English and Americans (thats right im back)

gh0st said:
I hate ... -purile childish patriotic garbage incduced ranting

i don't know whether to laugh or cry. you're everything about america and the rest of this world that needs to be flushed down the toilet, you and the other guy.

grow up.
Europe is the only continet with no deserts.

im not sure if I spelled that right....... Europe is the only continet with no large hot, dry, sandy places. Or the cold dry places.

They do have after dinner treats :)
Dedalus said:
i don't know whether to laugh or cry. you're everything about america and the rest of this world that needs to be flushed down the toilet, you and the other guy.

grow up.

if your going to use big words like PEURILE, maybe you should spell them right. im serious, it takes a genuine buffoon to think that i actually hate all those countries. people shouldent hate countries anyway, if you hate anything hate individuals.
gh0st said:
if your going to use big words like PEURILE, maybe you should spell them right. im serious, it takes a genuine buffoon to think that i actually hate all those countries. people shouldent hate countries anyway, if you hate anything hate individuals.

hey kiddo, firstly, don't talk to me about spelling words incorrectly, do you have any idea how long i've been awake? bet you had to pay a visit to dictionary.com and find out how it was spelt. secondly, you want me to believe that you've posted that in the hope that someone will think 'oh he's just joking'. i've noticed you doing this in other threads too, you'll write something so ****ing stupid then two posts later take it back, other times you don't even respond to it. just makes me sick. the last six words of your second post apply.
I love you ENGLANDERS!!!!!1111on3
Well i like every country... except for Grenada, nothing personal i just have this weird phobia of shrapnel wounds... I'm glad we get along so good... If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, and if it wasn't for us you guys wouldn't have half life :)
yeah yeah, here comes the canadian. I'd hafta say US and Canada are actually quite close aswell. Its just not very televised. For example, canadian and american army are always training together and we have officers traded back and forth. Also, the second in command in iraq is actually a canadian general from winnipeg i believe, he's in charge of something like 120,000 yanks. As for british, blair pretty much set up the big get along by helping out with iraq and whatnot. Its pretty much just dependant on the 2 leaders liking eachother. When Chretien was prime minister of canada, bush didn't even acknowledge him, but now that martin is in, in the first week i heard bush talking about him.
Hmm.. here I come to ruin the mood....

Out here in PT, we dislike Americans. Really, theres a gen consensus that americans are uncultered assholes. You see, until 1975 we were under dictartorship and all the way since it was installed in 1932 until its fall in 1975, we had a few of colonies, that in the last 25 years, seeing their buds gettting freed by the other european Empires, revolted and begun Civil Wars. When it fell, we ended up freeing them since the New Regime was agaisnt Imperialism.

Anyway, the the thing is - USA were a colony that just like ours, fought back. So - USA are assholes.

Notice - I do not agree with such consemption, I believe that, however Americans have some crazy stuf like allowance to have guns and consequences, they're a ppl as dumb as all others. Not morem not less.
Here in New Zealand there's a general consensus that everyone hates Australians. Reason being they won't shut up with the sheep shagging jokes.
gh0st said:
if your going to use big words like PEURILE, maybe you should spell them right.
i haven't read any of this thread, nor will i, but i haven't picked on gh0st in a long time, so i thought i should point out that it's actually spelled PUERILE :thumbs: (and, no, i didn't need a dictionary for that).

ahhhh.. i love the smell of irony in the morning..
Bad^Hat said:
Here in New Zealand there's a general consensus that everyone hates Australians. Reason being they won't shut up with the sheep shagging jokes.

Well, how about good old "Fish and Chips", then?


No, seriously, if New Zealand didn't exist, I wouldn't have my Footrot Flats comic collection :thumbs:.
Sprafa said:
Hmm.. here I come to ruin the mood....

Out here in PT, we dislike Americans. Really, theres a gen consensus that americans are uncultered assholes. You see, until 1975 we were under dictartorship and all the way since it was installed in 1932 until its fall in 1975, we had a few of colonies, that in the last 25 years, seeing their buds gettting freed by the other european Empires, revolted and begun Civil Wars. When it fell, we ended up freeing them since the New Regime was agaisnt Imperialism.

Anyway, the the thing is - USA were a colony that just like ours, fought back. So - USA are assholes.

Notice - I do not agree with such consemption, I believe that, however Americans have some crazy stuf like allowance to have guns and consequences, they're a ppl as dumb as all others. Not morem not less.

