Equilibrium - 1984


Aug 3, 2003
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I've never read 1984, but my gf did and told me about it and it sounds an awful lot like that sweet-ass movie Equilibrium. So does anyone know if Equilibrium is based on that book?

And is it a good book for reading? I read lots because of the nature of my job.
1984 is a great book but it isn't too much like the movie. The book is about a government that tricks its people into thinking they are better off then they really are....I can make connections but I would ruin the story for you so just go read the book it is very good.
yeah, 1984 is possibly my favourite book of all time. great stuff. give it a good read, it'll give you a lot to think about.
George ripped off the film..just like tolkien named the two towers after the tragedy....It must be true because there were petitions on petition online.

We did 1984 in school...but never read all of it. I have yet to read the whole book.
I liked the movie, I like that kind of setting.
The term 'Big Brother' was coined in the novel 1984... :)
Was big brother used in Equilibrium? It has been a while since I have seen the movie. Haha, that reminds me, at the movie theater I work at there is a popcorn popper that has a sticker on it saying somthing like Big Brother is watching your performance.
no it wasn't. I didnt much like equilibrium but any film with Christian Bale in is a good thing as he's a damn fine actor with chameleon like qualities. Apparently he can do any accent perfectly without the need for a voice coach...
Equilibrium is the best movie ever. I have patterned my life after Preston. JK

I dont think equilibrium was taken off 1984.
1984 is... becoming reality. :borg: Not only in the terms of Big Bro but also in other aspects of the 1984 world... :hmph:
I like Brave New World better than 1984... :)

Just finished reading BNW for my English class last week... good book if ya' ask me; Aldous Huxley (sp?) was a friggin' genious for his time! Still would be if he was still alive today, too.
Equibrium was alright but nothing special and it does ripoff 1984 in many ways.
LOL we read that book in 7th or 8th grade and we used to pass the time by reading it in class..well.......

At the part where the main guy has sex with the 17 year old girl under the tree, my teacher started laughing, it was classic.

Do yourself a favor, read the book and dump the movie. That book is great, read it, re-read it and then yell at your neighbor about Big Brother and how he's watching you every day.
A friend of mine told me it was Equilibruim was based around the book fahrenheit 451. I wouldnt know though since I havent seen the movie.
mchammer75040 said:
A friend of mine told me it was Equilibruim was based around the book fahrenheit 451. I wouldnt know though since I havent seen the movie.

No...it just has some things that are the same... like how they would burn all of the art in Equilibrium, and they burn books in Fahrenheit 451. I liked that book alot. I never read 1984, saw a little of one of the movies. And A Brave New World was really good too.

And Equilibrium just rocks beyond all explanation. I loved the stories and the gun fights. That movie has some of the best fighting i've ever seen.