Eureka Seven Mod-Hiring coders-Pay Included



Lift is in need!! Im sorry to say that we just lost our main coder due to a new job he got, he will be missed. The Coder position is now open and its paid.

Team name:
Project name:
Project Lift
Brief description:
Flying mechs, missiles, lasers flight controls that give you complete control and rely on skill. Customization giving you the chance to create your own personal mech suited to your needs. Whats not to love.

Target aim:
Freeware mod, then once we have one mod under our belt, its on to releasing a published game.

all Coders will be paid per job.

We are using the Source engine, its best to understand it and have exp with programing and C++.

Talent needed:
This is a request for Coders, however we are in need of other team members, take a look at our forums for more info.

Team structure:
The mods almost three months old, this is the team so far.

-integration - Music Man
Concept artist
-csmaster2 - Head Concept Artist
-g3nj0 - Mapper
Mod Administration / PR
-Plinkotink - Mod Leader
PR Managment
-KiithSoban - PR Manager
Sound Artist

Lucius - Music man
Web master
-Samech - Web master

>[email protected]

Previous Work by Team:
none as a team

Additional Info:
I'm 100% committed to this mod, as coders are hard to come by, I've decided to pay them and only them. As said before you will be paid on a job to job basis. pay ranges from $200 to $1000.00. E-mail for more Info, Thanks.
I'm surprised the people on your mod aren't irked that you're only offering money to the coders.

And then I saw the website.
Sigh its always like this, gotta go thru a page or so of useless posts before someone sees that no ones being helpfull and calls everyone on it so ill save them teh trouble, dont be stupid, dont post here at all, its not needed.

my team isnt irked cus they understand that im just a guy with a job and if i could pay everyone i would, but i cant. what you should notice is that im dedicated enough to put out money to get the job done. so there, 3 pages of stupid post avoided. good, now we can move on.

and PS the web page was made by a good friend of mine thats just getting into the web desighn stuff. everyone starts out somewhere. and hes doing a great job.

What's lame?

Sigh its always like this, gotta go thru a page or so of useless posts before someone sees that no ones being helpfull and calls everyone on it so ill save them teh trouble, dont be stupid, dont post here at all, its not needed.

my team isnt irked cus they understand that im just a guy with a job and if i could pay everyone i would, but i cant. what you should notice is that im dedicated enough to put out money to get the job done. so there, 3 pages of stupid post avoided. good, now we can move on.

and PS the web page was made by a good friend of mine thats just getting into the web desighn stuff. everyone starts out somewhere. and hes doing a great job.

I agree that everyone starts somewhere. And it does take a while to get good at things, and practice does make perfect. If he's really interested in web design and has skill with it, he'll be largely unsatisfied with the design up there.

If you viewed any of the threads here before posting (which it seems like you did), you should know that we bash most mods that are a) unprofessional, b) worthless, or c) unoriginal.

"a" status is usually achieved by some pretty simple things. Misspelling, having a poor website, poor presentation of the mod, no grasp of the actual creation process. The way you are presented to the world is very important for reaching the game's target market. I don't think you're quite there yet.

This is something I missed before, but reading back over things, you're apparently basing the mod on some sort of anime. Ignoring for a minute that retail games have already been made based on the game, what's to say that you won't get completely shut down?

Also, dedication isn't about "paying" some people and not others because of an importance. Everyone on the team has their own roles and each are as valuable as the next. There's a reason that it's called a "team". If you really want to appear dedicated, you'll know to spend your time going over and over design documents, coming up with something that makes your game "special". And, because I'm sure Angry Lawyer will say it if he pops in, pick up a programming book yourself and give it a go.
bla bla bla

