Entry / Art Contest #1: Jangle

ok, so everybody knows it was my idea, mines gonna be a collage, not quite sure what its gonna look like, but im off to take some photos now :)
ok, im kinda stuck for ideas.
Heres one of my images:
Oooh, i love the eye with the clock and computor chip :D looks very cool. However i don't like the way it's all jagged around the edges... maybe you could blur it into the background?

Oh and it needs a pencil :laugh:
noo its not finished, silly.
thats just one of my images. Im gonna put them all together in some kinda collage, i just dunno how yet.
heres a half finished idea i have. Since its the ONLY idea i have, i think im gonna follow it.

I´m probably not supposed to ask what it means,as it is an surreal image, but I guess its got something to do with homework and daydreaming. :P
Nice setup. :)
isn't it an eyeball not an eye? Oh well, argue it out with TDE
Druckles said:
isn't it an eyeball not an eye? Oh well, argue it out with TDE
It's an eyeball or more than one.

An eyeball and a pencil must exist somewhere in the image. I'm pretty sure I said somewhere having a face doesn't apply (too easy anyone can just stick a head in and use that only)

Good, because I don't want a face, I want a real living, dying, moulding, decaying, bleeding eyeball
With something stuck through the centre
ohh no , ive gone and entered it now. So that doesnt count as an eyeball?
no, but it was real good, delete your post :P
Druckles said:
Knew thered be an argument
He might be ok, the eye is almost disembodied, to a point.

Anyway its down to the votes really.

I'm overjoyed how popular this contest seems to be so far, if you guys keep this up then these are gonna be great fun :):):)