To all those who ask why this and that isn't in as an achievement:
There's is a limit for achievement points on XBox360. Every new game must have exactly 1000 points worth of Achievements to collect, no more and no less. Later on several may be added like for example Gears of War (has gained 250 extra points for Achievements over time, now has a total of 1250 points worth of Achievements). Because of this limitation which is a publisher limitation set by Microsoft they really can't go above or below it and seeing there's 99 achievements already it's not very rewarding to try to get 5 more points for your amazing feats, especially since usually one gets 10-35 points from one achievement alone.
There's is a limit for achievement points on XBox360. Every new game must have exactly 1000 points worth of Achievements to collect, no more and no less. Later on several may be added like for example Gears of War (has gained 250 extra points for Achievements over time, now has a total of 1250 points worth of Achievements). Because of this limitation which is a publisher limitation set by Microsoft they really can't go above or below it and seeing there's 99 achievements already it's not very rewarding to try to get 5 more points for your amazing feats, especially since usually one gets 10-35 points from one achievement alone.