Episode 3 trailer - where? me? noob? Yes, you.


Dec 30, 2007
Reaction score
when it comes are u gonna see or wait till the game comes out???
see it.....then wait till the game comes out.

then complain about where the trailer footage is in the game. :-D
Thanks. I have just told all my friends that an Ep3 trailer has released.
Thanks, I just contacted eleven thousand MSN and Steam Commununity contacts saying the EP3 trailer was out.
Thanks, I just called Queen Elizabeth II, Vladimir Putin, Hu Jintao, Evil Lincoln, E.T. and Isaac Newton's ghost saying the EP3 trailer was out.
Great, I just said that the Episode three trailer was released to Eli Van- Oh whoops!

It's like a nuke. The "ep3 trailer text" hits you with all the visual glory of a nuke, then the radiation n shitz hit you and you scream and cry..
Preface such titles with "When is " or die.
Thanks, I had just called my momma saying that the ep3 trailer was out... damn...
The combo was broken long ago. Also laughed @ new thread title.
Yes. But I liked it and wanted to do my part ;(
Am I the only one who clicked the thread NOT expecting a trailer?
Gabe said that it will not come out for a while, so save your nerves!
Me too. I don't expect it until L4D release.
If Valve release trailer that will be known of welcome page :p
The only recent commercial I know of is...

The Orange Box one...

Which obviously has nothing to do with EP3...