Well not all Americans are uncultured assholes.... Just our leaders, actors, musicians, civillians... oooh, now i see why you hate us. But rest assured, we love you! :smoking:
EDIT: and not all Americans have guns, i live in the red neck capitol of America and my family has never owned a gun, well i had throwing stars but that doesn't count :) Why does everyone think that everybody in America packs a pistol around. We don't, just are criminals do. Makes the mugging a little more interesting, who wants a knife wound huh? Gun shots are far less painfull...
I said allowance to have guns, not "they all have guns...
Well the ironic part is most of the people who are allowed to purchase guns (law abiding citizens) don't own them... And the criminals and felons who aren't allowed to own them, have them. Not through legal purchase mind you, they run guns on a "black market" and steal them whenever they can but you see what i'm saying.
BlackWolfdrk said:
mind you the americans are really english
And german, spanish, swedish, norweigan, somalian, south african, french, algerian, nigerian etc etc
Varg|Hund said:
And german, spanish, swedish, norweigan, somalian, south african, french, algerian, nigerian etc etc

add canada to that too lol. Back a while ago those britts went crazy exporing. Colonies comin out the wazoo.
typo vs mistake. he shouldent use words like that if he cant spell them anyway, makes him look stupid :).
craigweb2k said:
I have a lot of friends from america who I hold in high regard. Ironically none of them are from the southern states or the west coast.

makes sense to me.

we send the stupid ignorant people down south and the really weird hippies out west.
I love all americans who doesn't suffer from the IOAV complex.:P

IOAV = Ignorant Obnoxious American Virus.

I have ALOT of american friends, they're really nice fellas, but I've also met TONS of ignorant american fools, but, tbh, most of'em havn't been over 15 in age.:)
craigweb2k said:
I think its more a case of Bush is the biggest threat to planet earth since Hitler and Blair is pretending to be his 'friend' so that he doesnt start a world war by ignoring the U.N. and doing as he pleases.....

Oh, he already did that :$

Oh god. The idiocy.
Brian Damage said:
"Fish and Chips"

Substitute those I's for U's and you're a dead man :frog:

Seriously tho, Murray Ball is the man :)
Sprafa said:
Hmm.. here I come to ruin the mood....

Out here in PT, we dislike Americans. Really, theres a gen consensus that americans are uncultered assholes. You see, until 1975 we were under dictartorship and all the way since it was installed in 1932 until its fall in 1975, we had a few of colonies, that in the last 25 years, seeing their buds gettting freed by the other european Empires, revolted and begun Civil Wars. When it fell, we ended up freeing them since the New Regime was agaisnt Imperialism.

Anyway, the the thing is - USA were a colony that just like ours, fought back. So - USA are assholes.

Notice - I do not agree with such consemption, I believe that, however Americans have some crazy stuf like allowance to have guns and consequences, they're a ppl as dumb as all others. Not morem not less.

See my signature

But , please tell me hes really banned........ and what for.
Bad^Hat said:
Substitute those I's for U's and you're a dead man :frog:

Seriously tho, Murray Ball is the man :)

How about Colby Cheese, then? Fresh from the Fridge.

And that he is, that he is. Remarkably accurate observationist, too.
gh0st said:
typo vs mistake. he shouldent use words like that if he cant spell them anyway, makes him look stupid :).

i could think of a few elloquent words here, some words to put my intentions in a better way, but really you're just a dick. end of story. i look stupid because i mispell one word?! take a look at all your posts, maybe you'll wake up and realise a few things. i know it's impossible for a stupid person to realise that they're stupid, but at least realise that you are infact ... well just a dick really. i wish there were a roll eyes puke smiley combined with a laugh and an overall feeling of genuine worry for the amount of stupidity on display from you. you carry on and you'll get as good as you give.
golly gee whiz i wish that i could think of a few eloquent words like you did. i think you fail to realize that i dont care what anyone on the internet thinks of me or my opinion. its not like i come here to make friends with you dedalus. the last time i checked no one is forcing you to read anything i write... so why even bother with that ape-like attempt to insult me? its pretty childish that you are trying to start a big flame war with me because you cant take a friggin joke.

i also fail to realize why IM the dick here, when you start stuff by not using your damn head. learn to take a joke "kiddo".

edit: and a joke that wasent even directed at you. :sleep: get out of society.
Brian Damage said:
How about Colby Cheese, then? Fresh from the Fridge.

And that he is, that he is. Remarkably accurate observationist, too.

How about Pavlova? We invented it :flame:
Even a thread about the friendly relationship between two countries falls victim to trolls and childish name-calling.
Errrrr.... yeah....

Why was sprafa banned!?!?!

And you know I WILL make a whole new thread about this if we don't get answers lol. I have done it twice before.....
Hmm...My sources tell me that it was only a two week ban for the cure-homosexuality thread...

So with some hope he will be back soon!
We love horses!

EDIT: Nevermind, the zerg beat me to it.
Hmmm, yeah ok.

Two weeks is harsh but I guess there could have been other things too.

I don't think he even realised that he was being offensive you know. Kinda sad really. But I won't get into a discusion about that again...........
Most english people hate americans, but thats cos most of them are stupid dare i say it :(. I used to as wel but really its not the people , its the system
Bad^Hat said:
How about Pavlova? We invented it :flame:

Did you? I wouldn't know.

Would you like a bucket of water? You seem a little... ignited.