ES4:Oblivion 360--Will you pay for extra downloadable content?

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
360 owners interested in getting fun new updates for Oblivion will have to pay for it. Here's the excerpt:
What sort of downloadable content is planned for the Xbox360 version? Will they be paid downloads or free downloads? One of the largest things that kept Morrowind going for so long after the last expansion was the additional content. Do you plan to make Oblivion as modular as Morrowind, allowing almost every piece of the game to be modified?

We plan to release a number of different types of downloads. We want to add different experiences to the game that people can add to their existing game. We'll charge a small amount for them and hope to have several different types available each month. Oblivion is every bit as modular as Morrowind, with some noticeable improvements in the way things like quests are managed. On the PC, you can take the TES CS and change your game any way you like. We don't allow you to edit any of the underlying systems, like what the Skills in the game are, but in terms of content, scripting, and a whole host of other things, it's all there for players to change as they see fit.
I want to know what you all think of that as compared to the PC version where the Construction Set will allow tons and tons of crazy new content for free.

I personally have thought that the "micro-transactions" of the Live marketplace were a terrible idea for consumers, but great for the business of course. Plenty of kids won't realize how much they are spending when it seems like such a small amount for an extra outfit in this game and an extra car decal in this game, etc etc, but it adds up. I think its just another example of the fleecing of America (and the rest of the world).

This should probably be a poll. Can someone help with that?:cheers:
Well, if you have a computer that can run Oblivion, the PC version is without a doubt the way to go, because for anyone who has ever owned an Xbox with Xbox Live, you know that when it comes to promised downloadable content, you either get it a year after the game releases, or you get a few little things at release and then never again.
I'll pay for extra content if I still want to play Oblvivion once it's completed, and if it looks to offer something decent. Oblivion is meant to be such a huge game that extra content isn't a big issue for me.
Depends on what the content is that's being delivered. If it's quality stuff and adds to the experience in a positive way, then maybe. Oblivion looks to keep me occupied for a long time so I doubt I'll need to download any additional content any time soon.

Thanks for the info.

Dalamari said:
Well, if you have a computer that can run Oblivion, the PC version is without a doubt the way to go

A few previews suggest the new fighting system is more suited to a pad. Gameplay vids make combat look rather arcady, and i'd rather not use a mouse. Moving with an analogue stick is alwasy better than with a keyboard.

Other than being able to run Oblivion at high settings (my current pc will melt), superior controls is the main reason i'm getting the 360 version.
Well the difference is that they promise professional quality downloadable content - and how could it not be? You pay for it. So its made by people that get paid to make it. That is the very definition of professional.

I don't think people are going to be paying large amounts for 1 new costume or 1 new car decal. Everything I ever downloaded from Xbox live was free. New levels for every game I saw were free.

So if they are charging money, what I envision is something pretty substantial for an insignificant amount of money, which - in my experience is the case with Xbox live. I think about a year ago someone exageratingly said that some company was charging real money for a new set of tires or wheels for your car in a racing game. So I wouldn't put any truth to that.

Anyhow, it doesn't take a whole lot to make a game feel new again, so Im sure this will be a good success for Bethesda. They probably have enough ideas they didn't have time to finish originally that they can finish after the release and there is their downloadable content. New monsters, new dungeons, new weapons, I don't know, but probably all of the above and more.

What I'm not sure about is how PC oblivion owners might get such content. Will they charge for this as well? Release it free? or not at all?

Although I don't have an xbox 360 or a PC that can play Oblivion, If I could have either game running at its best, I'd prefer the PC version of course becuase I'd want to try my hand at modding the game myself.

