Episode Two Story



My take on Episode Two's Story

Hi, first time poster (on this site anyway, i'm a member on steam, gamespot, HLFallout and IGN) and i've posted this on every one of them. Just tell me what you think. Criticism/Comments wil lbe appreciated, thanks.

• The Introductory Sequence will begin with a zoom in on the main Half Life 2: Episode Two title. As the title fades from view a zoom in over a countryside (from the air) will commence. As the screen zooms over the locale, several significant areas and things catch the player’s notice, things that will have a powerful impact further in the game. Several Hunters dashing through the forest, an escape pod soaring through the air opposite the camera, and a large contingent of Combine Forces moving into the surrounding environs. Momentarily a bright flash of white light will erupt somewhere in the distance in front of you. As the camera zooms over a mountain a view of City 17 and the Citadel will appear. The camera will make it’s away across the borders of the city towards some railway tracks where a train can be seen moving away from the City. In the light only one person can be seen on the train (Alyx).. The camera then makes a fixed position into Gordon’s perspective; the player has total control once again. The white light begins to diminish and slowly the Citadel comes into view: It’s still standing. The complete vaporization of the Citadel’s Core has caused the structure’s structural integrity to become dangerously low, she’s about to blow (for real). Large explosions erupt in the sky and around the base of the Citadel, thunder and lightning strike around its tip, the entire structure seems to shake. After another few moments, electricity will begin to strike the structure, destroying parts of the building. Evidently the Citadel explodes, from the tip, completely destroying the building and eradicating City 17. The shockwave engulfs Gordon ad Alyx’s train and they both disappear.

• The scene changes to a black void, Alyx is lying down on the floor, the camera begins zooming in onto her body. A shadow of a man begins to walk slowly towards her. It is the Gman. He begins by saying “Your not supposed to be here….forget bout all this”. Gordon and Alyx have been teleported to Gman’s realm via the Dark Energy Flare in the resulting explosion of the Citadel. Shortly afterwards, Gordon and Alyx slowly teleport away from the void back to Earth. It would seem that they were only partly connected to Gman’s realm, and as the Dark Energy Flare diminished on Earth, so too did Gordon and Alyx in Gman’s realm. A Vortigaunt appears and takes Alyx and Gordon away. The Introductory Sequence ends.

• When Gordon regains consciousness he awakes to see Dr. Kliener’s face above his. He explains that the Dark Energy Flare, via its use of exceedingly rare Quantum effects, temporarily transitioned Gordon and Alyx out of normal ‘Space-Time’. As Alyx wakes up, she is thrilled that Gordon is still alive. Dr. Kliener takes Gordon to a supply depot near the place where they were recuperating. Gordon had lost his old Gravity Gun in the Flare. However Issac gives Gordon a new and improved version of the Gravity Gun. He states that the Gravity Gun is now able to utilize small mines that are able to drain power from a Strider’s power source. Evidently they are easier to destroy. Gordon also equips himself with several weapons.

• After being re-introduced to the Gravity Gun, Issac takes Gordon and Alyx to Eli in the main control room. Eli and Alyx share a hug, but learns that DOG has not yet returned. Alyx is afraid something may have happened to him. Alyx gives Issac and Eli the Combine Message Packet and the recording from Mossman. Firstly they play the recording of Mossman, and Eli is distraught at the possibility of her demise. There is nothing they can do. Gordon and Alyx discover that Mossman was attempting to locate a secret weapon of advanced technology (I’m going to assume this is the Portal Gun). They have not yet found it.

• Shortly after discovering this, a horde of Antlions invade the facility yin force. You and Alyx go into the main entrance and help fend them off with the help of a few Vortigaunts. Gordon and Alyx successfully prevent the Antlions from taking over the Facility. Issac informs Gordon and Alyx that a large Antlion Colony is within the vicinity and poses a great threat to Rebel Operations. Gordon and a Vortigaunt are ordered to take out the source of invasion and forever prevent the Antlions from over-running the Facility. Alyx stays behind with her father to help decrypt the Combine Message Packet.

• Gordon and a Vortigaunt venture into the lower levels of the Rebel Base and take a secret route underground into the nests. They fight their way across the nests, killing many Antlion along the way. Two new enemies are introduced here: Antlion Larvae are Antlion grubs that have not reached maturity yet, however when stepped on they will alert any Antlions in the vicinity. Poisonous Antlions: An Antlion of about the same size as normal Antlions but with a different color, Poisonous Antlions will spill out acidic blood when killed, harming the player considerably. Gordon’s HEV will automatically fix this problem, however.

