Eternal-Silence Screen Shots


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
^^News Post
^^ Screen1
^^ Screen2

Okay, I'll explain these screenshots. :)

On the left hand side is the Subsystem Panel, which shows the status of all Subsystems (who controls them, whether they are hacked, destroyed etc).

The HUD is custom obviously, we didn't just want to cut/paste what HL2 had. We have the logo in the middle for radar. Left hand side is for Health, the guy standing there is for Armor (the brighter it is, the more armor you have on that body part). Right hand side is for ammo (Big number is how much is loaded, small number for how much you have in reserve)

To make it easy for newbies, we display the subsystem dots on the screen, and distance to where they are.

We also display players on your team, and makes it much easier to coordinate an attack on a subsystem.

In the second screenshot is a hacker hacking a subsystem. You can see the giant NGM Gunship in the backround.

Notice on his laptop that there is a picture of the RailGun. As stated in our public design doc (I think), you can place your railgun down somewhere, and use it as a turret. It is completely effected by physics, so you could either bash it, throw a grenade by it, etc to flip it over (at which point the railgun severs the connection with the user, and the user must go pick it up to use it again)

All in all, screenshots don't do the game justice (and especially Dan's computer :x lol ), but next week you will get shots of the Flamethrower (I can't wait for you guys to see this), Napalm (secondary fire of Flamethrower, great for booby traps), and the Ion Cannon!

I hope you guys enjoy! :)
Texture quality is very low i must say.

Overall impressions...

It looks like it definately has potential. I'm not too sure how you are going to pull off the large scale of warfare that you claim to have. ( From old posts i have read you are looking at a high number of players per game ).

If you do create your own textures ( Which i guess you would ) I must say you are doing a great job... But the quality aint so great ( Maybe as you said just a certain persons PC ).

I suggest that with any media update you give out you take screenies using the best possible can get hold of.

Good Work mate, Keep it up ES2 team.
Well that texture in one of the screens (on the pillar) is currently being doubled in resolution (from 256 -> 512 if you want numbers).

Anyways, we are making all of our own textures, we aren't using any of VALVe's (thus becoming one of the first truely Total Conversion mods)

This was supposed to give you just a taste of what we have to offer (trust me, next week's update will feature open environments, and particle effects galore)

Part of it might be Dan's computer system (for example, the jaggies because I don't believe he has AA/AF enabled).

Normally we would probably use my machine, but considering I've been switching jobs, I haven't been around to take screenshots.

Oh, and we've just started a weekly playtest because it's all about bug fixing, making thiings look pretty now... Gameplay is pretty solid and fun! :D
I think besides that one texture on the bar with lights, all the textures look good

looking forward to playing :)
Yes that one texture really makes it look harsh. Showing some promise, cannot wait for the next update.