Ennui and the Reverend Make Cake

Cormeh said:
I'm a horrible person, I can see that picture of Momclown right now.... :laugh:

Awesome- Now we have an idea for the photoshop contest for this week
As far as I know, the brown ones cost more. For no real reason. Same contents.
TheSomeone said:
Any special ingredients? :smoking: :naughty:
It was considered, but my parents were in attendance and we didn't want to spand $80 on a cake either :D

It's a white cake because we also made a black cake (chocolate, that is).

That one's gone already though.

Also, Dreadlord, ****in' LEET.

I'm pretty sure brown eggs are free-range?

Which is why they cost more?
Sulkdodds said:

I'm pretty sure brown eggs are free-range?

Which is why they cost more?

They don't. I work at a supermarket. Brown eggs are generally from a local farm or company, whereas the white eggs are more expensive, and come from a larger company, that distributes to an entire region.
Is that LemonKing's mom in that picture on the fridge...
Why would you put that there o.O
rofl. i was going to say 'that's a buffalo', but you were referring to the other one.
Reaktor4 said:
why are american eggs white?

It depends on the chickens..

Rhode Island Reds/Plymouth Rocks - Brown eggs (Black and white chickens, or brown chickens)
Leghorn - White eggs (White chickens)

I think there is only like 10/150 species of chicken that lay white eggs, the one I said is the most common, though..

I got both different kinds of the brown egg layers, I'VE got brown eggs. My Dad says the brown eggs are better for your health....

BTW DreadLord1337, free-range are not doesn't matter, it depends on the wieght/colour/size of the egg.
Woot! Ennui's makin' a cake! :D
Make it a <3 cake. With an enormous <3 symbol on it.

Also, watching Dreadlord's and Sulkdodds' avatars next to each other is something like taking LSD (or so I would imagine) :p
So are brown eggs like, an acquired taste, or what?
Is that baby ennui I see on the wall?
Hmm... I thought you looked different, but you're just the regular skinny PC gamer :)
You bumped a month old thread for that? @ Siacker
Wouldn't you like to get one of THESE blood samples under a microscope?

Dude, ennui, make some cookies next D:
Hmm. Bowtex won't be around for a week or two, and cookies are too dangerous and risky to handle alone. The future awaits!