EP2 achievments

Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
The achievement Payback, thats where you have to kill a hunter with its own flechettes. How do you do it? Also The One Free Bullet, how do you take down the gunship with only one rocket? On another note, someone was trying to tell me that you were allowed to use more than one rocket but the achievement says one bullet, crowbar, grenade, and one rocket.

Edit: Dang i spelled Achievemnets wrong in the thread title.

PS Edit: spelled Achievements wrong there ^^^ too hahahah.
The achievement Payback, thats where you have to kill a hunter with its own flechettes. How do you do it? Also The One Free Bullet, how do you take down the gunship with only one rocket? On another note, someone was trying to tell me that you were allowed to use more than one rocket but the achievement says one bullet, crowbar, grenade, and one rocket.

Edit: Dang i spelled Achievemnets wrong in the thread title.
I would try grabbing a log or barrel or other medium-sized props, use it to "catch" a Hunter's flechettes, and then sprint up and hold the prop against the Hunter when the flechettes explode.
I would try grabbing a log or barrel or other medium-sized props, use it to "catch" a Hunter's flechettes, and then sprint up and hold the prop against the Hunter when the flechettes explode.

That was my first thought and i went ahead and tried it but it was difficult because it kept ramming and killing me.:LOL:
You're also in the wrong forum section, but whatever.

It's not actually that hard. I think the fletchettes are programmed to explode if the physobject they're on impacts with the Hunter - you don't really need timing or anything.
You're also in the wrong forum section, but whatever.

It's not actually that hard. I think the fletchettes are programmed to explode if the physobject they're on impacts with the Hunter - you don't really need timing or anything.

Yeah sorry about the forum my bad:eek:
I've done it many times, just punt the object with the fletchetts at the hunter straight on and it gets him.
Episode One. You gotta use the single bullet to blow the lock in the Underground Garage, and then for the rest of the game you can only use crowbars, gravity ammo, grenades, and rpgs.
They have achievements for EP1 now? I never saw an update for it. Or is it for xbox
Episode One. You gotta use the single bullet to blow the lock in the Underground Garage, and then for the rest of the game you can only use crowbars, gravity ammo, grenades, and rpgs.

Your only allowed to swing the crowbar once and throw one grenade and use one rocket.
you can use as many crowbar swings, grenades, rockets, or grav gun kills as you want, just one bullet. It's not that bad
My Xbox must be malfunctioning because its telling me I can only use one bullet, one crowbar, one grenade, and one rocket hmmm what an odd Xbox.
"Beat Episode One firing exactly one bullet. Grenade, crowbar, rocket, and Gravgun kills are okay!" you're just reading it wrong, it says on bullet, period. then it tells you the others are fine
"Beat Episode One firing exactly one bullet. Grenade, crowbar, rocket, and Gravgun kills are okay!" you're just reading it wrong, it says on bullet, period. then it tells you the others are fine

On that note im going to leave, pick up a hammer and begin to start bashing myself in the face until I can read sentences with puncuation.

Jintor, im sorry for questioning your greatness
In the section before closing the silo doors, you'll meet a bunch of hunters. There are white container looking things lying around. They're pretty big so they work. Pick one up with the gravity gun. Then wait until they want to fire (you hear the noise. annoying thing is they don't want to fire when you're holding it up :p). Then crouch and point the barrel at them. You'll hear the sound the flechettes make before they explode if they've hit, and often you'll see some on the side. So fire it back at them. Voila. Don't wait too long, otherwise it's not an instant kill.
Hopefully, us PC players will be gettin one free bullet this week as well... :D