yes yes, bla bla bla.
thats great that you bash mods n stuff, but its not needed, and for adding hurtfull and useless post to a help wanted section, where you shouldnt even be lookin in, less you wanted to help- that simply makes you an ass right? volunteering to be an ass isnt good, even in a forum.
everything youve said has been done before, your a cookie cutter forum goer, that makes me yawn and think about posting back, not to get thigns done, but for my own amusment.
realy in the end, my mods 3 months old, has a large amount of people watching and we are number 20ish out of 700 sumthin mods.
your opinion doesnt matter, and if more people would just stop acting like you, and just help out when they could, more mods would be finished.
and as far as picking up a programming book, screw that with a hot metal rod.
ive programmed before, i hate it- i am the 3D modeler for my mod though. im one of the few mod owners that dont just sit around and let everyone work for me.
and dedication?! cmon have you seen the movies ive made? or the media. god ive been working very hard.
by all means post and tell me how wrong i am. im extreamly bored at the moment.
yes yes, bla bla bla.
thats great that you bash mods n stuff, but its not needed, and for adding hurtfull and useless post to a help wanted section, where you shouldnt even be lookin in, less you wanted to help- that simply makes you an ass right? volunteering to be an ass isnt good, even in a forum.
everything youve said has been done before, your a cookie cutter forum goer, that makes me yawn and think about posting back, not to get thigns done, but for my own amusment.
realy in the end, my mods 3 months old, has a large amount of people watching and we are number 20ish out of 700 sumthin mods.
your opinion doesnt matter, and if more people would just stop acting like you, and just help out when they could, more mods would be finished.
and as far as picking up a programming book, screw that with a hot metal rod.
ive programmed before, i hate it- i am the 3D modeler for my mod though. im one of the few mod owners that dont just sit around and let everyone work for me.
and dedication?! cmon have you seen the movies ive made? or the media. god ive been working very hard.
by all means post and tell me how wrong i am. im extreamly bored at the moment.

Apparently not "extremely bored" enough to proofread your own post. I have no problem with being an ass, and in terms of helping out mods, you have no idea how many projects I've worked on or helped in various forms.

My comments may be rude, blunt, often sarcastic, and sometimes downright mean, I don't deny that. There are many people who would just tell you to give it up and go home. I'm not like that. I may sound like a jerk when I tell you what's wrong, but I'll point out exactly what's wrong and how to fix it. You should try to understand that it would help your mod to listen to me. For example: If you want to be taken seriously, you really need to take the time to appear that way.

Don't be mad because yours isn't one of the ones that I consider "good enough" to physically help. And don't presume to know anything at all about me based off of what little I've said in this thread.

It's good that you're modeling and doing things for your own mod. However part of being a mod leader is doing things that you can't find others to do, regardless of whether or not you enjoy doing them. You do them because they need to be done. I'm not saying program the entire game yourself, but you could at least lay out the groundwork and have enough of a grasp on it so that when you do find a coder, they know exactly what you want done.
Apparently not "extremely bored" enough to proofread your own post. I have no problem with being an ass, and in terms of helping out mods, you have no idea how many projects I've worked on or helped in various forms.

My comments may be rude, blunt, often sarcastic, and sometimes downright mean, I don't deny that. There are many people who would just tell you to give it up and go home. I'm not like that. I may sound like a jerk when I tell you what's wrong, but I'll point out exactly what's wrong and how to fix it. You should try to understand that it would help your mod to listen to me. For example: If you want to be taken seriously, you really need to take the time to appear that way.

Don't be mad because yours isn't one of the ones that I consider "good enough" to physically help. And don't presume to know anything at all about me based off of what little I've said in this thread.

It's good that you're modeling and doing things for your own mod. However part of being a mod leader is doing things that you can't find others to do, regardless of whether or not you enjoy doing them. You do them because they need to be done. I'm not saying program the entire game yourself, but you could at least lay out the groundwork and have enough of a grasp on it so that when you do find a coder, they know exactly what you want done.

This is another one that ive delt with before, why not just skip the being an ass part? cus you get a kick out of it. Please dont try to justify that, and im not going to proof read a stupid post that im making for stupid reasons. So you help people out right? your great and needed to be treated as such? prove it.
Im sure if you took the time to read what kind of game im attempting to make, you would see that it would be loads of fun for anyone that picked it up. and thats all that matters. dont assume that im mad at you, i like you, you seem like a swell guy, infact i want to be your best friend. want a hug? rofl, theres nothign professional about this, theres no reason to try to take it to that lvl, its just two people trying to prove the other wrong which is what alot of forum goers do, and its simply getting old.

How much are you paying, anyways?

-Angry Lawyer

Before my programmer had to go, he had done two jobs for me (paid per job)
one for 200$ the other for 1000$
why not just skip the being an ass part? cus you get a kick out of it.

Nope. It's just who I am.

and im not going to proof read a stupid post that im making for stupid reasons.

Excellent outlook.

So you help people out right? your great and needed to be treated as such? prove it.

I didn't say that I was great and needed to be treated that way. If you read my post, I said it's in your best interests to listen to me. Doesn't matter a damn to me if your mod fails (which, given your attitude thus far, it will easily). Also I don't feel the need to prove myself to inferior forms of life.

Im sure if you took the time to read what kind of game im attempting to make, you would see that it would be loads of fun for anyone that picked it up. and thats all that matters.

