Enter the Tribes - HL2 MoD


Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
Please note that this mod is in production and is not just an idea

Enter the Tribes is looking for more artists to join our crew. We are making good progress but found out that some great artist work(modellers, texturists and concept artists) was needed. We are also searching for another sound guy to make this mod even more realistic.

Though additional coders and mappers are always welcome if they know what they are doing

Let me start out by explaining the most essential things about this mod(curtain aspects are left out).


For several years two tribes have fought for their place in the jungle.
The two tribes are way different from each other. One tribe is of warrior nature and the other one is a peaceful tribe trying to defend itself from annihilation.

Due to this the appearances of the two tribes are way different, but none of the tribes are better or more powerful than the other tribe, they simply have access to different weapons and abilities.


The mod takes place in a jungle, the first official maps are made to look as a chain of islands but could just as well take place in the amazon jungle.

The map units have been scaled down making the map way bigger than the usual size you normally see.


Players spawn in the village of their selected tribe. In this village players are able to build new huts, which gives access to new weapons/tools,defensive structures and armor/shields. To build all of these items/huts players will have to gather ressources around the map in the form of wood and stone.(will be explained later)
Building structures will not involve players placing wood together etc. but simply by handing in collected ressources. As a village get more huts more NPC characters will start moving around the village making production of weapons, player spawn time etc. faster (depending on what huts is being built ofc.) This way people will be able select what huts will benefit the tribe the best, you can compare these huts with upgrades to the player since they will either be able to spawn faster, get access to better stuff or somewhere midway with a bit faster spawn time and a few better weapons.


When players spawn they will only have the simplest weapons aswell as a few huts available. To be able to progress further and build up their tribe players will have to gather ressources in the form of wood and stone.

Wood shouldn't be that hard to explain, players will have to go chop down i[a curtain type]i of tree and gather wood from it. After the wood is gathered players have to move it to the tribe village. The village will contain a ressource drop spot making the ressources available for the whole tribe for either new weapons or for improvements of the village.

Stone is gathered near rivers or near mountains. Players will have to bring stone back to the village just like wood and place it within a ressource drop spot for players to be able to use it. Stone is mostly used in weapon creation and are a necessary component for making great damage benefits to various weapons (will be explained later)

People carrying ressources won't be able to carry any main weapons. They will only be able to use the simplest weapons and are therefore weaker against enemy attack. Protection of your supply line is therefore important for the survival of your tribe.

Should the unfortunate thing happen that players are killed carrying ressources back to the tribe, the ressources will be dropped on the ground where they died. An enemy player (or an ally) can then go pick up the ressources, having to drop their main hand weapon to be able to carry it.

Both tribes will have ressources placed fairly close to their village, but better wood (tree's that drop more wood than the normal ones) and stone(larger concentration of stone for easier picking) can be found around the map making it a more dangerous run for ressources. After chopping down a tree it will take a little while before a new tree will be able for chopping at that spot, so if a game lasts long ressources might not be as accessable as in the beginning and you will have to do dangerous runs for more ressources.


In a map there is usually a few outposts that can be captured by the tribes. These outposts can offer healing and small aid in the form of another spawn point(though this makes one less person spawn in the village, but closer to the enemy instead).


I will not go into details of the damage and such of the weapons but they will include:

Various Axes
Various Spears
Bows/various arrows
Various Clubs
aswell as other weapons, making it all a fun melee combat game.

Winning Condition:

The normal FFA mode will be to kill the other tribe. Though a point system will be added including points for kills aswell for holding control of outposts and/or destroying enemy huts. However the mod is mainly made for FFA because due to the larger size of the map small 5 man teams won't be able to have as much fun because of the time it takes to get to each others tribes. We would recommend 10 man teams instead

Contact information:

I can be contacted through my e-mail [email protected] or MSN: [email protected]

Our website is currently under construction but is located at www.enterthetribes.com

- I must adress that a lot of extra info has not been added as i thought it would be a shame to let everything be told about the mod =) new team members will ofc. be introduced to all aspects of the mod.
Could you shed a little light on what the current members can do?
3 x coders 1 x concept artist 1x sound guy 1x character modeller