Error Message...


Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
I've made 2 maps and on both I got this message when starting them up:

Adding master server *************
Adding master server *************
maxplayers set to 16
Spawn Server dm_rooms
Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
Host_EndGame: Map coordinate extents are too large!!
Check for errors!

What is this and how do I fix it?
you have brushes extending beyond the map boundaries.
Hard to tell in that screenshot, but it doesn't look like there's anything larger than a tiny map.

The only time I got the same error was making a brush without a brush type selected. So it was creating brushes of infinite length and invisible..

A way to find out if its done that, check the compile log of that map, it should mention something about brushes not being visible. Then just select the brush numbers and hit delete until they've all gone. Should be fine then.

Also if you _must_ make a map as large as possible. Always stay at least two grid points (largest grid setting) away from the edges. And keep area's shallow, as in don't try to do one great big full map size cube, or it'll just screw up. Lower the sky height though and the chance of it working increases.
I actually got this error once when I had a couple of brushes on which I performed vertex manipulation. The end result was a funky looking brush that came of an editor error. (or so I assume) The manipulation was done properly but the brush was being misinterpreted by both Hammer and the compiler.


So, look around for any oddly edited brushes. Also, when you're compiling look for any errors related to "Brush [some number]: Side not visible" or something like that., It's a good indicator of this error.