Engineer.... no benefits


Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
When you pick Engineer class you just can't win.

The shotguns are powerful, but only at point blank ranges.

Planting a landmine will more than likely do more harm than good. Many times a dumbass teammate will run over your mine (the big red skull and crossbones) , die , and even have the nerve to punish you.

No use trying to repair tanks, apcs, and jeeps.. they will drive off without knowing what your trying to do, or they will run over you while your repairing them cause they had no idea you were there in the first place.

Takes like 6 seconds of repairing to get a repair point.

You get no "basic repair" badges/medals unlike the medic and support class. Theres just no benefits in being an engineer, the worst aspect IMO is the mines.. cause 99% of the time you get at least 1 TK + punish cause of some smacktard..

But it's really fun to repair with a full transport helicopter, you can usually go the whole round without being shotdown and its.. fun. (sometimes)
Yeah I know eh? But there isn't really much they could do...They could stop the mines from taking out friendly vehicles, but ultimately there isn't much you can do except play something else. Sigh.
You can also repair bridges. The engineer is a KEY part to this game. Especially if you DON'T have a team full of dumbasses, as in the situations you described.

Pubbing and playing with a team really are two drastically different things.

Also remember that you will repair the vehicle you are in automatically. And the shotgun isn't really that bad.
vegeta897 said:
You can also repair bridges. The engineer is a KEY part to this game. Especially if you DON'T have a team full of dumbasses, as in the situations you described.

Pubbing and playing with a team really are two drastically different things.

Also remember that you will repair the vehicle you are in automatically. And the shotgun isn't really that bad.

The shotgun sucks.

It takes 2 hits to the chest to kill.. I mean come on thats like 3.5 seconds, and your very vulnerable to being sprayed with an automatic weapon in that time.

The class sucks.
Im quite good with the shotgun. Just dont be stupid with it and take on a full auto weapon with it without any idea of how to use a shotgun. Wait for them to come around the corner of the building, and keep strafing behind that tree until they need to reload, then sprint out and buck em in the face. And if you have a working squad, the engineer can be a very important part of your team, if your in a apc or tank or whatever, you repair your teamates vehicles if they stick close. Dont get out in front of a pubbie in a tank with your wrench, because he wont care, he will just get another tank when he dies.
The shotgun... I planted a mine behind an enemy tank, and then stormed the unknowing group with a shotgun, 5 people, 2 supports, and something like 1 specials op and 2 snipers. All with the shotgun, then the tank drove back and blew up, killing him and a recently spawned guy.
You can get a basic repair badge, its called engineering badge i believe, and theres the basic engineer combat badge as well. Engineers are more for clan matches than public servers.
I love the Engineer kit of the MEC team. That shotgun can fire pretty fast. And on that note, I get quite a lot of points as an engineer. I don't know how I get them, but I do. Hahah
Just find a buddy, yoo both step in a tank as engineers, and you'll be gods. Cause you'll be sonstantly repairing eachother.
blackhawk with 2 engineers, 2 medics and a supprt gunner = indestructible...

but yeah i know what you mean, i only spawn as enginner when i see arty is destroyed etc, once its fixed ill spawn back as sumit else.
ya but there's a bug in the blackhawks makes repairing the blackhawk while in flight difficult have to keep repositioning your wrench cuz sometimes it stops working after 2 turns of the wrench's annoying
BF2slut said:
The shotgun sucks.

It takes 2 hits to the chest to kill.. I mean come on thats like 3.5 seconds, and your very vulnerable to being sprayed with an automatic weapon in that time.

The class sucks.
Wrong, it takes one shot with the USMC and Chinese shotgun, and 2 with the MEC.
CptStern said:
ya but there's a bug in the blackhawks makes repairing the blackhawk while in flight difficult have to keep repositioning your wrench cuz sometimes it stops working after 2 turns of the wrench's annoying

Nah mean, you just have to keep pointing downwards, then you can repair.
tried that ..tried in every different position ...sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt ...I find pointing to the roof works more often than not
CptStern said:
tried that ..tried in every different position ...sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt ...I find pointing to the roof works more often than not
It still repairs even if your wrench vanishes and the repair meter goes away.
well I can assure you that it doesnt always work ...cuz I've had pilots screaming in my ear to repair the blackhawk as we're going down in a ball of flame
CptStern said:
well I can assure you that it doesnt always work ...cuz I've had pilots screaming in my ear to repair the blackhawk as we're going down in a ball of flame
It could be lag, but the pilot is a n00b for getting shot up like that in the first place, just chant n00b over and over and he will stfu.
no he was actually the best pilot I've seen ...we were a 6 man killing machine for the entire round
I'm always engineer when I'm Commander, usually defending home base flag if it's capturable by planting mines around the flag. All I do is make a scan, if an enemy is near the flag I just wait for him to get in range, bam, shotgun shot, dead.
Engineer class is beneficial when you're a tank whore like myself. Just hop out of your tank after a fight with another armored vehicle and negate all damage dealt to you. Plus when you're in a vehicle you become a repair station and don't have to worry about someone backing up over you while you're fixing their vehicle.

And the shotgun's pretty kickass in its own right. I haven't found any use for the AT mines though, because usually your teammates DO run over them.
When you have a tank that doesnt see you just run behind it and drop one, then run in front and drop one. He will only see the front one and back up to get away from it. I have only done this a few times, however it has worked every time.
Foxtrot said:
It could be lag, but the pilot is a n00b for getting shot up like that in the first place, just chant n00b over and over and he will stfu.

I hate it when crappy pilots yell at us like it's their fault, but there really is nothing you can do when a person with half decent aim is shooting at your helicopter.
IT's weird...because it seems like you can't repair the helo from high up. I was an Engineer in a BH and for some reason..I woudln't repair unless im low to the was weird...
For me it wouldn't repair unless i pointed my wrench down.
I've been playing the Engineer class lately, and the shotgun (at least the Chinese one) kicks arse. I mean I've been getting really good ratios recently (although my stats don't reflect that as I started off shite ;)), and you can even pick people off at long range in a few shots. The only really annoying thing is, while reloading you cant click to stop reloading. You have to reload all the shells, which is annoying when there's an enemy around the corner coming for you :P
I just got a 61 on operation clean sweep where my squad used the chopper and all i did was repair. I had 0 kills that round too. I just got points from repairing, and i almost always got a damage kill point even though i never had a gun out the entire time, which is fine by me. i also seemed to always be the one getting full points for flag was a fun round:bounce: