Enemy Emotions

4 real enemy emotions that should be used in the development in AI
Intelligence (or lack thereof)
The reason the CPs and Overwatch don't run, is becasue they are void of fear. That's something that gets the player scared.
evilsloth said:
The reason the CPs and Overwatch don't run, is becasue they are void of fear. That's something that gets the player scared.

They have a cower animation.
I myself found it awesome that in halo the grunts would talk smack then when their leaders brutes or elites died they ran for the hills. it made it realistic and funny. but the enemies in half life 2 were more realistic in looks and didnt really have faces so you couldnt have the emotions. breen pretty much represented the combine, they felt what he felt.

Ok, how gay is it to see a monster that is frightened......very
No, what would be gay is if it were a zombie that only wanted a hug. Then it would be gay. I think it would be funny to see a zombie or whatever run when I walk into the room with an RPG, dont you?

Wouldn't it be cool though to have a predator-type of monster, six times your size, sniffing around for you sounding more enraged by the second as you hide under a broken table? Then it gives out a sharp growl to signal it found you. Enemy emotions is what really makes games scary.
You get a good sound system and a big screen TV thats the kind of thing that could make someone crap themselves. Especially if it were to rush at you after it found you. Enemy emotions could be a very very good game enhancement when coupled with great AI. It could easily turn a crappy game into an 8 or 9, but with a game like half life 2, it could turn it into a 10/10 EASY.

Stupid question, but is it possible to script AI for new NPCs for a half life 2 mod?
Cimejes said:
No, what would be gay is if it were a zombie that only wanted a hug. Then it would be gay. I think it would be funny to see a zombie or whatever run when I walk into the room with an RPG, dont you?

No, not a zombie :p
DoctorWeeTodd said:
They have a cower animation.

They do?
i thought it was just a "human" animation, like the rest of the people, oh well.
Well, Zombies (all types) had facial expressions. When you blow off the Headcrab the former human's face has a "Holy shit I just got pwned!" look and the "Oh God I am so ****ed up!" look. Tsk Tsk for not noticing!:|
:cheers: :frown: :eek:
MiccyNarc said:
I thought that was horribly retarded actually. They went running off making high pitched whining sounds.
And thats exactly what it was funny.
Yeah, i would like to see that. Half life 2 needed an predator alien like the bullsquid.

Headcraps: Too stupid to have emotions.

Zombies: same as above.

Barnacles: well....

Antlions: they just followed the leader all the time, running into their dead.

Antlion guard: This one could have had different emotions, but the only emotion it had was being seriously pissed off at you.
Antlion guard: This one could have had different emotions, but the only emotion it had was being seriously pissed off at you.
That's because it's a mindless drone:rolleyes:
ríomhaire said:
That's because it's a mindless drone:rolleyes:

Right. I think you can kind of compare Ant Lions to Buggers if you've ever read Ender's Game.

Actually, there's a suprising similarity that I hadn't noticed before.
ríomhaire said:
That's because it's a mindless drone:rolleyes:

How do you know that? They were the one controlling the the other antlions with their pheromone so they must have some higher intelligence, but i'd also rather see another monster than this giant insect being frightened.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
I would like to see stuff like them picking up grenades and throwing them back SOF and MOH style.

Have you tried throwing grenades at them? Just about 9/10 grenades I threw at the Combie came RIGHT BACK at me. I eventually just saved grenades for snipers and clusters of Headcrabs.
AlecRazec said:
Have you tried throwing grenades at them? Just about 9/10 grenades I threw at the Combie came RIGHT BACK at me. I eventually just saved grenades for snipers and clusters of Headcrabs.

They do? That's never happened to me. They'll get out of the way, certainly, but never throw them back.
All of my nades came back. Weird. And these weren't bad throws. I usually didn't survive my bad throws. :)
There was this sniper in follow freeman who trew 4 (!!!!!) nades back. I got a little pissed of then:flame:
Fonaki said:
There was this sniper in follow freeman who trew 4 (!!!!!) nades back. I got a little pissed of then:flame:

Are you sure they didn't just bounce? I've never seen Combine pick up grenades and throw them back.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
Are you sure they didn't just bounce? I've never seen Combine pick up grenades and throw them back.

I lobbed my nade into the sniperwindow, and in 2 secounds they come out agian. This never happened on my first time trough the game though(january 2005), but when I played the game again last month it happened serveral times. Seems like a patch gave the enimies a larger brain..
They are probably just getting out of the way and then throwing one of their own nades back at you. The one in the sniperhole probably just bounced back out.
sinkoman said:
What you need to do, is load up gmod, turn off AI, and set up a little battlefield. Use trash to make a makeshift combine base. Combine at the platform by the pool, Rebbels in the garage. Make sure to balance out weaponry.

Now turn on notarget, and turn on AI, and watch. It's pretty cool watching the combine AI in action. It's fairly obvious that they were programed to operate in wide open battlefields, not the confined spaces on HL2.

It's very good AI if you'll continue watching. The Combine will set up there own fireteams who'll advance on the Rebels. If you set up some trash in the middle of the map, the Combine will break half of their fireteam into cover to reload, and the other half will continue firing in the open.

