ep 2 and 3, what do u think


Jun 20, 2006
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i was just woundering what yal think would happen in ep 2 and 3, i dont have a very good idea, but i have been woundering does alyx die??
No idea what will happen even at the end of Episode Two (It's gonna be too awesome), I think there's gonna be a plot revelation with virtually all the prinicipal allied characters, perhaps pertaining to what is in that message and some kind of set-up for the events of the Third. Sometime in the Second we'll run up on a crashed Advisor pod and there will be some kind of news on Breen (who's to say, there wasn't a 'back-up' of sorts of his mind in a host body?).

As for Episode Three, possibly we'll be going to see what Mossman's project is, and surely there will be G-man. The following is an educated speculation...

I think the setting will be a transit to and around the Artic Base or else a new City (one far worse than City 17, given that the Combine in other cities are clamping down on any signs of resistance following the rebellion), or even someplace off-world? (Episode One was about a relationship between you and Alyx, Episode Two is about new and open and large-scale environments, Episode Three... only Valve knows). Given that we reach a new safe hub for the resistance at some point in Episode Two, we could possibly teleport to anywhere on the planet in Episode Three, hell, we could even return to the smoking, radioactive wreckage of City 17 (but that seems unlikely).

The more I think about it, the more we don't know about Episode Three... the mystery and the suspense is exactly what Valve wants in Episodic gaming... sure we know what's gonna be around for the next episode... but the one after?
In Ep:3, we will surely have a crowbar duel with G-man. Maybe we meet/fight with the great boss of combine, the one that the all-knowing vortigaunt mentioned. It will be a large fight. Imagine, the gigantic body which blackly metal armored, long tentaclar arms, the sharp teeth and mouth which shoots lazer...

No idea what will happen even at the end of Episode Two (It's gonna be too awesome)

Ep:2 will end up with Alyx and Gordon make love on the bed. Alyx turn off the light. And Ep:3 will be the other day after sexual intercourse. :p
Half-Life had room for a sequel, equalling Half-Life 2. So far, this seems as if this might be the end of the series, not unless they create a event in Ep. 3 to make another game.

Although, I think this might be the end to the HL series, topping it off with a horrible movie, like with every top-selling game with a decent storyline now-a-days.
TheGMan said:
Although, I think this might be the end to the HL series, topping it off with a horrible movie, like with every top-selling game with a decent storyline now-a-days.

I don't think our beloved Valve will let that happen
Gabe Newell has even said that they wouldn't want a Half-Life life movie because of bad scripts. I think he said this in an Ep1 interview.

If I were you I wouldn't worry about it happening because it probably won't happen.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Half-Life movie, with all the great writing in the games, it could turn out to be one of the better movies made. But, I thought Doom was horrible, and now I won't even touch the game. I've heard that some movie writers are stealing a few idea's from Half-Life, though.

But yeah, I honestly think this might be the end of the Half-Life series.
I think the episodes will lead to Half-Life 3. And after a long struggle everything will make sense, The Gman, The combine, and theres the final dramatic battle, and Alyx and Gordon get married have little freemens everywhere and in the end gordon declares that apple pie is the best
In an Interview, Valve said...."The episode's count as HL3, but who ever said about ending HL story?" this means Ep3 IS NOT the end.
In an Interview, Valve said...."The episode's count as HL3, but who ever said about ending HL story?" this means Ep3 IS NOT the end.

Sincerely, I hope it's that. Though they may not call half-life 3 half-life3, perhaps half-life: The XXXXXXX
they could keep going after 4 eps. lik6 eps or somthing then for the last battle is on the combines homeworld, after taking down the the most feared combine you face the head of the combine, after taking down the head combine, you find a out the combine ,arent the only feared empire of there galaxy ... :D
If there is a half-life 3, it should take place entirely on another planet. The 3 episodes we have here could tie up the earth based story quite nicely but next I imagine Gordon heading off to where the threat came from in the first place to make sure it can't happen again! I really loved the Xen scenes in the first game and can't wait to see some more weird alien archietecture later in the series.

Oh and that satellite you launch in Half Life 1? wtf is all that about? ;)
EP3 will probably take place in the artic (kraken(sp?)) base and have alot to do with the prodject, as long as the g-man doesn't interfeer.
My thoughts:

In Episode 2 there will be a start coming off the train. Some moving north towards the artic base in search for Eli and Isaac. In the middle of the game, we will depart from Alyx and be on our own for a while. That is when we meet up with the G-Man again. As for Episode the only thing I can say, in all seriousness, I'm thinking suprise ending with HL3 trailer.
I think it would be interesting if we found out Gordon isn't the only one working for the G-Man, and you realize he sent out another worker to track down Gordon...kind of Opposing Force-ish, but it would be interesting. Although I could be wrong, it could turn out terrible if that happened.

But in all honesty, the Valve interview about the episodes mentioned that the episodes are about how the G-Man has lost control over Gordon and the cosequences of that. No matter what it's going to be interesting to watch unfold.
I think Episode III will be perhaps the last we see of the Combine we know and love from Half-Life 2 + Episodes. Valve has already said that with Episode III the current story arc comes to a close. I think in every one of the Half-Life major releases though we'll play Gordon Freeman. I think by the end of Episode III we'll know a lot more about the G-Man.

In Episode IV which Valve has strongly hinted at I think we'll be looking at another jump forward (or backwards) in time.
In the last game of half-life, Gordon takes the fight to the combine homeworld after the combine have been eradicated from Earth. He causes destruction like everywhere he goes and triggers a massive explosion that destroys the entire world and then he transports out at the last second or dies with the whole place. And the gman he was just a rebel vortigaunt. Nevermind that, gman is too cool to be one of those lame things or be predicted at all.
Well I think that in Ep2 you will fight your way to that artic base, and the package that you and alyx found will be some weapon wich you use to defeat the combines on earth. So at the end of Ep3 the combines will no longer have any power over earth. Further on in HL3(4?) you must defeat the hole Combine emipre using massive armys ( hopfully :p). And I also think that there will be a HL3 ep1 instead of a new game cuz it will take them like another 6 years to make a new game (and thats too long even if its as good as HL2)
Sorry for Very VERY poor english
for me i think ep 2 will start out in a forest bye the train which might get destroyed in the big boom, in ep1
and you will be in a little river floating, and then you climb on land, the game will take control of the camera, then you find lots of recage and then your search for alyx begins, i dont have a clue for the rest, [its gona be too awesome :p ]
and in ep3 its gona start in the artic base, then at the end the combine will retreat to there home world, and then gordon goes cyco[ play the song that goes *i wana get cyco* and he goes on a rampage, and crowbars all the combine into each others asses, thats all i know, then new aliens will come
for me i think ep 2 will start out in a forest bye the train which might get destroyed in the big boom, in ep1
and you will be in a little river floating, and then you climb on land, the game will take control of the camera, then you find lots of recage and then your search for alyx begins, i dont have a clue for the rest, [its gona be too awesome :p ]
and in ep3 its gona start in the artic base, then at the end the combine will retreat to there home world, and then gordon goes cyco[ play the song that goes *i wana get cyco* and he goes on a rampage, and crowbars all the combine into each others asses, thats all i know, then new aliens will come
