envelopes and weight


Mar 29, 2005
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one question about this. when i go to edit envelopes and i stretch the radius so it touches the character mesh....it goes right from blue to red. i want to make it more subtle so animation wont look awkward at the joints. stretching the bubble in the middle (strength) seems to be ineffective. anyone know of a way to fix this?
Read the manual?

Seriously, a lot of the stuff you ask here is adequately covered in the manual, or online tutorials. You might want to try looking for yourself before you ask for solutions.
eh i accidentally figured it out. i was searchin for about half an hour looking for my answer. i eventually figured out that where two envelopes overlap and share vertices....the strength is weaker. i never read that anywhere....and what manual are you referring to?
The manual for your microwave.
Which manual do you think?
you could mean 3d studio....unless there is a specific half life 2 modeling manual that i dont know about....which would be terrific.
The problem you stated is not a specific Half-Life 2 modelling problem.

I suggest that you look through the manual and tutorials that came with 3D Studio. They're there for a reason.
Pi Mu Rho said:
The problem you stated is not a specific Half-Life 2 modelling problem.

I suggest that you look through the manual and tutorials that came with 3D Studio. They're there for a reason.
You know asking someone to read a manual they may not actually have is just asking for it ;).

you know what I'm referring to.
In which case, it's not really a problem for these forums.
i read the manual to my microwave and it was no help whatsoever
I will explain a bit about Verticie Weighting. Normaly when you have a character/weapon/vehcile/ or *something else* they require bones to move with a specific heirarchy assigned to them. However making the mesh move with the heirarchal skeleton requires a "Skin" process in 3DS MAX. So to explain what a few things in "Skin" does, first you have your envelope, the outer one includes the verticies in the area, the inner one gives the strength of the pull of the verticies that are included. Now this works through the color of it, it goes from [weakest] white/gray/haze blue/blue/dark yellow/yellow/orange/red [strongest]. The the color of it determines how the bone pulls it, normally solid objects stick with red all the way, organics use a mixed amount of colors depending on what is moving. You can always adjust the verticies weight through the weight table and it has guides to what values you can give your verticies, now when two envelopes are sharing the same verticies they both will move that verticie but the strength depends on which has more of it. Lastly you can include or exclude verticies amongst your envelopes.
see theres the answer i was a lookin for....but im finding two things very difficult - the elbows and hips are very difficult to tweak and make look right. moreso the elbows, since there arent as many vertices there to manipulate. i opened up the alyx model of 3ds and even the guys at valve did kind of a crappy job at making the elbows on her.
O.K for that you will want to have the lower arm bone grab up to the middle part of her elbow, give the verticies you want to flex nicely a low strength number, you will probably want the verticie to appear blue or dark yellowish and have it gradually get stronger as it goes down. That should make it move but not as stifly. Same concept for hips except use the upper legs and work with the pelvis bone I belive (Could be wrong.)
for the hips i made the front part that creases on a diagonal have a real strong....strength. it abruptly goes into the pelvis. this makes it so the pelvis doesnt deflate or collapse when her leg bends forward. as the crease moves more toward her hip area and away from her groin....the strength is decreased. worked nicely. as for the elbow....i got the elbow itself working nicely....but the part where it bends inward is what im having a problem with. if you bend it enough....you can see parts of the forearm and bicep stick through the elbow. just gotta work on that and the skin should be alright.
Give the inner part to the upper arm, so that way it folds into it, not with it. Then it's set.