Enterprise: Temporal Cold War Media Release


Jan 15, 2004
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Seemingly, the team behind the upcoming Star Trek mod "Enterprise: Temporal Cold War" have a pretty calculated idea of how the first generation of the Enterprise's crew got tangled up in a tense yet supposedly uneventful conflict. I say only "seemingly" because as soon as my eyes fell upon the rather extensive concept writing for the mod, I read the words "Future Guy" followed by something about an unpronounceable faction working in collaboration with Nazi Germany, then closed my internet browser, vowing never to gaze upon such a page again. I'm not a Star Trek fan, you see. [br] [br] Well, if you're up for a challenge, head over to the Enterprise website and read the fiction for yourself. Everyone else can just look at these pictures from their latest media release. Hell, you're probably doing so already, as nobody bothers to read these news posts anyway. [br] [br] Sui out. Insert ninja emote here. [br]

When -guy is used used as a naming suffix, I too am similary unthrilled.

Evil Guy
Satan Guy
Necrophilia Guy
Murderous Barbarian Guy
Grandmother Rapist Guy

They all just sound like slackers. Given a choice between a six-pack and their professions, I think they'd all pick the former.
Of course, you'd be ignoring the fact that they weren't the ones who made it up. Watch the recent Enterprise series and there you shall find the answers you seek :)
Oh god. Oh jesus. There's actually an Enterprise episode with someone called "Future Guy" in it?
Oh god. Oh jesus. There's actually an Enterprise episode with someone called "Future Guy" in it?

I don't think he was given an official name, probably a fan name. But still, the mod team didn't make it up
Please whoever posts the news... don't post information unless it is correct... as this can be quite distructive, as the posts above have proven....

I would like to request, that if someone reads some text on a forum that is posted by a member of the forum and NOT a team member, please do not post it as NEWS, as that is not our script, that was posted by somone who thought they had some idea about script writing..... I would just like to clarify, that we do not have any FUTURE-GUY in the script for the mod, nor do we have any NAZIs.....
Though all that stuff happened in the actual show. Especially the alien faction working with the Nazis part. They were purple and had red eyes. I watched it, sure. Proud? Not very. I still say that this mod still has to worry about getting "Foxed".
I truly hope this mod isn't raped in the ass by the evil force of fox.
Please whoever posts the news... don't post information unless it is correct... as this can be quite distructive, as the posts above have proven....

I would like to request, that if someone reads some text on a forum that is posted by a member of the forum and NOT a team member, please do not post it as NEWS, as that is not our script, that was posted by somone who thought they had some idea about script writing..... I would just like to clarify, that we do not have any FUTURE-GUY in the script for the mod, nor do we have any NAZIs.....

It was on your site, not your forum. I suggest you remove it.
I do apologise, where you gleaned the information is not a script, but an actual time-line of the series and the temporal cold war that is on the main site as a mini wiki (basically filler content). The actual script is set in the time-line, but is a side story within the scope of the temporal cold war, but not included in the series. So no, no Nazis or future guy in this mod.... or is there...??? hmmmm