Error messages on stress test gone, result = lower score on the test?


Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
I have went from 146 fps to 130fps so i assume it was down to the error messages being removed and the game having to draw the details on those spinning slabs at the start. Can someone confirm this or has my graphics card give up the good fight!
Well it's quite logical that the video card has more to render, thus giving less FPS. :thumbs:
Average frames being 130 on the stress test equals as high as 150 and as low as 35 in game. This is not a boast but a technical question that i would like answered. So far one says the error messages being gone will lower the score and one saying it makes very very little difference, i believe the former but can anyone else confirm it or back him up. Cheers. Just trying to eliminate the possibility of a problem with my graphics card.
As low as 35 in game?

You shouldn't be wondering if there's something wrong, I don't think there is. It just depends on what's happening on-screen. If it's just showing a building, it's gonna go high because there is less things to render. Now, if you are in a fire-fight with muzzle flashes, animations, bullet casings, debris, effects, etc. going on, of course the FPS will plumet.
Was the stress test updated on the last update,I used to get revolving error messages which have now been replaced with the slab things but Ive been playing with my new card so I thought it was that.(my fps gone down about 10)
mikey388 said:
Was the stress test updated on the last update,I used to get revolving error messages which have now been replaced with the slab things but Ive been playing with my new card so I thought it was that.(my fps gone down about 10)

Something they changed in the update sorted the error messages in the stress test for a lot of people it seems.