Escape From City 17 - Part One (WATCH THIS.)

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That's amazing! I can't wait for the next part!
wow.....i didn't know you could do this with the striders that well....and that shot looking straight up at the portal above the Citadel? Was that their CGI or was that HL2 textures and stuff? anyway 2 thumbs up to the creators! Please keep up the quality work...i think the HL community is entitled to a good HL movie finally.
Woah. If Valve ever wanted a HL2 movie, this would be closest offer.
Just re-watched properly, few thoughts:

Their CGI is incredible for having such a low budget (they completed the whole thing with $500). A few touchy parts here and there, but I'm not about to hold that against them.

Not only is the costume design spot-on, they got all of the weapons right as well. The crowbar even looks the same, which I think might be a first.

The small touches are nice, like the metro-police death signal not going off until they're really "dead."

I actually liked how they re-used a bunch of effects from the game, it made it authentic without being too jarring. They even used the same blood splatter!

The coming soon parts at the end look fantastic. Can't wait for more. :D
Very cool.

For some reason it lags for me in HD?
Damn, you beat me to it.

I thought it was very well done & look forward to seeing more. Added it to my favorites on youtube.
Defo should make this as a full motion movie, if anyone is gonna create a Half Life movie it should be done in this style
Haha, yeah. Some of the action is pretty terrible. Otherwise I thought it was stellar!
Damn, that was awesome! Sound effects, CGI and their rebel costumes were the best I've seen from any fan-made HL2 live action movie. Only thing that needs work is the script and that's easily forgivable (at this stage, anyway).

And yeah, it lags in HD for me, too.
Wow, I'm thoroughly impressed, especially by the bits at the end. I wish I could download it in AVI or MPG format or something so I could watch it without it glitching all over the place.
Pretty much all HD youtube videos stutter for some reason. Just let the video play for a few seconds in normal quality, then pause it and drag the slider thing back to the start at 00:00. Now click 'Watch in HD' and it'll play smoothly. Works for me.
Very, very, very awesome.

From looking at the zombies, I kinda wish they did the proper HL2 zombie walk though.
Very cool but my question is: why does it cost so much for CGI? I mean if you have the resource to make the stuff wouldn't the cost just be the equipment?
This was awesome, watched it three times already, its sweet. :D
Very cool but my question is: why does it cost so much for CGI? I mean if you have the resource to make the stuff wouldn't the cost just be the equipment?

If they knew how to do it themselves, then yeah. But it takes a long time to learn, and a lot of dedication to become good, and once most people are good enough to do this kind of quality, they start charging for it. Being a skilled 3D artist is not an easy achievement, and most people never get to that point. Also, doing good CG takes a long ass time, so you gotta make it worth their while.

I sure as hell wouldn't do it for free.
Oh I figured one of them was doing the work. But obviously that explains it's labor work.
Well for a 500 dollar budget for two episodes, I assume they did do it themselves. 500 dollars wouldn't get them far in hiring freelance artists. I'm guessing the 500 dollars was spent on things like gas for traveling to locations, buying a camera maybe, and im sure there were miscellaneous expenses.
You can download the HD version from VE3D
Thats pretty good, a lot of web vids look cheap and nasty , but that seemed ok :)

Seems like they got the valve seal of approval too :)
I found everything to be spot on...
..Except for the zombie costumes. I laughed a little.
That was incredible.

But yeah, zombie costumes don't look so good.
Thats pretty good, a lot of web vids look cheap and nasty , but that seemed ok :)

Seems like they got the valve seal of approval too :)

What the hell are you doing here? There's nothing wrong with the forum at the moment (although you've probably jinxed it now and it'll be down for a couple days since you've shown your face so to speak!). Pleasedon'tbanme
the lighting is all wrong for the sky
Awesome effects, great costumes, nice use of game assets.

However, the acting and script were pretty sub-par.

Still, best damn fan-movie I've seen.
Very impressive, with a higher budget I think these guys could create a fantastic film.
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