Europe gets free Metal Gear Online beta Thursday!


Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score

SCEE has confirmed that the PSN Store redesign will be going live on April 15th. It has also been revealed that the European Store won't get updated until Thursday the 17th, but it should be worth the wait. A list of upcoming content was included in the press release, including the European Metal Gear Online beta. From the looks of things, it'll be an open beta for anyone who wants to take part, unlike in the US or Japan where beta keys were handed out with Metal Gear Solid 4 preorders. Here's what we can expect to see next Thursday:
Metal Gear Online Premiere Beta
Warhawk: Operation Broken Mirror expansion
Lair "Diabolical Dragons" pack
Lair "Skyguard Upgrade" pack
"A collection of trailers including the latest for GTA IV"
Sega Superstar Tennis demo

I came so hard it went through three pairs of pants.
That is f_cking incredible and f_cking bullshit if true. We US gamers have to pre-order (not like it was a question anyway) and enter in our redemption key to "buy" the beta from the PSN. Plus in Europe it lasts like a month longer than ours??? WTF???

Seriously though, I can't wait for this either. The whole thing sounds incredibly fun, esp. the idea of having a sniper on a team with tranquilizer darts knocking people out so that the forward squadmates can go in for the kill. Pure kick-ass. Can't wait to try it!!!
I've been putting off buying a PS3 for a few weeks, but I think I'll order it now! :D
I'm in the US and am not at all bothered by this. I usually don't pre-order games but there was no question I was going to be buying MGS4, so I figured I might as well do it now and get the MGO beta. I do wish ours lasted longer though...
Hey has anyone been able to download the 1.01 update for the Beta?? I keep trying and it either stays at 0% forever for the P2P option or it quits out for the HTTP option. Does anyone have any insight into what the problem might be? Has anyone else experienced similar difficulties?
I had the same problem, though I didn't leave it running for too long. I think once the servers quiet down and they get their shit together it'll be fine.
Currently downloading it from the P2P option, it's downloading but just how big is the update? Seems huge...
The update is as big as the game, 700+ MB.

Use the P2P option, you'll only be able to use the HTTP option once, when you try again it won't work.
I got hold of a Konami ID today!

...after six hours of trying and three browser changes.
i saw, i realised, i came.

I got hold of a Konami ID today!

...after six hours of trying and three browser changes.

I don't really get the point with the Konami ID. Why can't we just use our PSN account to play the game or is THAT too much of a hassle? Christ, why does it feel like Konami is stuck in the Playstation 2 era when you had to create an account for every single online multiplayer game (except for Sony titles).

And I haven't even managed to create an account yet because their site is SO ****ING SLOW. :sleep:
You have to use a Konami ID because they want you to pay for their online games in the future.
aaarg the update ( 1.01) takes for ever to download :" (( 700MB 20kb/s *cries*

Yup, I finally got my update downloaded after only about 4.5 hrs!!

I still cannot get a Konami ID. As I try to enter my information the site gives me an error saying it was idle for too long. WTF??
Thanks for the excellent advice--it does seem to work (sort of). It certainly got me further, but nothing was ever working in the end. All the IDs were somehow taken or it would timeout again and again. F_ck this beta. I have almost no interest in something that is so f_cked up to begin with.
When the beta going to start? the euro one

Metal Gear Online Premiere Beta will be available as a free download on the PLAYSTATION? Store from April 17th (12:00 CEST) until May 6th (10:00 CEST).

The beta phase features two maps, four gameplay modes, the SOP System that encourages up to 16 players to team up and share information, and deep skill-customization. Also equipped with auto-matching and training modes, the game offers players a sneak peak of this totally new approach to console-based competitive gaming.

The Premiere Beta of Metal Gear Online starts on April 21st (00:00 CEST) and ends on May 6th (24:00 CEST).

Metal Gear Online will be included with Metal Gear Solid 4, which will be released on June 12, 2008.
I'm still waiting for them to get their shit together, which you would think would have happened by now.

Too bad too, it's going to cut into the week of play time between the beta release and GTAIV :p .
Hahaha! It worked!! Finally got my Konami ID and Game ID!!

Much thanks and love to Loke for the help. Would never have been possible without it.


Are we sharing Game IDs here?
Beta off to a flying start!!

On the eve of its debut, the Metal Gear Online US public beta has gone AWOL. More accurately, Konami has announced that the beta has been delayed due to "extraordinary levels of traffic from all around the globe" causing service problems.

Konami did not give a new starting date for the beta, only to say that more information will be coming tomorrow, April 22. The end date, however, has been pushed back from May 5 to May 11. (Update: fixed date.) For those who need a fix desperately can peep the online manual for the game, including a listing of the 16 skills you can choose from to enhance your stealth killer.


Not surprising given the absolutely AWFUL mess that the IDs have been. That certainly explains my "Server Not Found" error this morning.
Hahaha! It worked!! Finally got my Konami ID and Game ID!!

Much thanks and love to Loke for the help. Would never have been possible without it.


Are we sharing Game IDs here?


Mine's fastson_sve


What an absolute crock of shite this beta been so far - Most have been unable to create an ID and now the beta won't even start at the estimated time.
Good game Konami, good game. :thumbs:



Mine's fastson_sve


What an absolute crock of shite this beta been so far - Most have been unable to create an ID and now the beta won't even start at the estimated time.
Good game Konami, good game. :thumbs:

Agreed. It has a been a horrible experience so far, but isn't that what Betas are for? :dozey:

Mine's v1ct1m_of_sc13nc3
Haha yeah, but shouldn't one at least be able to play a beta? ;)

Well, hopefully they'll get their shit together so we can see how it is. And I hope that's soon, don't want it to intervene with GTA4 now when that's close to release.
For those that didn't get the memo, the beta now starts the 25th at midnight PST (-8 GMT) time...

And this time they put in a warning of "Assuming that there are no unforseen circumstances"
Let's just use a [] tag in game and organize stuff when it's open. :p
Well they fixed the Konami ID thing. I just logged on and registered with no problem whatsoever.
It's not as awesome as I imagined but it contains a lot of MGS4 content!