Engineer Update Website Now Live: Day One

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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[br]Hold your horses and don't get too excited just yet, this isn't the actual engineer update for Team Fortress 2. It is, however, the hub which will be updated daily with new details on the coming update.[br]The engineer's first new weapon is called 'Frontier Justice' and it replaces the shotgun. 50% smaller magazine, no random crits. Instead it gives 2 'revenge crits' for every kill their sentry makes, 1 for an assist. If the sentry is destoryed bonus crits are awarded.[br]There has already been much talk about the 'Golden Wrench' weapon for the engineer made of Australium! According to the TF2 blog, the golden wrench can be found randomly by crafting your items. They are very rare with only 100 to be given away, however every 25th wrench found will result in further engineer update info being released.
Interesting Pics to say the least, I am intrigued by the Free Mason Emblem, which might suggest the Engi maybe a member

Also is Abe Lincoln holding a Flame Thrower?
Abraham Lincoln was the Pyro on the original merc team. Do you not read the comics?

There's a Vetruvian Man-style image of a robot there. And after the hidden robot images from the last class update, I wonder if the Engi-robot theory is gonna come to fruition?
Wow, just literally went back to the site seconds after and the upgraded shotgun is now featured
Holy mother of Hale, that shotgun sounds beautiful.
I like that shotgun, sounds great for killing off anyone who happened to destroy your little base.
Oh god. I'm going to craft everything I have (which isn't much) and get no wrench D:
Oh my god they made Lincoln immortal.
It pains me seeing the people with a Golden Wrench that have have only 6 hours on the engineer.
I don't suppose you can get the wrench from making metal?

edit: is that the illuminati - pyramid eye thing on that secret page? call Danimal!
I can't wait to try this update out.

Man this update is advancing TF2's story like crazy. That map is awesome.
bonus crits when sentry is destroyed through enemy action or self destruct
*cogs in head turning*

Oh, yes. This will be wonderful.
The behavior of the TF2 community in regards to the Golden Wrench is atrocious, the sheer volume of whining and complaining is staggering.

Also I'm really hoping we get a "Meet the" video sometime this week. Oh and prepare for the inevitable nerf of the Frontier Justice.
The ensuing engineer rushes will consist of everyone building random sentries, running to the front, and destroying them at the last second to get crits with their shotguns.

Bring it.

The thing I love about TF2 is that it more or less has some similarities to the conspiracies I sometimes post about.

I figured it was coincidence, now I know that it's just parody. (Gabe in the Masons would be lol anyway)


TOP: The Freemason Compass

BOTTOM: The Eye of Providence
The Eye first appeared as part of the standard iconography of the Freemasons in 1797, with the publication of Thomas Smith Webb's Freemasons Monitor.[5] Here, it represents the all-seeing eye of God and is a reminder that a Mason's thoughts and deeds are always observed by God (who is referred to in Masonry as the Great Architect of the Universe).

Though of course, when you've got the themes of secret families controlling every company in the world, and that of Engineers (Which would of course appreciate geometry) and the top-hats replacing everything means this is more just a poke of fun rather than a serious case of cultural conditioning.
Danimal you heard my call :O

The Illuminati may have their grips on Valve, much like everything else!

Or it might just be Valves idea...
Well technically Valve worship a top-hat as their god, if this wasn't a parody.
Frontier Justice should do less damage as well. That should balance it out.
Opposition weapon creator = Bob Dean/Bob Lazar

new announcer = Art Bell
I was in a server a couple hours ago, and someone got a golden wrench.
I really could care less about an exclusive item for once.
*Never plays engineer*
If you go back to day 0 (click the arrow) there's a wanted poster for John Booth, even though he supposedly died while rocket jumping up his staircase, but one of the diagrams also seems to be a device to prevent Lincoln's assassination. Did Lincoln use the dead ringer to cause confusion about his supposed death?
On the "Day 0" page there is also a pic of the old TFC team, and newspaper headlines saying that the Aussies will be in space by 1900...
****. I saw someone pickup that wrench in my game. Think it said it was the 34th or 38th golden wrench.
When someone finds a wrench it's announced to everyone on every server, not just his own.
Day 0 also shows an old-fashioned sentry gun on wheels...
If I knew how to craft, I might participate.
I played some TF2 back in the old days, when classes were straight and weapons were all the same. I could jump in a game and have some fun.
If I was to play it today, I would feel lost and disoriented.