Im sure there will be dozens of mods for the PC version of Oblivion, and Im sure some of the will be worthy of having, but lets be real, alot of them will be just cheats and over-powered weapons, if not buggy ( anyone else hate cheat mods? )
I'm pretty sure they've said that all pc extra content will be pay to play. no free content ...probably something along the lines of Booster packs for BF2

fan made content is free of course
VirusType2 said:
I'd prefer the PC version becuase I'd want to try my hand at modding the game myself. Im sure there will be dozens of mods for the PC version of Oblivion, and Im sure some of the will be worthy of having, but lets be real, alot of them will be just cheats and over-powered weapons, if not buggy ( anyone else hate shit like that? )

It's true that there will be a lot of mini-mods that are stupid things like "Realism pack" or a stupid soundpack, but people have created some pretty cool things for Morrowind (cape mod, whole new towns, quests, etc..) and those are things that the Xbox buyers won't get to try.

And as for the thing with Oblivion being better with a console controller, go buy a controller for your PC, problem solved :)
Dalamari, stupid?
The lighting realism pack for Morrowind was great imo, I myself enjoyed it greatly, no longer did one dare venture out into the wilderness at night without a lightsource or torch <3
I hope they release something akin to that for PC Oblivion.
just a note official plugins and modules released by Bethesda will also cost for PC players, they will not be free.
who the hell said controller is better for TES than keyboard and mouse!!? are you drunk or something?
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
who the hell said controller is better for TES than keyboard and mouse!!? are you drunk or something?

Not at all - i think it will be better.
Warbie said:
Not at all - i think it will be better.


Nothing is better than Mouse and Keyboard unless we're playing a fighting game, driving game, or sports game.

Someone should slap you.:|
swearing and advocating violence makes baby jesus cry ...he's entitled to his opinion
Cheers Sterny.

I do like mouse and keyboard control, but mainly for fast paced fps and rts titles. For everything else (especially for what looks like a hack 'n' slash dungeon crawler) I prefer a pad.

My main concern is that proper analogue control hasn't been implemented for the 360 due to the game being developed simultaneously on the pc. (would that make Oblivion the first game to be dumbed down for the pc? ;))

Regardless of you thoughts on pads/analogue sticks, keyboard movement is rather crappy, and it's time we moved on.
I'll pay for it..only if it's a good download, otherwize screw it. They're probably gonna be cheap..stupid microsoft points :angry:
Warbie said:
Cheers Sterny.

I do like mouse and keyboard control, but mainly for fast paced fps and rts titles. For everything else (especially for what looks like a hack 'n' slash dungeon crawler) I prefer a pad.

My main concern is that proper analogue control hasn't been implemented for the 360 due to the game being developed simultaneously on the pc. (would that make Oblivion the first game to be dumbed down for the pc? ;))

Regardless of you thoughts on pads/analogue sticks, keyboard movement is rather crappy, and it's time we moved on.

The God of WASD will not tolerate this blasmphemy!


Caps lock,A,Z,Alt is the ONE shiny, silver suited future deity.
I used to use a Nostromo Pad, but became so frusterated because i had to move it to type on my keyboard, desk wasnt big enough.
Uriel said:

Nothing is better than Mouse and Keyboard unless we're playing a fighting game, driving game, sports game, or a fps fantasy game that was specifically designed to be played with a console controller.

Shadow-warrior said:
Hot, sweaty and a litle bit sticky?
yeah baby! :naughty:
xbox owners are a bunch of suckers if you ask me
dont support it!
Jangle said:
The xbox 360 controller is like sex.

Then a Keyboard and Mouse is like having sex with a thousand women.
And the old X-box controller is like having sex with a gorilla.

Even though I've never had sex.
Well if I play an Xbox 360 version and like it's controller I'LL JUST BUY AN XBOX 360 CONTROLLER FOR MY PC!
lol your all so funny.

Anyway if the content is anything like morrowinds it wont be that much at all. Of course I'd expect it to be something half-way decent to pay your money for. But it will probably just be new weapons\armor and more quests and extension of landmass and etc..

Of course on the Pc version, fans often end up creating some extremely amazing mods.
Minerel said:
Of course on the Pc version, fans often end up creating some extremely amazing mods.

Paying for a new chapter like Aftermath or something I could understand, but for new armor or weapons or thanks.

User-created mods for this should be incredible and I can't wait to see what people come up with!