• As the Vortigaunt and Gordon go deeper into the nest, they discover that there is a far greater quantity of Antlion Guards than normal Antlions. Gordon must go through series of puzzles to avoid the detection of the Antlion Guards and make it to the very deepest point in the nests. He and the Vortigaunt successfully do so. When they reach the deepest point of the nests, they discover the presence of an Antlion King: The main leader of the colony-like Antlions, the Antlion King is an extremely large alien like creature, around 3 times larger than a Strider…After a lengthy battle Gordon successfully destroys the Antlion King and the rest of the Antlion retreat. The Vortigaunt uses it’s unique biological teleportation decide to teleport Gordon back to the rebel base.

• Gordon and the Vortigaunt are teleported back into the main control room of the rebel base. Issac and Eli, who are extremely relieved by the Antlion colony’s impairment, inform Gordon that Alyx has left the rebel base. The surviving Overwatch forces from City 17 have arrive din the countryside, and Alyx has left to help the surviving resistance destroy them. He then goes on to show Gordon schematic information on a new type of Combine Synth: Hunters: Hunters are essentially Mini-Striders with an equal amount of fire-power and resilience. They are extremely agile and quick apart from their Strider counterparts, but have an equal amount of firepower including a mounted pulse cannon and a mini suppression device.

• Issac then takes Gordon into a large missile silo where work is being done to repair a large rocket. Issac tells Gordon that it will be launched into geo-stationary orbit, in an attempt to launch a world-wide Resonance Reversal and close the Portal Storms. Eli then comes rushing in with decrypted Combine Message Packet. The message is not good at all…The Combine’s reinforcements are arriving sooner than expected at a large warehouse on the other side of the forest. A creature known as the Combine Advisors have set up base at several key locations across Eastern Europe where they will use a form of mental capability to help bring in reinforcements from all over Eastern Europe. The main base is located in the Countryside at the far end of the forest. Gordon is ordered to get there as quickly as possible to take out the base and shut down the other bases located across the Eastern Europe.

• Gordon stocks up at the supply depot and goes to the main entrance of he Missile Silo. Before he goes her helps in containing the facility’s security by destroying several Hunters in the area. Two rebels at the base give him a buggy with a cow-catcher at the front to help him traverse across the very large, dense forested areas. Gordon fights across the Countryside, quelling the City 17 Overwatch along the way. Gordon soon finds Alyx fighting in the country, and he takes her with him to the base.

• As they near the warehouse where the reinforcements will arrive, Gordon and Alyx meet up with Barney and a group of rebels who are attempting to make a push on the warehouse. As they begin to cross the bridge, a shockwave (I assume this is originating from the Advisor) erupts from the warehouse and the bridge begins to collapse. Out of nowhere DOG comes by and helps Alyx up from the bridge and onto safety. The bridge has broken in two and there is no way to cross from their current position. Gordon, Alyx and the group move down into the gorge to find a way across.

• This is the part of the game where that ‘Giant Physics Puzzle’ will commence. Gordon must find a way up the gorge and reach the other side of the bridge. As he is doing this, a Strider comes out of hiding and attacks. DOG takes quick care of the synth. As Gordon makes his way up to the bridge (via this huge puzzle) the first wave of reinforcements from the warehouse arrives and moves along the bridge. Eventually Gordon makes his way up to the other side, and the rest follow. Gordon and Alyx enter the building while the rest stay outside to guard the warehouse. Gordon and Alyx enter the building and Alyx attempts to shut down the warehouse, but it will take some time. A large force of Combine troops and Synths and moving in onto the warehouse and Gordon is told to help guar the facility. After a long battle against troops and synths alike, Alyx comes out and tells them that the Warehouse had been shut down.

• Gordon follows Alyx inside and moments later, in front of them, a pod (one seen in the Citadel), opens up in front of them. Out of the pods comes a Combine Advisor, moving slowly towards Gordon and Alyx…The credits roll.
The introduction is off, given that we've seen Alyx holding on for dear life and that it has been confirmed that the first part of Episode 2 is making your way through the wasteland up North towards the missile silo, where resistance scientists are hiding out. Your first goal is to reach them and bring to them the transmission recovered from the Citadel in Episode 1.

I don't believe the Gravity gun will require upgrading. The Strider buster is a separate object and just like a rock or a chair can be picked up via the Gravity gun at any given time.

I firmly believe the Project up North has nothing to do with Portal, and is infact part of an attempt to create some kind of 'shield' around Earth, to stop the Combine from porting in.

The Antlion nest. I don't think you'll be going in there to accomplish anything, it just isn't progressing the story. I imagine Gordon will have to travel through in order to reach the Silo, rather than to stop it. Going in simply to kill the King would bring the story to a screeching halt.

With Nihilanth dead, the Vortigaunts can no longer teleport in such a manner.

The Sector 17 forces have moved into the surrounding countryside but they are in disarray, and I imagine they won't be moving into an old barn as a base of operations - perhaps heading towards another City or doing their utmost to mop of the escapees.

