Episode One Trailer

Ahhh man this is going to be sweet on my new 32 inch LCD TV monitor.:thumbs: :cheers:
Cunni said:
Ahhh man this is going to be sweet on my new 32 inch LCD TV monitor.:thumbs: :cheers:
Mine too! :thumbs: HL2 already looks sweet as all get out on it!
The trailer was really good, I'm looking forward to this...
This will be the best game ever because of the simple fact, Alyx ****ing round-house kicks a zombie.
CodeFire said:
Why is gmans tie now red?

That picture of him in a red tie is old, very old.

As for the blue bubble, it is NOT in the same chamber where the dark fusion reactor is, therefore is not a teleporter, and therefore is not something being ported in.
Man I've soiled 3 pairs of boxer shorts since I first saw this news post.
OMG NERDGASM.:smoking: This looks wayyyyyyy action-packed.

GeorgeWLucas said:
What is the significance of G-Man with a red tie?

It's friday.
Praetorius said:
The "we'll see about that" is not the G-Man's voice...

Yes, it is. And it has been confirmed.

Useful Dave said:
When Alyx opens those doors, Just before the Strider carrieing Dropship look inside them, The Blue thing is the Hydra...

Nah, its not.
I might say AWESOME!

I find it a bit amusing that after we see the text "Available at retail everywhere on June 1, 2006." we hear G-man saying "We'll see about that."

By the way, if that's really Breen inside the blue thingie he has atleast gained some weight, maybe they are turning him to the marshmellow man so that he kind wipe out the City 17 easily.
Holy crapola. You're right.

On second thought, rain isn't a big deal. At least not streaks falling vertically. This does have more profound implications on the story, however...
The G-man sounding pissed off has alot more meaning now... The 'third power' that Valve mentioned recently has obviously toppled G-man from his omniscient perch.
Wow, I expected lots of posts saying

"Ha ha. Valve suxors, delay 1 day, wtf omg!"

Looks amazing, sweet site, me want. Can't wait for Ep1. I like the sound of "A journey beyond City 17" Xen wilderness in Ep2 everyone (on earth I mean). Also this comes out about 5 days after my last exam :D.
Anyone realises that both the HL2 trailer and this trailer plays for exactly 1:13? Weird.

Coincidence? I think not. :)
1'00" in-game footage
0'13" valve intro + valve outro

omg its true! :rolleyes:
theSteven said:
Did you know that CS:S is 1337MB :O
It used to be pre-militia+models update, now it's 1590MB actually.
Fantastic trailer!
Can I find somewhere this trailer in .mov (Quick Time) format? This damn .wmv doesn't work in my older computer... :(
Holy SHIT! That's freaking amazing! Man, and I thought I was pumped for it before... :O
The Hulk said:
Man, it took 51 seconds for me to download this. 51
It took me 188 seconds... ;(

Awesome trailer. I think I found a use for my tax refund. :afro:
Man, I'm definately getting this game. It brings back the good ol' memories. :) :)
heh I was sort of disapointed in the trailer since alot of it had been seen. I want a 5min one with new contentttt.

anyway no it wasnt bad but, just a tad short. Bring it on.
From the ep1 website:

Half-Life 2: Episode One features a new single player experience, plus two multiplayer games.

Any guess on what the two MP games will be? Don't say TF2... it'll make me laugh too much.
Yow - Alyx usin' some fine ka-ra-te skillz on those zombies! Kind of like bears. When most people come across a bear in the wild, they get a little sketched out. My ex girlfriend worked in Yosemite and after dealing with them for a long time, treated them like big rats - a nuisance to be shooed off. Looks like Alyx is getting used to dealing with zombies. (I wouldn't try to kick one!)
After watching the Trailer, I understand why it takes so long for Valve to build-up the game.
Will the game be released world-wide in May 30? Does it takes a few months before it reaches Hong Kong?
i realy dont get why that was so amazing to some people.

Alyx running around isnt revolutionary and 4 hours of her kicking zombies and other assorted supposedly vicous aliens..... is gonna get lame within 20 minutes.

Anybody care to remember why linear fps games dont feature NPC's that are with you 24/7?

Its becuase it gets dull and boring having to watch their ass all the time as well as your own.

not to mention the innevitable bugs with pathfinding.... or saving a game 2 seconds before some prescripted trigger happens and the dumbass npc runs smack into it everytime.
Is Alyx going to be with you the whole time? Well, okay. Just as long as she doesn't bring her resistance maties along so we can all try & squeeze down small corridors at the same time! "sorry, Dr. Freeman". "Yeah, yeah. Just get the f**k out of my way dumbass!".