Yeah right. No single game is loads of fun for everyone. Each game that comes out has a specific genre and target market for that very reason. It's like releasing a CD that "everyone will love", it's never going to happen.

dont assume that im mad at you, i like you, you seem like a swell guy, infact i want to be your best friend. want a hug? rofl, theres nothign professional about this, theres no reason to try to take it to that lvl, its just two people trying to prove the other wrong which is what alot of forum goers do, and its simply getting old.

Didn't say it was personal at all. All we're basing each other on is the few posts in this thread. So far I'm a jerk and you're an idiot. Which is pretty old news really. Since I knew I was a jerk already, and I knew from the first few lines of your thread that you were an idiot.

Don't go anywhere though, this thread is too awesome to slip by without Egon coming in.
Before my programmer had to go, he had done two jobs for me (paid per job)one for 200$ the other for 1000$

What did he program for you? I don't see many features on your website that seem very new. Unless you are talking about your "special spots." I for one don't think you are paying people to program, but if youare , why are you only paying programmers? That's absolutely retarded as everyone does just as hard of work, and it makes no sense. Quite frankly its insulting.

Oh, and BTW... listen to Yorick... he's usually right.

yes yes, bla bla bla.
thats great that you bash mods n stuff, but its not needed, and for adding hurtfull and useless post to a help wanted section, where you shouldnt even be lookin in, less you wanted to help- that simply makes you an ass right? volunteering to be an ass isnt good, even in a forum.
everything youve said has been done before, your a cookie cutter forum goer, that makes me yawn and think about posting back, not to get thigns done, but for my own amusment.
realy in the end, my mods 3 months old, has a large amount of people watching and we are number 20ish out of 700 sumthin mods.
your opinion doesnt matter, and if more people would just stop acting like you, and just help out when they could, more mods would be finished.
and as far as picking up a programming book, screw that with a hot metal rod.
ive programmed before, i hate it- i am the 3D modeler for my mod though. im one of the few mod owners that dont just sit around and let everyone work for me.
and dedication?! cmon have you seen the movies ive made? or the media. god ive been working very hard.
by all means post and tell me how wrong i am. im extreamly bored at the moment.

Yorick helps tons of people, the fact that you didn't do your research before you entered this forum is what pisses everyone off. By keeping this forum clear of people like you it makes it more useful, the reason being, people don't waste their time on projects that are going no where. I was in the same boat as you at one point, and was just as ignorant. But, I've realized since then that realistic projects with dedicated people are all that belong on these forums, otherwise people's time is wasted. Your mod may be 3 months old, but for having a half a map done, and about four 3d models is pretty pitiful. Those unoriginal sketches of "Gundam" mechs aren't that great either. More mods will not get finished with people like you starting up projects like this, so please don't blame the lack of finished mods on people like Yorick. And lastly, even though spelling doesn't seem very important to you, I'd recommend maturing a couple years and spelling like a grown-up... it may help ever so slightly.
theres nothign professional about this

I agree. Nothign at all.

you seem like a swell guy, infact i want to be your best friend. want a hug? rofl,

I'm fluent in sarcasm and I do believe this is a failed attempt.

So you help people out right?

Probably the only forum on the internet that tells the truth about your mod idea. If it sucks, then we are going to say "It sucks."

your great and needed to be treated as such? prove it.

He's hardly claiming to be the Prophet Muhammad now is he? You may interpret his jerkism whatever way you will, but the advice is solid, and I'd advise you follow it.

Im sure if you took the time to read what kind of game im attempting to make, you would see that it would be loads of fun for anyone that picked it up.

Pen to paper a good idea does not make.

I said it's in your best interests to listen to me.

Oh, and BTW... listen to Yorick... he's usually right.

Yorick helps tons of people.

so please don't blame the lack of finished mods on people like Yorick.