Moving to neutralize the Combine threat doesn't seem likely. Currently, the Combine priority is re-establishing contact with the rest of the Empire off world. Second, I don't think that’s the resistance's main goal and it certainly doesn't seem a good direction to move the plot in - there needs to be something more.

The Pod opening up at the end would be an extremely weak ending, and also a pointless one. I imagine the Advisors will play a large role in the Episode, but not at the end.

Following your arrival at the Silo, which I imagine is halfway through the game, I'm guessing your next objective is the Arctic, to find Mossman and help her locate/activate the so-called 'Project'.
I do however agree that the rocket is some form of Satellite being shot into space in order to keep the Combine away from Earth.

Overall: Not bad, but it needs more direction, and certainly more G-man - a simple scene at the beginning is definitely not what Valve have planned.
Ok, do you actually have some inside information from someone at Valve, or is this completely fictitious and if it is.....why???

I mean, is Valve having some sort of competition to get storyline ideas because suddenly that well just ran dry? Unless you are working for valve, or there is some user competition sponsored by them, then your take on what the story will be is...well, irrelevant and it could have no bearing on the final outcome.
Actually I saw a lot of things that cant happen in your take story too, and I like Samon have based our opinions on the sotory facts that Valve have given us in interviews. However, Ill just focus on the facts that Samon hasn't mentioned. First of all, in your take of the story, no one dies when Valve have confirmed that at least one of the main characters will die in Episode 2. Alyx is present too much when she is meant to incapacitated for the majority of the story, she will not be present at the end of the story. The intro is an unlucky thing to happen as we only experiance everything through Gordon's perspective, so unless Gordon can fly and wants to fly about at the start before returning to a moving train, then I dont see that happeneing either. Like Samon said, the Strider buster is a new weapon in itself that can be fired upon Striders using the gravity gun therefore it will not need upgrading.

Now for my opinions on the story, going through the antlion nest merely to destroy the antlion king I think would be a completely pointless path for the story to follow given the situation that the rebels are in at the moment. Therefore I agree with Samon also, when saying that we merely have to traverese the antlions nests to get our destination. If the rienforcements were to come, I think they would transport in via the Citadels in the cities like they did with the 7-hour war, therefore they wouldn't need to estasblish random bases in the countryside, as it wouldn't really serve any purpose or role with the storyline. The Combine Advisor coming our of its pod is shown in the various trailers that have been shown, so having that as ending would be stupid, because that would mean that Valve have revealed the ending of Episode 2 even before the game has come out. Also I woul want something A LOT better that for an ending. I would be left more confused and disapointed rather than left in awe with an ending like that IMO.
I'm rather lazy and don't feel like reading all that. I'd just like to say that the intro you describe sounds an awful lot like a cut scene. Why would Valve, which has steeres away from long third-person cinematics suddenly decide to put one in?
Ah yes, i've posted the wrong one. This story is what I made up before Valve confirmed that the player will start off at the train wreck and that once chcracter will die. And that those force son the bridge are from City 17.

I actually refurbished this story not too long ago, but seeing as how I posted this late in the night, i've realised i've posted the wrong one. Someone can delete this thread if they wish.
Only when you post the revamped version for subject to scrutiny and possible plot revelations :)
besides, what's the reason for an combine advisor to walk upon gordon (& alyx ?) ? That doesn't make any sense to me, not in the worst scripted cut-scene ever...
The introduction is off, given that we've seen Alyx holding on for dear life and that it has been confirmed that the first part of Episode 2 is making your way through the wasteland up North towards the missile silo, where resistance scientists are hiding out. Your first goal is to reach them and bring to them the transmission recovered from the Citadel in Episode 1.
Actually a vast majority of the opening portions are where you are underground. It's not like you get off the train and you are in the country-side. You are actually in the mines for a while and then go out-side.

Also, the part where the bridge tears off is not the beginning scene also. That is a few hours into the game.

*Edit* Also, the combine advisor is not the end of the game.
Actually a vast majority of the opening portions are where you are underground. It's not like you get off the train and you are in the country-side. You are actually in the mines for a while and then go out-side.

I didn't say that though. I was simply saying you are heading up North towards the missile silo, which is exactly what they said in the interview.

As for why the chaps banned...well, he copy and pasted many threads from here and claimed them as his own on Steam powered. One such thread was the Episode 1 overview I posted.
I'm suddenly seeing Episode 2 set in North Korea due to the words "Missile Silo", "North" and recently reading Number's curious ranting on the evils of Kim Jong Il.
And have a cockroach come out of Kim Jong-Il's mouth and report back to the benefactors??
I'm suddenly seeing Episode 2 set in North Korea due to the words "Missile Silo", "North" and recently reading Number's curious ranting on the evils of Kim Jong Il.

That would be interesting... HL2: Vietnam!:sniper: :sniper: