Episode 1 Performance


Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
This is rather strange... I preloaded Episode 1 on both my computers, and whilst it worked perfectly (save for one crash) on my PC, it never advances past the main menu loading screen on my laptop. It just sits there with the "loading" picture waiting for the citadel splash map to load. While my laptop is not the best, I found this bizarre is because all other Source games work perfectly. I thought perhaps the .gcf had gone bezerk, so I cleared local data and downloaded it all anew, but to no avail. What gives?
What happens to me every time I load a new Half-Life game, is that I get the same freeze the first time the game tries to load something, and it is because my firewall is prompting me to give permissions to the program, but I can't see the firewall dialog because it is "behind" the game. What I do is start clicking around on the bottom right corner of my screen where the OK button would be on the firewall dialog.