Episode One Still Dated May 31st

russ_uk said:
you take valve for word every time you LOOSER

I do? Really? Are you sure? Last time I recalled I don't take any developers word about a game coming out on a certain date unless the game is gold. Nice try though.
I dunno if emac shold be banned for a week, he was responding to abusive comments from staff, as in here:

Originally Posted by Ermac
So chris_d, Does this mean that Episode one will Suck balls because it not delayed like the stolen version of hl2 before it was delayed and the first version of hl1 before it was delayed??? If they dont delay the game untill July it will suck major balls. That means they decided to cut a lot of features.


now that was a good fun thing to make fun of, it was responded to with this :
Smash ( staff guy) Oh God, you're making yourself look like an idiot. That was just such a stupid comment...

then you have Disturbed responding this way :You and polyguns need a holiday away from this site...FOREVER

right now, he makes what i believe he thinks its a serious post, others thought it was a great joke about chris d's perplexing commentary about endorsing a delay as better then no delay, and then no delay as better then a delay. im not 100% but im assuming Ermac isn't american, since he used english enough to get his point across, but not get that it was a joke when he said this:
"I did not mean to pwned chris_d, I just think he right about what he said. If the game isnt delayed untill after summer it probably means they decided to cut some features or levels from the final game."

poor cat, he got some of the polyguns wraith im usually thrown for going against the grain around here, which is an absolute NO NO. Actually after this thread there will be the normal people not dealing with the subject matter at hand, but trashing me, like usual, but Ermac responded out of frustration of people insulting him, and ganging up on him. I know how it is around this place. if you post a point that the staff or senior members disagree with, they will assault you as a human being. its not a place where you can disagree on points without being disagreeable. if you disagree, you are fair game to be insulted. and as long as the people who are insulting you are on the "right side" of the issue, they get no retaliation.

Ermac was banned for calling people asses who had previously referred to him as "stupid" or "idiot" or polyguns "jokers" jesters whatever he said.

this is fostering an environment of bullying on the forums, yea, cyber bullying:p where if you have certain beliefs, you had better not share them. if you do share them, then staff, and members, will gang up to humiliate you, call you names, ridicule you. if you try to fight back, or concur with one of us in the "reject" category, then you will be banned. actually you will be banned for calling names after 5 people call you a name who get no punishment.

I don't agree with what Ermac said. Like i said i think hes not an english first person, and some people take the name calling personally, just like many of you will be creul to a fellow human being just for poking a bit of fun at a video game company, but name calling should never occur, wether or not you think its for the noble cause of defending Valve's honor.

I know these words will go right by the staff here, i dunno, maybe one might see the point, but theres often the mentality by staff and senior members of 'fit in or GO HOME", I hate seeing that kind of mentality anywhere. Ermac may have been wrong for calling ya'll asses, but I think smash owes him an apology for referring to him as "stupid" and "an idiot"

If you kids want to call people names, im here, I don't have to retaliate with other immateur namecalling. but some people will react when you insult their intelligence, as Ermac did. you can call me names in here all you want, the staff won't do anything....cause its me ;)
Words can't describe how wrong you are. Still, nice persecution complex you've got yourself there.

I'm still trying to get over the irony of your post yesterday, personally.
whatever pi mu, i was right that you would attack me personally though ;) predictable pi
IF you consider that a personal attack, then you have a very odd definition. It's also even more ironic seeing as you just went right out of your way to attack the staff of this site.

Get over yourself. You're acting like some kind of self-appointed arbiter of Justice and Right, when you're just another user albeit one that only usually pops up in order to lambast Valve and/or this site. So you can't really be surprised by the treatment that you receive, especially when everyone that treats you with negativity does so entirely on their own initiative. Maybe that should tell you something.
about ermac ;)

so....being called idiot and stupid by staff towards users is ok? in retaliation calling someone an ass isn't?
There's a reason we didn't take you on as part of the ZM team, Polyguns.

-Angry Lawyer
polyguns said:
about ermac ;)

so....being called idiot and stupid by staff towards users is ok? in retaliation calling someone an ass isn't?

Generally, it wouldn't have been a bannable offence. However, this isn't exactly Ermac's first time, and what he said was deliberately inflammatory - it was done with full knowledge of the reactions it would elicit, and with the intent of eliciting them.
Angry Lawyer said:
There's a reason we didn't take you on as part of the ZM team, Polyguns.

