EP 2 = Serbian landscape??



Here are some pictures of somewhere in serbia and montenegro that looks like episode 2 landscape.

I think that Gordon is travelling all the time. City 17 is some where in Balkan. The last destination is maybe Bulgaria


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Looks very similar, but I don't think it's where it's set in the game, Just the idea was taken from a certain area of woodland, and turned into somewhere else (white forest)
Where are the striders and gunships? Besides. HL2 is modeled after a Eurpean landscape is it not?
The climate seems different, it all looks rather southern-ish in comparison to Ep2 landscape.
Looks pretty similar and we don't exactly know how far Alyx and Gordon traversed at during ep2 as we spend a lot of time in the mines and could have emerged anywhere, even a different country.
Hasn't it already been said: City 17 is fictional! It's in a fictional place, in a fictional country, and you can't say where it is! Why don't you read other so similar threads on it!

Oh, and yeah, nice finds.
We're outside City 17. How can City 17 not be in a real place but outside it can be? Sure, it might be based of similar places, but it's not the same place.
Sweet Jesus that's some beautiful scenery. Damn the media for corrupting my view of Eastern Europe.
It's just a normal bridge... Geees.......
I've visited Serbia and Montenegro two years ago. Balkan have more warmer climate than Episode Two landscape, it's more dry, almost without evergreen trees. In some interview Valve said that Episode Two landscape was based on Estonia.
Yeah correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the branches on pine trees ever point downwards like the ones if Half Life.
We're outside City 17. How can City 17 not be in a real place but outside it can be? Sure, it might be based of similar places, but it's not the same place.

Well Europe exists in the HL universe. As far as we can tell City 17 is a made up city in a real country. It's at the very least in a real continent.
No, I mean if White Forest were actually to be assigned a position on the globe, City 17 would also need to be assigned a place. But it's not. We already know that. So White Forest is not set anywhere specific. Just East Europe.
The trees in Ep2 look more like spruces to me. I couldn't quite find any good photos, but I've seen many which partially reassemble the ones in game. These were mostly older trees in bigger forests, I suppose the weight of their needles and cones is what makes the lower, bigger branches hang down, however the tip would never form in the way you see it in the game.
I guess Ep2 trees are just a combination of itneresting features of many different trees, like most of the things we see in HL2 locations.
You know you love a game when you're having in-depth conversation about the development process of its trees.
Lmao! You forgot the second rock to the right :p
It is posible since the overwatch nexus is based on the parliment of serbia building (see wikipedia)
Generally there's a lot of spruces in northern Europe which means Scandinavia, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania + that third one, Russia of course, Hungary, Serbia...it's a very common tree around here. If you really want to guess the place you should look at general topology of the area since because of ice age Ep2 can't be set on Finland for example since Finland is nowadays rather flat while Norway has too high mountains to fit in there either.

Then again obviously Ep2 can't start more than a 10-30km away from the Citadel because we see it in the beginning of the game. Which kinda brings everything to point one: Ep2 is a game set on an environment that resembles something distinct but isn't actually set there.
After looking at the location, architecture, maps, etc.... the closest city I can reference City 17 to is Odessa, Ukraine. As you move out of City 17 in Episode 1, the scenery begins to look closer to areas of Bulgaria... mostlly Sophia, the capitol.

As for Episode 2, the outdoor areas are very much like the Cascade mountain range in the Pacific Northwest.
Well the type of grass that's shown in Ep2 only grows in the Baltic States.