ERROR: model has no Sequences



Ok im trying to import a model into Half life 2. Im trying to compile my model and it says ERROR:model has no sequences. Any help would be great. thanks
you have to specify at least 1 sequence for any model. for inanimate objects, add
$sequence idle "modelname" fps 1
to the qc file
Okay I did that now I get

WARNING: Bad collision model, check your smoothing groups!!!
WARNING: Truncating model!!!!
WARNING: PineTree1.smd has bad smoothing groups
Model has 1 convex sub-parts
Collision model completed.
writing c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\******\counte
r-strike source\cstrike\models/mymodels\PineTree1.SMD.mdl:
bones 708 bytes (1)
animations 104 bytes (1 anims) (1 frames) [0:01]
sequences 220 bytes (1 seq)
ik/pose 164 bytes
eyeballs 0 bytes (0 eyeballs)
flexes 0 bytes (0 flexes)
textures 72 bytes
keyvalues 0 bytes
Collision model volume 41.24 in^3
collision 0 bytes
total 1444
writing c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\******\counte
r-strike source\cstrike\models/mymodels\PineTree1.SMD.vvd:
vertices 222624 bytes (4638 vertices)
tangents 74208 bytes (4638 vertices)
total 296896 bytes
Generating optimized mesh "c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\********\counter-strike source\cstrike\models/mymodels\PineTree1.SMD.sw.vtx"
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 9 bytes
strip groups: 25 bytes
strips: 27 bytes
verts: 41742 bytes
indices: 23940 bytes
bone changes: 16 bytes
everything: 65823 bytes
Generating optimized mesh "c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\********\counter-strike source\cstrike\models/mymodels\PineTree1.SMD.dx80.vt
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 9 bytes
strip groups: 25 bytes
strips: 27 bytes
verts: 41742 bytes
indices: 23940 bytes
bone changes: 16 bytes
everything: 65823 bytes
Generating optimized mesh "c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\********\counter-strike source\cstrike\models/mymodels\PineTree1.SMD.dx90.vt
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 9 bytes
strip groups: 25 bytes
strips: 27 bytes
verts: 41742 bytes
indices: 23940 bytes
bone changes: 16 bytes
everything: 65823 bytes

Completed "PineTree1.qc"
Memory leak: mempool blocks left in memory: 48
about the warning, did u make a collision model for it? if so, are all faces assigned to 1 smoothing group? did u check to see if it looks ok in hlmv?
Okay it looks good except the skin is puerple checkerd box
$modelname "mymodels\PineTree1.SMD.mdl"
$cdmaterials "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\modelsrc\PineTree1\"

$scale 1
$surfaceprop "default"

$sequence idle "PineTree1" fps 1

$body studio "PineTree1"

$collisionmodel "PineTree1" {
mk, my first guess would be that the tga file isn't in the right format or something. i bleev it should be 32-bit & compressed (altho i think using other than 32-bit is ok w/out transparency :/) assuming u have that ok, could be something w/ the qc. i usually just use the compile toolkit so i'm not extraordinary w/ using the command line method (idk if it's much/any different), but i always put everything (model, collision model if u have one, texture, & qc file) all in 1 folder (I'll say it's called Trees). I also make directories relative to the qc file, ie., for modelname, u'd have $modelname "Trees/PineTree1", and $cdmaterials "PineTree1" (location of the tga). if that doesn't work, idk really. i never bother all that much w/ the compiling end of it all :/
in the second line of code you are saying where the texture file is. the vtf. you have said it is in modelsrc. even the tga file shouldnt be in there. you need to compile the texture and then put it in. i presume:

$cdmaterials "models\pinetree1"

it will already think that it is within the materials directory. so the texture file needs to be in ...steamapps\counterstrike\cstrike\materials\models\pinetree1\ your texture.vtf

im assuming u dont know how to compile a texture also so ill explain that. basicaly drag it over the file. vtex.exe inside the sourcesdk\bin folder then it creates a blank .txt file next to the tga. drag them both in and it should create the vtf file according to where you dragged it in from. you will no doubt want to put it where you referenced in your qc file to create the texture in the models\pinetree1\ folder.