Episode 1 as Half Life 2?


Jul 15, 2006
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Has anyone ever mistaken Half Life 2: Episode 1 AS Half Life 2?

I told a friend of mine about Half Life 2 and he went and got Episode 1 thinking it was HL2. I'm not very fond of these Episode names. Probably would have been better if they called it Half Life 3: Episode 1 etc.
Here's how it goes:
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Half-Life 2: Episode 3 - TBA!

It's not that hard to make the difference - Half-Life 2: Episode 1 is an episode FOR Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2: Episode 2 is an episode for Half-Life 2 again and so on.
I know the order of the games. Thank you.

But it's not completely unfounded to mix the two up IMO. Because Half Life 2 in of itself is pretty much three episodes (like EP1-2-3 will be like one game). So HL2: Episode 1 being mistaken as the first game is understandable. Esp. for someone that knows nothing about the series. He also got the game at a used video store and I believe that was the only one they had. So was just wondering if anyone else ever made that mistake.
Senior members of Valve have said that in retrospect, they would have titled the episodes "Half-Life 3".

There's little they can now do about it.
Remember the days when Episode One was called "Half-Life 2: Aftermath"? That's where it all started.
Remember when there was going to be an Episode 4?
Has anyone ever mistaken Half Life 2: Episode 1 AS Half Life 2?

I told a friend of mine about Half Life 2 and he went and got Episode 1 thinking it was HL2. I'm not very fond of these Episode names. Probably would have been better if they called it Half Life 3: Episode 1 etc.

I think it's a complete valid mistake to make. Sure, it's easy for us because we know the names and order of the releases but for an outsider, how would they know there was a game before Episode 1 with Half-Life 2 in the title.
I was A YEAR LATE to play ep 1 because I thought it was the same as HL2
Yeah, it's a rubbish naming scheme. Since you get the entire run in the Orange Box, it's less of an issue these days.
I remember a friend of mine asking why they remade Half-Life 2 in two episodes. Needless to say I *facepalmed*.