Entire Tamriel landmass built into Skyrim


May 5, 2004
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The landmass of almost all of the provinces in Tamriel, has been put into Skyrim. All which are inaccessible(without console commands) and which serve absolutely no purpose in the game. Why are they there? I personally don’t know. But take a look at the effort Bethesta put into these seemingly pointless landmasses.

pretty awesome (morrowind DLC?)


Morrowind isn’t the only province that has been made in Skyrim. As far as I know the majority of them are there. I’ve only been able to get access to Morrowind, and Cyrodiil since my game loads them slowly, and I don’t have the patience.

Just past the mountains of Morrowind, you’ll find the Cyrodiil landmass. As well as White Gold tower, located in the middle of the Imperial City.
I would be more impressed if it was to scale, but then again that would make the Tamriel absolutely huge.

At least if one considers Daggerfall accurate scale.

It's still kinda neat though.
i saw this on facebook and now and it gives me the heebie-jeebies, esp. the first pictures of the grass and trees. there is something shiver-inducing about that gate to nowhere yet the landmass beyond has been made to at least be somewhat believable with the foliage. i remember getting out of the map in halo 3 and there was something so creepy about wandering around these massive expanses of mountains with no one around. there was even a lake or resevoir beyond one mountain, completely hidden from the players view. crazy.
i saw this on facebook and now and it gives me the heebie-jeebies, esp. the first pictures of the grass and trees. there is something shiver-inducing about that gate to nowhere yet the landmass beyond has been made to at least be somewhat believable with the foliage. i remember getting out of the map in halo 3 and there was something so creepy about wandering around these massive expanses of mountains with no one around. there was even a lake or resevoir beyond one mountain, completely hidden from the players view. crazy.
This. Reminds me of a few areas cut from but still included and pretty detailed in Shadow of the Colossus. One of them being a gigantic dam that is normally shrouded by fog to the point where you can make nothing out, but through hacking can be explored. Fully detailed, huge, eerie as hell. And in New Vegas. There's a vast expanse of absolutely nothing on a set of handcrafted terrain on one part of the map.
(morrowind DLC?)

Morrowind was referenced quite a bit in Skyrim, it wouldn't surprise me if the devs had "morrowind fever" and decided to set a DLC there, or whatever.
That's pretty awesome. Every day I'm more tempted to get this game (but omgschool).
Its just a big hight map which was prob all made in one go and stuck on so its cool but not lot of work. Looks like its only the part of the game used for narrative is arted up
Exactly. It was the same case with Oblivion, they probably just used the same heightmap to generate the basic terrain and then built up Skyrim.

As for New Vegas: the empy terrain referenced in this thread is actually just terrain generated based on USGS survey data that was never intended to be used. Since heightmap generators can't generate ovals, Obsidian kept it in.
Ah, so those were automatically generated?
Yes. Every Gamebryo game has been generated out of a heightmap initially. Imagine having to handcraft every bump :P
Chances are they used something similer to world machine - They use WM at creative assembly to build all the terrain. Its pretty simple to use.


I used it for an art test at CA but didn't get the job... bastards!

World Machine and Terragen are both awesome terrain generators (and much more)!

http://www.planetside.co.uk/ - Terragen 1 and 2, I've only ever done a few things with 1, and that was many years ago.
I don't understand this, could you explain?
They use some type of terrain generator to create hills/mountains. This impresses people who don't have a clue about how to make games, but actually only takes a few minutes, plus some extra time to tweak it. There is almost zero chance there will be any DLC that uses it, but you never know.

A heightmap is a 2D black and white image. The white parts are high up and the dark parts are low down.

