Episode 3 Changes

if i don't get a new gun or two (and i mean a real ****ing gun, not just some paper to the combine's rock) i might not play this one. at least not with out cheats so i wont have to look at the ugly as sin weapon skins from 4 years ago. I mean seriously, how many MP4s are there in the world?

A hunting rifle would be a nice addition, if we're in the forest.z
An ice pick... i seem to remember this from the leaked beta.
Another SMG, or maybe even a carbine.
A rocket launcher replacement, cause seriously how many rockets could there possibly be from city 17 to the borealis.
Oh and a soviet pistol.

Also, Zombie Bears. I want some ****ing zombie bears.
So basicly you want a gun that does the same job as the revolver, a weapon that does the same job as the crowbar, a weapon that does the same job as the SMG/a weapon that does the same job as the AR2, a weapon that does the same job as the rocket launcher and weapon that does the same job as the pistol.

Just download some custom skins, seeing as that's all you want.

And zombie bears are a ****ing stupid idea.
And zombie bears are a ****ing stupid idea.

Picard is not amused.

If Alyx is going to take any sort of role in Episode 3, I hope they fix her fingers. They are really horrible to look at, I remember sending an e-mail to Gabe about it and Marc Laidlaw sent an e-mail back reguarding it.
If Alyx is going to take any sort of role in Episode 3, I hope they fix her fingers. They are really horrible to look at, I remember sending an e-mail to Gabe about it and Marc Laidlaw sent an e-mail back reguarding it.

LOL!, please show us that email, i believe you but id like to see their reaction...
That'd be one of those nice little fixes that you'll see, but won't really remember what it was. (Which is a great thing for the series.)

I think they should fix everyone's hands. I notice in the scene at the Citadel, where Breen has everyone hostage, his fingers bend in weird ways, and it has always irritated me. :/
I noticed the same thing when I first played HL2...everyone's fingers look a bit odd. They curve like there aren't bones in them.
LOL!, please show us that email, i believe you but id like to see their reaction...

The email wasn't anything special, all it said was "We appreciate the time for your input." and it took a full month to respond.
The one thing I'd like to see changed for Episode Three is the player's walking speed. I know it makes no difference to the combat, but I like to participate properly in the little 'cutscenes' and it just feels weird to be running around while everyone else is walking. I know there's a button you can hold to slow yourself down, but it makes almost no difference and the other characters still move at half your speed.
One thing that I would like to see is:
-large maps, without the loading.
-Better visual effects (not necessarily texture detail)

Nothing would be more satisfying than to be travelling on a snow-covered road, through a snow covered, coniferous forest, riding a ski-doo for miles on end whilst watching a beautiful aurora overhead....

....only then do you crash into the tree because you got distracted