EDIT: It appears we have some very good necromancers here at HL2.net.
Now turn AI back off, and set up a Combine fireteam inside the Rebel base. As you'll see, they run behind stuff and shoot, not much else behind them.

Erm... how?

I've been trying to recreate this scene in GMod for the past two days. In EVERY single situation, no matter how I balance out the weapons or numbers, no matter where I locate them, I get one of two situations.

1st Situation and most common. If both sides can "see" each other, both groups will begin opening fire at the other side, regardless of range. It's hard to get tired of watching eight rebels and eight combine metrocops shooting at each other with iRifles for five minutes because the ONLY way they can kill the other side is by a lucky inaccurate shot to the head. Occasionally I would see a single man run back or run for cover. He'd stay there until everyone on one side would be dead. I never saw either "side" group into fireteams or any teams. Just stand and shoot.

2nd Situation was far less climatic. This would happen when I would station one team out of sight of the other team. For example, I would set up twelve combine troops in the garage. I'd set up 12 rebels at the platform on the north end. They could not "see" each other without moving and well. They never moved. They just stood there, glancing at each other awkwardly. Even attempts to lure one side out just ended with the "lure" dying very quickly.

End result was, the AI could see you if you put an enemy target behind them, no matter how far away. And they never did break into groups to do some very basic and rudimentary actions like closing to accurate range or even take COVER. Very rarely did I see someone "flee", and that was the most tactical thing of the night.

If you can be more descriptive, or tell me how to up their AI, I'd be most appreciative.
In an open field, there really isn't anything to do but shoot. Make obsticles, give them cover, spawn lots of boxes.
In an open field, where your SMG isn't inflicting damage because you're out of effective range, you generally get closer.

But to counter the obstacle problem, I did add lots of obstacles. This created the 'Can't see, can't shoot' problem where they wouldn't acknowledge each other's presence if there was anything obscuring them. Added cover inbetween both groups. They ignored it, and stood at their spawn point.
special-ed said:
Wouldn't it be cool though to have a predator-type of monster, six times your size, sniffing around for you sounding more enraged by the second as you hide under a broken table? Then it gives out a sharp growl to signal it found you. Enemy emotions is what really makes games scary.

I would piss my pants. That would be awesome.

sinkoman said:
What you need to do, is load up gmod, turn off AI, and set up a little battlefield. Use trash to make a makeshift combine base. Combine at the platform by the pool, Rebbels in the garage. Make sure to balance out weaponry.

Now turn on notarget, and turn on AI, and watch. It's pretty cool watching the combine AI in action. It's fairly obvious that they were programed to operate in wide open battlefields, not the confined spaces on HL2.

It's very good AI if you'll continue watching. The Combine will set up there own fireteams who'll advance on the Rebels. If you set up some trash in the middle of the map, the Combine will break half of their fireteam into cover to reload, and the other half will continue firing in the open.

EDIT: It appears we have some very good necromancers here at HL2.net.
Now turn AI back off, and set up a Combine fireteam inside the Rebel base. As you'll see, they run behind stuff and shoot, not much else behind them.

Sounds awesome. I'm going to give it a go
Hmm, I will have to try that...

But on the issue of emotions and reactions in the AI controlled characters. It would be interesting to see perhaps, say you have a pack of houndeyes in an upcoming expansion. They aren't "scared" of you, until you shoot at them, and the pack scatters, and then regroups and attacks from a different point. Would be good on the streets or something.

It would be interesting to see injured Combine limping away or, when shot, retreating. Too many times the Combine would rush me, or wouldn't react to getting shot.

Realism is coming though.
would be interesting to see but to see an enemy that is afraid of you would def be stupid
Nephtis said:
Headcrabs are too stupid to have emotions such as running away from danger.
Antlions would run away from danger scattering into hiding holes because they feel safe in the dark. Vortigaunts having a weak relay with Xen wouldn't be able to teleport away, I think they would take a honourable death in their ways.

play half-life they ran away if you attacked them .. i guess they will just do the same now .
I had an awesome dream last night that relates to this thread.

I was living in the HL2 world as a combine soldier, in a nearly empty base. It was known that there were Ant Lion Guards around, and a watch had been set up. I ran along to some guys manning a machine gun and I took it over from them. They communicated in the radio, and started to run back off the wall. Suddenly we all heard the ant lion guard make a sound from inside the base, in the shadows of the various buildings. The combine soldiers stopped dead, started strafing back and forth nervously, and finally backed up onto the wall. Reminded me of how I behave when playing The Hidden.

Now wouldn't it be so cool if we could have emotions like that in game? Fear and terror of the unknown? That'd be awesome.
MiccyNarc said:
I had an awesome dream last night that relates to this thread.

I was living in the HL2 world as a combine soldier, in a nearly empty base. It was known that there were Ant Lion Guards around, and a watch had been set up. I ran along to some guys manning a machine gun and I took it over from them. They communicated in the radio, and started to run back off the wall. Suddenly we all heard the ant lion guard make a sound from inside the base, in the shadows of the various buildings. The combine soldiers stopped dead, started strafing back and forth nervously, and finally backed up onto the wall. Reminded me of how I behave when playing The Hidden.

Now wouldn't it be so cool if we could have emotions like that in game? Fear and terror of the unknown? That'd be awesome.
Agreed homes.