Estimated demand for HL2 on release?


May 20, 2004
Reaction score
I'm just curious as to what you all think the demand is going to be for half-life 2 when it does come out. I'm a bit hesitant to pre-order it because you never know about delays. Do you think it will be really necessary, or will stores generally have enough copies?
Surely the store will order enough to cover their preorders.
Even assuming that you won't be able to get a copy in stores (which you certainly will), it's not like they can run out of available copies on Steam. ;)
SMT said:
Even assuming that you won't be able to get a copy in stores (which you certainly will), it's not like they can run out of available copies on Steam. ;)

yeah, but from what I've heard steam has a habit of choking and hosing people in the middle of downloads and installs. When it came out I downloaded the big precached one.
I'm probably going to get the special hopefully there'll be less demand for them, and they won't go as quickly.
Stuff like this always happens, but everyone overestimates. How many copies of VHS Titanic went unsold? the only ppl that are going to buy it are the ones that browse these forums. At first at least. The stores will no doubt have plenty of copies.
I imagine demand is going to be through the roof. If you plan on playing Half-Life 2 on release day then you either need to pre-order or plan on getting it through Steam. I imagine the stores are going to have just enough enough to fill their pre-orders and maybe a handful of extras. There will be a lot of unhappy folks who didn't pre-order haunting these forums on release day.
Just preorder the game at a big videogame store chain and then you don't have to worry about the hoopla of rushing to the store (besides the fact of rushing just for the sheer joy of wanting to play the game) :)
don't waste your money on pre-orders. Just go to future shop or bestbuy. They'll have plenty of copies.
Triggerhappy41 said:
Stuff like this always happens, but everyone overestimates. How many copies of VHS Titanic went unsold? the only ppl that are going to buy it are the ones that browse these forums. At first at least. The stores will no doubt have plenty of copies.

dunno about that.
here in Toronto when a big name title comes out usually most of the stock gets pre-ordered.. and the remaining copies (which haven't been pre-ordered) get sold in a matter of minutes.. i saw this happen with Diablo2 when i went to pickup my copy.

and stores are only alloted so many copies of a game too ya know.. hmm.. i guess it also depends on where u live.. but here if u don't have ur copy pre-ordered of any big title, its safe to assume u will have some trouble getting one.
I wonder if stores will have it sooner than steam.. it's possible...; if they are going to release everywhere at the same time, some stores will have advance copies and will just sell them a day early even though they are not allowed (but whos checking them anyway).
We got everything here days sooner... the LOTR DVDs, GTA3 & VC and plenty other stuff...
don't waste your money on pre-orders

Why not exactly? Shops like Amazon stock HL2 for £25, and do their deliveries so they'll arrive on release day!
if it comes out on steam even hours before stores have it, ill be forced to get it there. i will have no choice in the matter.
I'm thinking it will be sold out everywhere a week or so after release.
Around here everyone is a console junky. So i will have no problem laughing in their face at their crummy computers that they left to die as i leave the store with my copy of the best game in history. I dont think it will be sell out all over the place though. Im sure many people will wait to upgrade computers, wait for it to come out on console etc. Although i do think that the chance is very high that it will eventually (probably rather quickly in comparison to current games) be the best selling game thus far. Especially since i know a bunch of people are buying multiple copies for some reason.
I got it coming through one day airfare FED ill get it on the day its in the stores or the day after. Right now Bfield:vietnam is holding me off, and some HLDM every now and then. Not to mention NCAA 04, Fight Night 04, Socom II sometimes.
wonkers said:
don't waste your money on pre-orders.
How is a preorder a waste of money? You pay the same price and it guarentees you'll have the game on release day. If you're going to buy it anyway then I can't see a reason not to preorder.
10 million copies sold on the first day.
poseyjmac said:
if it comes out on steam even hours before stores have it, ill be forced to get it there. i will have no choice in the matter.

I'm thinking the same thing at this point.. not sure really
I can wait to purchase HL2 at a store. I am still skeptical of steam.

Though I am predicting mass sellouts in store. When BF:V came out, Fry's Electronics had a hard time keeping that on the store shelves. Can you imagine what it will be like when HL2, the most anticipated game in the past 5 years comes out?
Ok, a more realistic one would be about 20,000 copies, mostly Counter-Strike, sold the first day. Maybe about 1,000 or so on Steam. Hmmmm.

The original sold about 10 million copies.
The Thing said:
Ok, a more realistic one would be about 20,000 copies, mostly Counter-Strike, sold the first day. Maybe about 1,000 or so on Steam. Hmmmm.

The original sold about 10 million copies.

I'm pretty sure CZ had more than 1,000 purchases on Steam when it was first available..

Steam = worldwide, stores = US release first

I'd wager that Steam will have more online purchases for HL2 than it will sell in the US on the first day
i just hope they preload once you've preordered(and preorder like 3+ weeks in advance, lol), otherwise ill have to wait probably a day before stores here get it(im not sure why, but every single game ive gone to get on release day hasnt been there until the next day).
i still want to know whether ill be able to preload it through steam (a few weeks before release i assume), go to the store, buy my collectors edition, skip the cds, enter the cd key, and play the game that was already preloaded. it might be faster that way. sounds crazy, but i can see myself being too excited to wait for a few cds to load it on day one.
kaf11 said:
i still want to know whether ill be able to preload it through steam (a few weeks before release i assume), go to the store, buy my collectors edition, skip the cds, enter the cd key, and play the game that was already preloaded. it might be faster that way. sounds crazy, but i can see myself being too excited to wait for a few cds to load it on day one.

You can do that, as you could with CZ. After CZ preloaded, and you double clicked the icon (when it was released), it prompted for you to either buy it or enter a cdkey
Shuzer said:
You can do that, as you could with CZ. After CZ preloaded, and you double clicked the icon (when it was released), it prompted for you to either buy it or enter a cdkey
oh capitol! good news, thanks. this will save me a couple stress free minutes on release day. eventhough i would have just used that time to read the manual and checking out all the cool stuff in the CE.
kaf11 said:
oh capitol! good news, thanks. this will save me a couple stress free minutes on release day. eventhough i would have just used that time to read the manual and checking out all the cool stuff in the CE.

I really hope I don't have the same random FPS issue with HL2 as I did with CZ. Basically, what happens to me..

If I run Condition Zero's Deleted Scenes off of Steam, I get crap FPS and the game randomly stutters.
When I run it from a Steam-less install, my FPS is smooth as silk as it is in normal CS.

Wish I knew why that happened, and I also hope that doesn't happen to me with HL2
Remember the update to steam that included offline mode? The steam servers were maxed out and you couldnt even play a game, actually you were lucky to be able to log in at all. HL2 will probably be even more demanding on the servers, and I wouldnt be surprised if the entire network goes down for a day or two at least. :x