Episode 2 delayed?

Delay doesn't bother me as i have recently replayed HL2 and completed Episode One so diving into Episode 2 now would be a slight overdose. Time to play some other games and then return next year fresh and prepared for some Half-life 2 goodness.
People who say the are glad they will be getting EP2 later are lying or Valve fanatics. Nobody in their right mind wants to wait, the entire point of waiting is that you want it now. You're happy that Valve are taking the time to polish it but you do really want it now.
I always had the idea that it was sheduled for feb 2007-wasn't it?-...So to me nothing new ;)

MMm...the longer the wait...the greater the desire, but also the greater the expectations :naughty:
Quarter 1 sounds like an excellent time to me. I'll just have to make sure to have a little cash saved up after the XMAS season. :naughty:
uff who would have thout it, wasnt it obvious it was gonna be delayed like all other games...
I was getting so happy about this, but I guess I'll be able to focus a little more my Senior year without it.

Look at the timestamp on the original post you retards :P

It was slated for Q1 2007 since August.
People who say the are glad they will be getting EP2 later are lying or Valve fanatics. Nobody in their right mind wants to wait, the entire point of waiting is that you want it now. You're happy that Valve are taking the time to polish it but you do really want it now.

Well said, I agree completely. IMO, I don't mind waiting a bit longer too much, gives me more time to finish games I haven't completed already.
People who say the are glad they will be getting EP2 later are lying or Valve fanatics. Nobody in their right mind wants to wait, the entire point of waiting is that you want it now. You're happy that Valve are taking the time to polish it but you do really want it now.

That is one very large portion of bullshit. There are people who have college, or have work, or have alot of stuff going on this Christmas. Some people would not have the time to play it now, and find next year more fitting with their schedule. I'm pretty sure everyone would want it right now to play, but people can't always do that.
Im glad its coming out early next year as I will have the 360 by then and will be able to buy the entire bundle instead of plowing through it with a crap fps on the pc
Last year, I had 6 months of military service starting in December so I had really hoped EpOne would be delayed. And it was! In fact it was released in the day I returned home :)

And this year, I'm playing World of Warcraft and some part of me is really happy that EpTwo is not coming this December. Yes, Samon is right.( surprise?;) ) I would like to play it now but i wouldn't enjoy it as i will in February.
Argh, the train is late. Again.
YEAH. AGAIN AND AGAIN. Now it's august, probably.
no matter wether you want to play it now or then, we have democracy. You spend your 'service' (rumsfeld suxx bush suxx die buschs(,) müssen sterben. Olmert auch.), but most people probably hate, that VALVe now has it delayed for a three quarter year so far. And nobody knows why they were aiming towards some 'september'-style date, while it's the 'when-it's-done'-way nowadays.
Just remember that Half-Life 2 did arrive eventually. So will Epi Two, even if it takes 12 years.
Well, I didn't mind it bumped back till Q1 2007, but too bad about the release date being put back again.
That is one very large portion of bullshit. There are people who have college, or have work, or have alot of stuff going on this Christmas. Some people would not have the time to play it now, and find next year more fitting with their schedule. I'm pretty sure everyone would want it right now to play, but people can't always do that.

No, *that* is bullshit.
Well, now i'm gonna say something horrible. I think i'm actually glad about new release date. Burning Crusade is is out in January 16 and it would mess my plans for Ep2. Summer 2007 release date however, works perfectly for me. :) I can understand people who aren't into trouble WoW hating Valve pushing back. I was upset at first too.
No, *that* is bullshit.

No, no it isn't. Quite simple really. I know I have things to do, more important things to do, and next spring would be a suitable time for me to play. Now it has been delayed to summer - fair enough, I'm sure that suits some people to a tea since it'll be their holidays.

I could care less whether it is delayed.
Samon's right. I've got a *lot* of studying and the like to do, and, as was stated, the holidays means I can play it in all its uneducationnol glory, and without intteruptions from school!
No, no it isn't. Quite simple really. I know I have things to do, more important things to do, and next spring would be a suitable time for me to play. Now it has been delayed to summer - fair enough, I'm sure that suits some people to a tea since it'll be their holidays.

I could care less whether it is delayed.

Then those people can skip buying the game until they have the time, and those of us who'd like to play it when it was supposed to come out could've bought it then and played it then.
Dude it's only like 5 hours.

but with portal it is likely around 8-10, and TF2 can supply throughout the rest of the holiday. It will allow me to focus more, rather than thinking about what happened when like I was with HL2.
Either way, it wonj't becoming out till then and theres nothing we can do about it really. Besides, there are other things, movies, games, books, h/w, school and all kinds of stuff to keep me busy till then (like Gears of War and Knights of the Nine!;) )
Wait what? As far as I know, portal is meant to be about 3-4 hours (so like 2 hrs for me :(). You're right about tf2 though, but it doesn't interest everyone.
What? I thought team-fortress was the glory olde days. Why not port it? Anyway, remind me that I keep referring to the officialy announced sequel of tfc as tf:*source* and not anything else. Right? Great, now, if you excuse me, I gonna have a little wanky-spanky while I wait for ep2.
Then those people can skip buying the game until they have the time, and those of us who'd like to play it when it was supposed to come out could've bought it then and played it then.

No, because than those people would feel terrible. Best keep it nice and fair!
means I can play it in all its uneducationnol glory, and without intteruptions from school!
See, that's why I wanted it so much to be Q1 07. Perfect way to spend second semester of senior year. :p
i hope some random guy will hak into valve and leak the ep2 like wut they did w/ hl2 :D
i hope some random guy will hak into valve and leak the ep2 like wut they did w/ hl2 :D

You know what will happen then. All the stolen copies will crash at the point where the random scientist says "Gordon, we cracked the message! It says--"
Best just to hope the game comes out before I die of old age.
People who say the are glad they will be getting EP2 later are lying or Valve fanatics. Nobody in their right mind wants to wait, the entire point of waiting is that you want it now. You're happy that Valve are taking the time to polish it but you do really want it now.
Personally, I don't mind that it's going to take longer and, if it makes the game better in the end then I think it's better in the long run.
Of course I'd rather it wasn't delayed but if it's beneficial to the game and the experience then it's only a good thing.
Besides, there are more things to life - who cares?
Sigh, I thought anybody might copy my words into his signature. Anyway, I do not study, therefore there's nothing I can say about when it's the time to release ep2, so people will have finished semester/ started vacation, what ever.
Ps: No, I am not afraid to show the world *my* habbits, I am not afraid to show the world everybody's habbits either.
Besides, there are more things to life - who cares?
You do.
Of course I'd rather it wasn't delayed
And alot of other people. Sure, I'd rather wait if that meant I'd get a better game. Which it probably does mean, in this case. But if I could get this great game right now or in Q1 2007, just as great as it'll be when I get it next summer(hopefully), I wouldn't moan about that.