run away aswell if you hurt them and kill all their allies, especially if it was a zombie crab and you kill his host.
I thought fast zombies had some pretty realistc anger issues...I mean, come on, charging at you faster than a fat dude after a cheeseburger?
Yeah fast zombie snarling and screaming really made it seem like they were enraged beyond sanity (which is pretty much what they were)
TST_Devgru Seal said:
I thought fast zombies had some pretty realistc anger issues...I mean, come on, charging at you faster than a fat dude after a cheeseburger?

They don't show facial emotions though.. no enemy in half-life has facial emotions.
TST_Devgru Seal said:
I thought fast zombies had some pretty realistc anger issues...I mean, come on, charging at you faster than a fat dude after a cheeseburger?

Bad analogy. Fat people can't really run fast.

Come to think of it, Ed's right. There *are* no enemies that actually have facial emotions.

-Angry Lawyer
The enemies are probaly trained only for killing, so no fear and emotions.
Just straight and kill t h 'em!!
No enemies in HL2 had a face, so basically, no emotions as well. I only think that some NPC dialogue emotions are a bit underdone. Dr. Breen's emotions during his speeches were wonderful, but when Kleiner spotted Gordon Freeman with Alyx, he raised his brows and looked a bit surprised... Now if developers raised the brows as high as the engine lets them, and if he'd gasp for a moment. "Gordon...Freeman..? It really is you,..isn't it?!" Then correct his glasses and lean to you, then smile and continue his conversation. They should work on NPC emotions more, not enemy..
That's because most of the enemies don't have faces capable of conveying said emotions.

The closest you'd get is an unmasked soldier, but considering the amount of brainwashing and mechanical "enhancement" they're subjected to, I'm not sure if they'd be capable of cracking a smile or shedding a tear.
I think Halo pulled it off wonderfully, look at the grunts. The best thing about Halo was the grunts

You must be joking :eek: The grunts were rubbish. Mind you, the entire game wasn't much better.
What I always thought would be cool would be if the Metrocops and maybe even the overwatch all deserted after the citidel was wrecked and teamed up with you and the resistance while trying to escape the city.
Scotsman said:
What I always thought would be cool would be if the Metrocops and maybe even the overwatch all deserted after the citidel was wrecked and teamed up with you and the resistance while trying to escape the city.
You preform necromance to post something that was discussed in other threads. That's not just necromancy, that's necrophelia.
I could've sworn that if you kill the CO of the marines (The berets) then their organization seems to break down and make them easier.
r2000 said:
I've always figured that the biggest problem with HL2, is that overwatch always fights like their back is against the wall. In most cases, as their own get cut down, they retreat, until we can't shoot them, reform, and charge.

What you need to do, is load up gmod, turn off AI, and set up a little battlefield. Use trash to make a makeshift combine base. Combine at the platform by the pool, Rebbels in the garage. Make sure to balance out weaponry.

Now turn on notarget, and turn on AI, and watch. It's pretty cool watching the combine AI in action. It's fairly obvious that they were programed to operate in wide open battlefields, not the confined spaces on HL2.

It's very good AI if you'll continue watching. The Combine will set up there own fireteams who'll advance on the Rebels. If you set up some trash in the middle of the map, the Combine will break half of their fireteam into cover to reload, and the other half will continue firing in the open.

EDIT: It appears we have some very good necromancers here at HL2.net.
Now turn AI back off, and set up a Combine fireteam inside the Rebel base. As you'll see, they run behind stuff and shoot, not much else behind them.
sinkoman said:
It's fairly obvious that they were programed to operate in wide open battlefields, not the confined spaces on HL2.
They work extremly well in urban combat if you set them as teams. (I can't wait for BM:S!) *changes pants*
I would like to see stuff like them picking up grenades and throwing them back SOF and MOH style.
Grimfox said:
the HL1 marines were a pain to fight, they'd always land shots on me no matter what (especially on difficult) however I don't remember any squad(s) or organized fighting amongst them, alls I remember is them tossing nades and running past me then turning around really quick and opening fire.

Hard mode should've been like easy mode on HL1. I kept thinking these guys were copping out on me or letting me win.
ríomhaire said:
4 useful enemy emotions:

Wow, great going there bucko.

'Scaredness' is not a ****ing emotion. I don't even think it's a word.

The emotion you're trying to associate with that garble of letters is Fear which was the first emotion on your list.