Episode One Preview Now Online

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
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A few weeks ago, we reported that print magazine PC Zone, had an in-depth preview of Episode One in their magazine.[br]Unfortunately, I haven't read the magazine myself, however, I believe they have now published the article on their online-sister publication Computer and Video Games.[br]Even if it isn't the same one as was in the print magazine, this article certainly is very in-depth, and although doesn't really contain any new information from that which we've already reported, it's certainly worth a read.[br]Click here to read on![br]COMING SOON: Halflife2.net catches up with Doug Lombardi in a Q&A session. We should be getting Doug's answers back soon.[br]G-Man voice: "WE'LL SEE... ABOUT THAT!
COMING SOON: Halflife2.net catches up with Doug Lombardi in a Q&A session. We should be getting Doug's answers back soon.
*Quagmire-style* Alright...
The first link sends me to Microsoft's website, WFT?
ríomhaire said:
The first link sends me to Microsoft's website, WFT?
Just know this Riomhaire, be happy. It sounds as if the vortigaunts are eventually going to become the new power and take over everything in the half-life universe.
Cant wait for the interview! Any idea when it will be released?
Raziel-Jcd said:
Cant wait for the interview! Any idea when it will be released?
Depends on Doug's schedule.
as i recall, that was one of the first screens that was released a long time ago, only now it's shrunken down and it has funkier lightning.
evil^milk said:
as i recall, that was one of the first screens that was released a long time ago, only now it's shrunken down and it has funkier lightning.

It looks like they messed around with the colours in Photoshop to make it brighter and visiable.
Its the colorcorrection gui. You can use it in Source.
It's a goddamn preview. If you're worried that it contains spoilers, don't read it.
Actually that odd shot looks like it takes part during one of GMans little talks, much like the one at the start of HL2.
It's one of the first that was released but edited in Photoshop so you can see it better. BTW I didn't notice before but the new Combine soldier has the 'seashell' logo, to this point only turrets and vehicles had that one IIRC.