Episode 3 speculation

Someone thought that it might be possible for an EP4, but that's not going to happen. Newell said in a videointerview that there will be an episodic triology, EP1 EP2 EP3. Then "after that.. well I can't tell you that yet *laughter*".

But earlier he made it seem fairly certain of a 4th installment to be developed by an outside studio. Perhaps a side story to tide us over until whatever comes after from Valve. 7 Hour War could work.
I hope we can smash those fat Combine Advisor bodies with the crowbar, just hacking parts of bodie apart and finally put the crowbar into his brains :-/
Am I the only one who doesn't want to read, watch, hear or anything about episode three?
I mean, we all knew someone aws going to die. By the end chapter it was obvious it would be eli. Perhaps, if we hadn't known someone was going to die, it would be even more of a shock?
it was so bloody obvious with the "i condsider you the son i never had" and "please have sex with my daughter" and "we have lots to talk about" that eli was gonna die.

they might as well have had him dress up as a policeman and say that its his last day on the force.
China has a similar flag. I say the logo on the helicopter is a fabrication made up of various design elements from known communist/former communist states to further reinforce the 'soviet' feel.
True that:)

But then it could be from korea too right??

Anyway, it's not anything i wanne discuss, that would be pretty dumb since i agree with you. Im just psyched that half life 2 plus the episodes so far are said to take place in europe, since im from denmark myself.
Dumb i know, i just think it's awesome=D
I've wondered myself whether the Borialis wasn't an accident at all. If it does have a version of the GLaD system on board and that version is equally aware then perhaps it spirited itself away?
The communist style flag seems to be just that, it seems unlikely that we'll get anything close to a match but seeing it makes sense and a good fit with all the other eastern european references.
I've wondered myself whether the Borialis wasn't an accident at all. If it does have a version of the GLaD system on board and that version is equally aware then perhaps it spirited itself away?
The communist style flag seems to be just that, it seems unlikely that we'll get anything close to a match but seeing it makes sense and a good fit with all the other eastern european references.

I'd like this option too. Sort of defunct test sequence observator which decided all the sudden that to make sure the tests aren't affected by random outside variables it just better to teleport the entire thing inside an iceberg in some very, very cold place.
Am I the only one who doesn't want to read, watch, hear or anything about episode three?
I mean, we all knew someone aws going to die. By the end chapter it was obvious it would be eli. Perhaps, if we hadn't known someone was going to die, it would be even more of a shock?

I feel ya, but speculating about how the plot will expand is too fun to miss out on, I just dont watch any trailers or anything. But really, Valve shouldn't have said that someone will die in EP2, and kept that until people play it.
Whatever the ending will be, i hate good games to end, but good games allways end...it's the way of life.

Valve have struggled so hard to create an emotional bond in their games, ralistic characters, relations, it will be a crime to just 'spit' on all this gold and say 'episode 3 will end HL2 plot, end of story!'.
It will be really stupid, just to cut out Gordon Freemand and stick it to an absolutely new plot starting from HL3. HL2 was based on the events of HL1, so i expect HL3 to be based on the events of HL2. We'll see character development as we saw in HL2 and the episodes (so far). I'm very sure, and confident, HL3 will continue the HL2 storyline...but...i'm not sure which of our beloved HL2 characters will Valve decide to preserve and further develope. Hope they don't make a mistake that will cost them our disappointment.

I just hope Hl2 will NOT end the stupid old way of us fighting in a boss-battle with all other major character die in the process of ep3 with only Gordon left. Pliiiiiiizzz, Valve! Don't make another one of these all-the-good-guys-should-die-to-save-the-world-just-to-look-sentimental endings! I believe in you!
EP3 is a mysterious episode (HEH, like all the episodes rnt!), we dont know the truth of the death of eli; will he live or will he jus ditch us and go find another game to star in, borealis isnt explained that much, its powers and its purpose.... advisors are like INVINCIBLE and keep sticking u to the wall like a chewed gum, and we dont know WTH does the gman want, peace, war, fun, bbq sauce on his steaks, watever it is. valve is makin us wait more and more until we form a riot!
Yeah, they like to keep us waiting. But i remember after the end of EP1 i was more eager waiting EP2, than now waiting for EP3. Maybe because EP1 was the turning point where humanity already have a chance to win, and maybe much less was known about EP2 than now for EP3. We know alot about EP3 already. The place of scene, the characters involved (possibly, if new ones appear from somewhere :p), the main target of our adventure. The thing we don't know for sure is the ending.