-Angry Lawyer

yea, i figured me not being teh fanboi had something to do with it. the person i was talking to was all like "dude your awsome": then go talk to the hl2.net staff on the team its 'no, poly doesn't fit in, he doesn't drink the Kool Aid!"

i always thought that, i just didn't want to insult anyone by suggesting it. Its ok though, still making monsters.

btw, just updated me site, still got some things to fix on it, but any suggestions now would be good before its teh finalized

Worked your magic on Citizen 132 as well, didn't you? There is a reason they aren't around anymore. :rolleyes:
good lord, tell me about it. well, one person can close down a mod if they own the rights to it. that one closed some 9 months after i quit though, so i can see little reason why.

man that was a long time ago. Im on a source project now i won't divulge as i don't want any retaliation against em.
Alot of people you've attacked in the past have been ZM team members without you recognising. General consensus is that you'd have just argued with everyone, all of the time.

-Angry Lawyer
polyguns said:
yea, i figured me not being teh fanboi had something to do with it. the person i was talking to was all like "dude your awsome": then go talk to the hl2.net staff on the team its 'no, poly doesn't fit in, he doesn't drink the Kool Aid!"

You know, that's really pathetic. There's only one member of hl2.net staff on the ZM team, and that's me. I wasn't even aware that you had been asked to join. Seriously and completely, get over yourself.
AL, I love to argue, politics, and games. And i dunno if i attacked anyone, i get abused ;) cause of my opinions on steam. but honestly, ive realised that just doing character modeling i never have to toouch source :D just get it to animators. don't assume that i didn't know that people i argued with before were ZM nad hl2.net staff. I pretty much knew all of that. but i can debate the reasonablitity of steam one day, then later that night whip out 2 zombie models no problem. I don't judge people on their opinions, just their production.

we are getting off topic, but real quick give me some site crits. this is the fastest response i can hope to get from 4 or more people at once
Pi Mu Rho said:
You know, that's really pathetic. There's only one member of hl2.net staff on the ZM team, and that's me. I wasn't even aware that you had been asked to join. Seriously and completely, get over yourself.
i said i didn't want to insult anyone by suggesting it. AL was the one who said it. , geez.

wow, way off topic now, Its hard to get over myself when you make everything in your response abotu me. i was origionally taling about ermac being insulted by staff and retaliating and getting banned for it. all you have to do is say 'its ok for staff to insult normal users" or " it wasn't proper for him to talk to ermac that way" or "we can do whatever we want and MUAHAHAHAAAHA, its our site MUAHAHAHAHA" all of which would have been acceptable responses
I think you'll find that I explained Ermac's banning several posts back.
i know, you did, and i can agree with it. but does smash get at least a verbal warning for what he said to ermac? i mean you have to admit, if smash was nicer to ermac, ermac prolly wouldn;t have said what he said. you think?
I seriously doubt it.
polyguns you come on a site about Valve and basically slag off everything they do, WTF do you expect peoples reaction to be? Especially when your gripes are as weak as yours, and the way you choose to put them across.

It goes like this:

Valve delays a game for whatever reason(games get delayed all the time btw)

You: "Well this must mean Source sucks and Valve lies - Comparison to game and engine x that isnt even out yet"

If you like these other companies so much why don't you lurk on their sites? Instead of trrying to illicit responses on the site and then stepping back and take the "woe is me" when you get the reaction you are looking for.
oh, you doubt it

what do you think smash? do you think that you prompted ermacs response at all? not that im excusing ermac, theres no excuse for calling people asses, or idiots, or stupid, theres no excuse for being mean to other people at all over such trivial things as a game release date. its just silly!

see pi^^^^ everyone else makes it abou me, why can;t I ?

has valve never lied? everyone lies. fragmaster thought they did. I never said source sucks though, I brought up that its not "nextgen" like people call it. unless your thinking playstation, then it would be good enough for the next generation of playststions. My point was crysis is next gen specifically cause ITS NOT OUT!! Source is "Current Gen"

i have said that BSP will be a dead technology one day soon, which it will be, its effecient for making a cube, but any complex geometry would need to be remodeled anyways, and soon it will be 90% models, 10% bsp. unless they create a cleaner way to make bsp editing. anything is possible. My hope is for modeling tools to be incorporated into editors for real modeling without need for compiling to test, more like realtime shders etc, to speed up development. spending a day to compile your map just to test it isn't an effecient way to work.