Yeah, I like how Yorick is being made out to be a kind of spiritual mod healer here. You know, the kind mod teams travel thousands of miles to see in the remotest of regions to ask for his awe-inspiring advice.
its all so easy isnt it? my good lil forum goers? its all the same, everything has been done before, cus your all doing the same thing, cus its easy.
its easy to sit back and latch on to anyones idea that you dont like and bash it, cus theres more of a chance that it will fail than live up to becoming something. and here i am coming into a lil group of friends that do this all the time, and dont get me wrong, im no idiot, i choose not to sit here and spell check these stupid posts, im still trying to figure out why im here posting back to you people, (it might just be fun to e-slap you kind of people i dun know) but cmon, you think you matter? forums are kewel to people like you for one reason, they let you sit back and think for 15 min each time you post something new, makin u look like you know what your talkin about.
the only thing that caught my eye was some one said that he thaught i wasnt paying my coder? look on the first news release, theres a movie called coding snippit, thats the first 200 dollar job, and no one would dissagree with the fact that coders are hard to find, so i decided to pay them. it worked too, got one reeeeeeeeeeally fast.
so after this, any and all post will just be for the sake of e-battling, against some one thats got the balls to put themselves out there(that would be me) , knowing full well that theres people like you everywhere. and forum kids. annnnd ur prolly just gonna get sarcasm....lots of it...itl be kewl. i think we are all gonna be good friends.
Stop whining and go work on your "mod".

Or we'll unban Shasta.
Yeah, I like how Yorick is being made out to be a kind of spiritual mod healer here. You know, the kind mod teams travel thousands of miles to see in the remotest of regions to ask for his awe-inspiring advice.

I lol'd so hard. That's going in the signature once I get around to changing it. Definitely beats out AL's excellent quote.

its easy to sit back and latch on to anyones idea that you dont like and bash it, cus theres more of a chance that it will fail than live up to becoming something.

The idea and the presentation of said idea are very different. I don't think I've mentioned the idea at all. But you're basing it off of someone else's property, which in itself is a big nono.

im still trying to figure out why im here posting back to you people, (it might just be fun to e-slap you kind of people i dun know) but cmon, you think you matter? forums are kewel to people like you for one reason, they let you sit back and think for 15 min each time you post something new, makin u look like you know what your talkin about.

I'm not sure how anyone else feels, but I haven't felt slapped at all so far. I've been laughing most of the time and I'm pretty sure if I had a tail it would be wagging like whoa. Also the word is "cool". And clearly by using words like "u" and "im", you don't know what you're talking about.

so after this, any and all post will just be for the sake of e-battling, against some one thats got the balls to put themselves out there , knowing full well that theres people like you everywhere(that would be me). and forum kids. annnnd ur prolly just gonna get sarcasm....lots of it...itl be kewl. i think we are all gonna be good friends.

I think you're elated opinion of yourself is one of the funniest things I've seen all week.
Waging through the myraid of grammatical errors and poor structure is a great feat. Many Bothans died to bring us this post.

its all so easy isnt it? my good lil forum goers?

You sound like the kid in the playground who was beaten and had his lunch money stolen. "It's all so easy isn't it, my good little school chums!" Except we're not stealing your lunch money at all; we're taking you to the canteen itself and telling you exactly which foods are better for you. But you just go ahead and pick different.

its easy to sit back and latch on to anyones idea that you dont like and bash it

What exactly are you expecting? If I don't like it I'm hardly going to lavish it with praise and present the leader with a gold medallion for his genius streak. No, I'm going to point out why it sucks and give him a dunce' hat. Which isn't bashing, it's criticism.

cus theres more of a chance that it will fail than live up to becoming something.


and here i am coming into a lil group of friends that do this all the time, and dont get me wrong

Only when necessary. Hell, I rarely do it, but there it is.

im no idiot, i choose not to sit here and spell check these stupid posts

You're no idiot yet you decide against spell checking as you prefer to look the idiot, rather than be the idiot. Congratulations and shake my hand: you just said something stupid!

e-battling, against some one thats got the balls to put themselves out there ,

You're a true hero.

knowing full well that theres people like you

Yes, we are hideous forms of life that pollute and dominate the e-world, preying on the weak and the stupid. But fortunately for all, there's one man. One man who will stand up to the forces of good-spelling and grammar and put an end to their wicked ways: he will fight the good fight and see to it that all are treated to a scrumptious feast of gaming, in which they totter around blocky maps and blast each other into pixel dust with an un-skinned AK-47

Ah, paradise. Tis a shame I am the wicked villain.

. and forum kids. annnnd ur prolly just gonna get sarcasm....lots of it...itl be kewl. i think we are all gonna be good friends.

It is cool. I've given you my sarcasm. And we are all very, very good friends. :thumbs:
And that just ain't never gonna leave me. Damn you all to hell.
Ok so i think this solved it

Ok, so i think i know what the problem is; cookies. theres not enough cookies to go around, everyone put up their address, and the cookies shall be sent to you via cookie-mail.

And clearly by using words like "u" and "im", you don't know what you're talking about.

