Episode One Information

Suicide42 said:
It was the "origin" of the disaster. As a result, the area around the test center may be completely scarred with hundreds of portals, and the land itself could be almost identical to Xen :p
Except for it being a radioactive crater.
Hmm, haven't heard anything about Eli in the game, I assume he'll be in there though.

And it looks like Gordon will be the star of future Episodes, considering the quote "episodic content will conclude the half life story" (why else would they use another character). I just don't want another "G-man snatches Gordon and puts him into stasis ending" in AM. Also, I don't know why everyone is so opposed to episodic content. The quality will be higher than a larger release, they even said AM is markedly richer than HL2. We will get them sooner than a halflife3. This is like playing it in small snippets. I'll miss the long jaunts of hl1-2, but this is for the best I think.
Max35 said:
Hmm, haven't heard anything about Eli in the game, I assume he'll be in there though.

And it looks like Gordon will be the star of future Episodes, considering the quote "episodic content will conclude the half life story" (why else would they use another character). I just don't want another "G-man snatches Gordon and puts him into stasis ending" in AM. Also, I don't know why everyone is so opposed to episodic content. The quality will be higher than a larger release, they even said AM is markedly richer than HL2. We will get them sooner than a halflife3. This is like playing it in small snippets. I'll miss the long jaunts of hl1-2, but this is for the best I think.

I completely agree. I want HL3 just as much as everyone but I would rather wait some years till it is released on an even more dynamic engine (plz lose bsp format kthxby). Between then and now valve could either give us nothing, or give us some supplimental episodic games to play. I'd rather play something instead of sitting around with my thumb up my ass waiting for HL3.
bbson_john said:
I dislike the dim light. It makes the whole environmental graphs and models lose LOTS of detail. I hope the environment in the true game will not be as dark as the one in screenshot.
Yet, I am looking forwards to seeing the release of Episode 1.

I doubt it's really that dark. Perhaps the screen was taken with HDR on, when Gordon's eyes are adjusting to the light.
ríomhaire said:
Except for it being a radioactive crater.

Crater + Radiation + Portals to Xen = perfect breeding grounds for all sorts of horrible monsters.
Max35 said:
Hmm, haven't heard anything about Eli in the game, I assume he'll be in there though.

Eli can be seen in the Aftermath trailer.
I hope they update the source engine with new sexy shader technology... parallex mapping FTW ! :D

Max35 said:
Also, I don't know why everyone is so opposed to episodic content. The quality will be higher than a larger release, they even said AM is markedly richer than HL2.
We'll see how it pans out. theres nothing at all to say the games will be better as a result and being shorter they could come off as less fullfilling. Also it's not like Valve would say its "less rich than HL2"
OMG! not Kliener....They got Kliener brainwashed too? What in the heck is this world coming to? Better bring my big guns and have episode 1 a one drama episode.
so are the stalkers going to be the only new enemies introduced in this chapter?
NeoNight said:
so are the stalkers going to be the only new enemies introduced in this chapter?

I wouldn't rule out that they're the only new enemies. Considering what we saw crawling around the Citadel during our little pod ride, it's entirely possible that Stalkers aren't going to be the only new things making an appearence. Who knows what kind of crazy crap could be inside that ominous steel structure....

Smigit said:
We'll see how it pans out. theres nothing at all to say the games will be better as a result and being shorter they could come off as less fullfilling. Also it's not like Valve would say its "less rich than HL2"

The games wont necessarily be better because they are shorter, but they will most certainly be better for the simple fact that Valve has gotten better at using the tools they created to sculpt HL2. Also, shorter iterations of gameplay should allow for better tuning of the overall story, since Valve can actually gague consumers reactions and act accordingly. The whole reason Valve focused on 'believable characters' was because of the unexpected way that players bonded with barney and other npc's in Halflife1. With episodic content, Valve can take those happy accidents (which ALWAYS occur when creating things), and use them to their fullest advantage much sooner.
NeoNight said:
so are the stalkers going to be the only new enemies introduced in this chapter?

one of the first screenshots released of AM showed combine with orange glowing eyes. That's new. Plus the big insect like tank's crawling around the citadel, and new scary stalker. Those are at least three new enemies...

Dodo said:
one of the first screenshots released of AM showed combine with orange glowing eyes.
And it has green/tan armour. THE BLACK AND TANS ARE COMING D:
Finger said:
The games wont necessarily be better because they are shorter, but they will most certainly be better for the simple fact that Valve has gotten better at using the tools they created to sculpt HL2.
Wasnt referring to length. All I meant was we will know they are better when we get them, until now we can only speculate as having a bettter grips of the tools doesnt necessarily mean a better game. I dont doubt it'll be fun but and I hope ep2 isnt too far behind.

As for my comments regarding story, the thing there is they are aiming to have each episode as a stand alone yet keep a greater story going. Hopefully the episodes individual flow wont be executed in a way to compromise the overall story as a whole or vice versa. Will be a balancing act that one.
WTF? It is NO surprise the Citadel is still up. Have you guys forgot about this shot?
