Episode 2 physics completely broken


Companion Cube
Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, so a few months back I started my 3rd or 4th play through of Episode 2, this time on my new machine. At a couple of points, I began to notice a bizarre and irritating glitch, in which physics objects or ragdolls, when toppled over, would glitch through the surface of the floor then start to bounce and skid all over the map. It's like the physics rules suddenly start to treat the ground as if it's made from spongy ice. Needless to say it kills immersion. It would sometimes fix itself on save/reload, but by the time I got to the turret section at This Vortal Coil it was happening without fail, making the game unplayable since the gun turrets themselves would start to fly off the map.

It's actually very similar to a bug that once existed for me long ago in TF2 on my old machine. During one period soon after release, I noticed that dead players would often glitch through the floor or slide all the way across the map. This must have been fixed in a later update, since I've never seen that problem again in that game.

But I just fired up Episode 2 again and the more recent bug with this game is still there. I had been leaving it alone for a while since I had been assuming that Valve had busted the game in an update, like they've done a couple of times to HL2, and that a fix wouldn't be long in coming.

So what gives? Can anyone else reproduce this problem and if not, can you recommend a fix? (If you feel inclined to test this for me, start a new game in This Vortal Coil and play until the first antlions appear - if you're having the same problem as I am then their flailing bodies will be skidding along and through the floor towards you before the first wave even ends.)

C2DE x9100 3.2Ghz
9800m GT
Vista Home Prem. x64
I tested it on mine and all's working fine. Make sure the "cl_ragdollcollide" command is set to zero as i heard that command screws up the physics in Source 2007 games
Damn, that could well be it, since it's set to 1 in my autoexec.

EDIT: Brilliant, that seems to have fixed it. Thanks a lot.
well, this problem was sorted quickly. one post!