I don;t look for personal hatred as a reaction. I woldn't mind a bsp versus model debate and the pros and cons of booleon modeling. nor would i mind a discussion about online gaming distribution without it getting into personal hatred namecalling, or insulting peoples intelligence. same as i would like to see a mod get its work posted without someone insulting them for it.
n/o, but this thread gets the "thread of the month" award thanks to polyguns ;)

Now continue the bickering...
I think Chris_d looked like a bit of a dumbass rambling about delays and how he likes them, but frankly I think you bunch of ingrates should shut the hell up and be glad that he is committed enough to write anything at all. If it wasn't for the hard work of those boys - and people like them - you wouldn't have any clue what was going on in the land of gaming and wouldn't be able to start whining about it in the first place. So please for the love of God, if you have to whine and bicker: Do it to the mirror because it's the only one that cares. (that was both snappy and cheesy, I suck and rock)

Back to the topic...

Good to hear Lombardi is adamant about something. On the other hand it's hard to be confident when Lombardi is so sure :D

I am not really bothered about when they release as long as it's some time in the near future. I wish they would learn their lesson and just say a release date when they are a week from actually publishing it 100% for sure, but then every impatient toerag would have a heart attack every time a company refused to comment. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I think I hit the wine with dinner too hard, i'm jabbering a bit too much. I guess what i'm trying to say is: Awesome news on the release date being re-confirmed; if there's a delay boo, but I can wait.
Frankly, I find that comment ironic, given what you were replying to.

Anyways, yay for only 2 more months wait :)
polyguns said:
same as i would like to see a mod get its work posted without someone insulting them for it.

Welcome to a world where community input matters. A world where we are free, and should be free criticize things we do not like. If something is shit, then I'm going to tell them: It's shit. Its how things develop and get better. Can't accept it? Don't mod.

And I'd like to say that I find your constant mentioning of smash unnecessary. There is absolutely nothing wrong with smash's post. Nothing. Ermacs post was stupid, and truly idiotic. Ermac was an idiot, and now he's banned for being an idiot. Now everytime you mention smash, you can mention me.

You can criticize Valve all you like. You can criticize this site as much as you like. Its all you've ever done. You have come, and you've trolled. We aren't fanboys, we don't mind people having a go at Valve - I don't mind at all. Why should we? But when you barely string a sentence together, when your complaints are so downright stupid and the way you phrase everything is so damnright insulting - then it gets ridiculous, and people get annoyed, and then you claim persecution and list a great deal of things that are better. I mean, according to you Crysis is, and I quote, "Truly next gen."

Really? Because you've seen it in action? Its gameplay? Its story? Is that next gen? You haven't. And therefore you argument is obsolete. Nobody cares Polyguns, what you think. Why? Because you don't voice it appropriately and that pisses people off, like me.

One of these days you will be banned. Not because you spam, or shouldn't have an opinion. But because your a troll, and you've made it your goal on this forum to slander the site and Valve, steam, Hl2 - everything. And people have had enough. People have been getting away with things on this site for a good long while now, and its going to stop right now. Ermac marks the beginning. People are going to learn how to speak properly and how to treat people. You will not troll. You will not spam. And you will not flame.

If you step out of line, you are going to be banned. You get two chances. Your banned once, then if you step over the line again - your gone.
Although I agree with Samon for the most part here does anyone else think that he has gotten a bit arrogant lately?
Not really, its just that a few people in moderation have gotten somewhat tired of the goings on around the forum.

Welcome to a world where community input matters. A world where we are free, and should be free criticize things we do not like. If something is shit, then I'm going to tell them: It's shit. Its how things develop and get better. Can't accept it? Don't mod.