U isn a word silly pants. is everyone a lit major or somthin? thanx for everyone helping to keep my post at the top of the list.
U isn a word silly pants. is everyone a lit major or somthin? thanx for everyone helping to keep my post at the top of the list.

U is a letter while you is a word. It's called a "dictionary". Check it out.

And completely unrelated, yes, I am an English major. Possibly switching over to Major in Computer Science, with a minor in either English or Literature, depending on which college I end up transferring to. Thanks for asking. =)

Also there's not many other posts in here. And yours being at the top will increase the chances that more people will come by to point out how flawed your intelligence is. cookies?
thank you for telling me that too, i must rember before i post; Yorick is better than all and should be respectimucted.
i must base my intelegence on how good of a poster i am on a video game forume?!!@
oh crap. im screwed
thank you for telling me that too, i must rember before i post; Yorick is better than all and should be respectimucted.

Didn't say that. I think it's funny that like 90% of what you're using for ammunition is stuff that no one has said.

i must base my intelegence on how good of a poster i am on a video game forume?!!@oh crap. im screwed

Yeah you were screwed on that front quite a few posts ago.

PS I'm shit drunk and still type way better than you. :)
Didn't say that. I think it's funny that like 90% of what you're using for ammunition is stuff that no one has said.

Yeah you were screwed on that front quite a few posts ago.

PS I'm shit drunk and still type way better than you. :)

:O kids areant aloud to drink! for shame.
you made me smile.
and samon made me google Bothans
Just to back up what other people have said:

I worked on a mod for two years, doing nothing but pure designing, and having no ****ing clue what I was doing. It failed horribly (twice, I might add), and I know better now. And you're doing exactly the same thing I did, except you're paying people and you don't seem to have any form of design document or story. I'm sure it seems easy to think up something that'd make a cool game - add some interesting weapons and enemies, a cool story, maybe some multiplayer - but in reality designing and creating a game is phenomenally more difficult than you think it is. What you have so far needs a total overhaul. It's unoriginal, is nothing but a couple completely unfinished maps and concept art, and will fail miserably. You seem to have good intentions at least, but you really need to take a step back and look critically at what you're trying to do.

And you're not doing yourself a whole lot of favors by ignoring advice and taking special measures to let people know that you don't care about spelling properly.
Just to back up what other people have said:

I worked on a mod for two years, doing nothing but pure designing, and having no ****ing clue what I was doing. It failed horribly (twice, I might add), and I know better now. And you're doing exactly the same thing I did, except you're paying people and you don't seem to have any form of design document or story. I'm sure it seems easy to think up something that'd make a cool game - add some interesting weapons and enemies, a cool story, maybe some multiplayer - but in reality designing and creating a game is phenomenally more difficult than you think it is. What you have so far needs a total overhaul. It's unoriginal, is nothing but a couple completely unfinished maps and concept art, and will fail miserably. You seem to have good intentions at least, but you really need to take a step back and look critically at what you're trying to do.

And you're not doing yourself a whole lot of favors by ignoring advice and taking special measures to let people know that you don't care about spelling properly.

^ this is the most constructive crit so far, btw.
....i was going to post back, some stuff to continue the conversation, but realy the post that i have been getting arent worth it. This thread has been up long enough i Think. if some one interested has seen it then thats all i need.
I mean i could stay here and fight, but i dont gain much from it, so off i go.

P.S. I cant belive you all turned down cookies.
....i was going to post back, some stuff to continue the conversation, but realy the post that i have been getting arent worth it. This thread has been up long enough i Think. if some one interested has seen it then thats all i need.
I mean i could stay here and fight, but i dont gain much from it, so off i go.

Translation: "You guys greatly outnumber me and have completely won out due to superior intelligence and wits. I shall now leave with my tail between my legs."

:O kids areant aloud to drink! for shame.

You're right. Kids drinking leads to teenage pregnancy and unwanted, defective children....Such as yourself. =) Luckily I'm not a kid.
I mean i could stay here and fight, but i dont gain much from it, so off i go.

Particles of awesome are attracted to the greatest fighters. Present a good argument and thrash the competition and you will find tiny particles of what you may call Dark matter or Dust but are actually a particle I recently discovered as "Awesome" attach themselves to you and form you into the fantastic being you are. As you can imagine, I'm a fricken beacon of these particles and if you ever looked at me through special equipment your eyes would walk out in protest.
heh, glad I'm not the only one that references His Dark Materials in casual speech/ownage.
Reading this thread, on the one hand, I really need money for alcohol, and on the other, ohmigawd.

-Angry Lawyer