ES:Oblivion release date: we have a firm date but we're not sure what it is


May 5, 2004
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EBGames says march 20, but Peter Hines says it's not certain.

"Those hungering for the next big RPG for the Xbox 360 or PC won't have long to wait now. In an interview with Gaming Steve, Pete Hines, the VP of Public Relations at Bethesda, spilled some interesting info on the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, but also said that wey are a couple weeks away from knowing the exact release date. They have a date in mind, and they're confident of hitting it, but not quite ready to announce it yet.

We hope it will be in the environs of EBGame's listed date for the title, March 20th"

hurray for ambigious news that tells us NOTHING!
I thought Bethesda were their own publishers, oh well. With all the great RPG's due for release this year Oblivion is looking less and less impressive, and the EA connection is one more reason for me to look else where.
CptStern, EA don't publish Oblivion.. 2k Games do.. Sorry..:)
What're you smokin'?<3
oops my mistake ..I mistakenly read EA when it should have been EB

Grrrrr It better not be released during my exam schedule. If it is released any later than March 20th then I hope it will be after April when my exams are finally over.
Not long 'till I get my new computer then. Better start preordering that collectors ed. too.
This is what everyone's been hearing for weeks now! Sometimes no news is good news, but in this case old news is no news, and I suppose that is good news if the date hasn't changed! :) At least it should be out right around there, give or take a week or so. I can't wait for this one! Oblivion will keep me going while I wait for the new adventure games/console systems to come out later in the year! E3 won't be half as hard to wait for! (Oh wait, yes it will. ;( )
Peter Hines is one of the worst PR guys ever, he talks utter drivel a lot of the time.
eek, good thing i chose graw instead of oblivion. i'll still get it though.
Xune said:
I thought Bethesda were their own publishers, oh well. With all the great RPG's due for release this year Oblivion is looking less and less impressive
Now I know that Gothic 3 and NWN2 and Titan Quest are coming out and they all look amazing, but how exactly do any of those make Oblivion any less than awesomely incredible? It is going to be a serious milestone in RPGs if Bethesda has anything to say about it (and they do, you know. ;) )
I don't doubt that it'll be a good game, I'm just not impressed by the sporadic reports that come from the development which invariably say that another feature has been removed because they couldn't get it working properly.

Then I look at all the other RPG's coming with less grand ambitions and think that by the time Oblivion is actually working well they'll have cut out so much that it'll be exactly the same as it's peers.
march 20th!!!???, i think im on uni break then, omg PLEASURE OVERLOAD!!!*head implodes*
Xune said:
. . . another feature has been removed because they couldn't get it working properly.

I think I've seen this only once or maybe twice. Chances are you're watching this game too closely, which usually ruins the experience.