One of these days you will be banned. Not because you spam, or shouldn't have an opinion. But because your a troll, and you've made it your goal on this forum to slander the site and Valve, steam, Hl2 - everything. And people have had enough. People have been getting away with things on this site for a good long while now, and its going to stop right now. Ermac marks the beginning. People are going to learn how to speak properly and how to treat people. You will not troll. You will not spam. And you will not flame.

wow, that goes great with "delays are better then no delays but no delays are better then delays"

a world where we are free to criticize what we don't like but if you step out of line and say what we say is improper then you will be BANNED.

nah seriously guys, you can just say its your forums and you can't say anything critical of valve. its a free world, your site, make your own rules. but at least give an appearance of consistancy
whaaaaaaaaat? it's not delayed again? how unvalvelike!

this game's gonna suck!
polyguns said:
same as i would like to see a mod get its work posted without someone insulting them for it.
Try every other newspost ever.
Try criticism != insults.

Samon said:
Really? Because you've seen it in action? Its gameplay? Its story? Is that next gen? You haven't. And therefore you argument is obsolete. Nobody cares Polyguns, what you think. Why? Because you don't voice it appropriately and that pisses people off, like me.
Be fair on the guy. Crysis is truly next-gen.
It's just not coming out till 2007 at the very earliest, whereas HL2 is a year old. It's like complaining about how HL1 is nowhere near as technically good as Unreal Tournament 2003. Totally silly comparison.

EDIT: Aw hell, don't tell me Ermac posted again without me noticing! I didn't get the chance to say:
Shut up Ermac. Nobody likes you.
It's right that he's banned, considering his history of constant trolling, flaming and spamming.
I don't find Crysis truly next-gen. I look at it, and it looks very nice. Yes, its graphics are next gen, but I doubt the rest will be. I expect more from next gen than some pretty graphics and I'm not in anyway excited.
Next-gen usually just means engine. The engine is certainly next-gen.

Besides, even now few games have done 'huge non-linear first-person shooter'. The only examples I can think of are Operation Flashpoint and Far Cry. So the concept is still pretty fresh (and awesome).

Also, polyguns should not be banned, if only to kill allegations of moderator corruption or to prove that you don't need to ban EVERYBODY. He hasn't actually broken any rules (trolling = arguable).
I've had an interesting look at Ermacs post history. His ban has been extended.
thats what i thought next gen meant, meaning not around now. its truly next gen cause it needs a next gen os:p and dx10, and all that. i was simply talking about that turtlerock post talking about makin a nextgen game on source.

maybe we should move on to the topic at hand. how often before a game comes out does it usually go gold? a month, couple weeks? you think that it will go retail the same day it goes on steam?
When people say next-gen, I don't think of graphics too much, I think of gameplay, pacing and story. I enjoy great graphics, but thats not what lures me in.
Samon said:
Welcome to a world where community input matters. A world where we are free, and should be free criticize things we do not like. If something is shit, then I'm going to tell them: It's shit. Its how things develop and get better. Can't accept it? Don't mod.

And I'd like to say that I find your constant mentioning of smash unnecessary. There is absolutely nothing wrong with smash's post. Nothing. Ermacs post was stupid, and truly idiotic. Ermac was an idiot, and now he's banned for being an idiot. Now everytime you mention smash, you can mention me.

You can criticize Valve all you like. You can criticize this site as much as you like. Its all you've ever done. You have come, and you've trolled. We aren't fanboys, we don't mind people having a go at Valve - I don't mind at all. Why should we? But when you barely string a sentence together, when your complaints are so downright stupid and the way you phrase everything is so damnright insulting - then it gets ridiculous, and people get annoyed, and then you claim persecution and list a great deal of things that are better. I mean, according to you Crysis is, and I quote, "Truly next gen."

Really? Because you've seen it in action? Its gameplay? Its story? Is that next gen? You haven't. And therefore you argument is obsolete. Nobody cares Polyguns, what you think. Why? Because you don't voice it appropriately and that pisses people off, like me.

One of these days you will be banned. Not because you spam, or shouldn't have an opinion. But because your a troll, and you've made it your goal on this forum to slander the site and Valve, steam, Hl2 - everything. And people have had enough. People have been getting away with things on this site for a good long while now, and its going to stop right now. Ermac marks the beginning. People are going to learn how to speak properly and how to treat people. You will not troll. You will not spam. And you will not flame.

If you step out of line, you are going to be banned. You get two chances. Your banned once, then if you step over the line again - your gone.

Samowned. :D

I do hope we get some more control on this site when it comes to flaming and spamming. It's very annoying.