Entangled in Entanglement



I've done the game on Easy to the end, now going thru in Normal. After the scene setting up the 3 turrets in the jail on both corridors and finally wasting all the combines on either side, Alex shows up and takes me down to the next level in the hall where it goes dark and then the combines throw red flares and all hell breaks lose.

Alex was always behind me as I moved forward into the hall, then when it went dark I reversed and went back through the doors to the section before the hall. I then stand behind the double closed doors with my shotgun and wait for the combines to open the doors so I can pick them off like a turkey shoot...easy and totally satisfying :D

Then I run up the hall and finish the other 3 combines. Now I'm stuck. To go further, I go up the stairs on the left, down the next set of stairs and nothing is open to proceed further. So I need Alex. I retrace back to the hall and finally back to where I set the 3 turrets which were initially on my side are now trying to take me out! I knock them over, and there's Alex standing in the corner of this area saying "sorry Gordon" or "excuse me Gordon" as I move towards her. And that's it....nothing more. How do I get her to take me back to the hall and finally to let me through to the next level?
reload a previous save game, other than that, pass.
Don't u hate it when u have to reload? Ok...going back to a previous saved game...I love setting up the turrets anyway :D
Why do people immediatly assume that if people are getting bugs or a glitch in game that its a pirate version, even the official versions have their share of bugs and glitches as we all know, i wish all these assumptions would stop.
How true Sgt. I have a totally legit purchased version of the game, yet I wander into the odd bug from time to time, but usually I can at least advance where in Entanglement I was completely stopped. Oh, and didn't realize I mispelled Alyx's name...thx for the heads up Domokun.