


Why Europe? How did Gordon get there? WTF happened?! I WANNA KNOW ALREADY!
Hrmf, I started this thread because I like hearing diffrent Speculations and come up with some myself. so here's my theory:
In op4 we see BMRF being nuked *quite so* so maybe that leads to some kind of war? or maybe it opens a bigger portal for all the aliens to come (e.g. Combine)? and that's why people have to move to europe before it's too late.
Or maybe City 17 is just European architecture and it's placed in the US? maybe people/aliens moved to european architecture in the near future?
Anyway, that's what I think.

p.s Maybe U.S was teleported? :O
No, I'm pretty sure VALVe have said it's an old european city. I don't know the story reason for VALVe moving the new game to Europe, but the gameplay reason is that apparently they wanted a place that was a good symbol of the clash between the old and the new, or something along those lines...
They couldn't recreate the huge city environments in America.

...Or maybe America is annihilated in HL2.


I, too, will be interested in discovering the reasons revealed in the plot for the geographical shift between games.
Old and New.... Communism and totalinarianism(sp?) over thrown by democratic rebellions...
Combine overthrown by Gordon and Barney ! plus, the Gorgeous architecture!
I think the nuking of BMRF would have been covered up as an 'accident', and that the case was closed... for a while. Everyone would expect gordons destruction of the nihilanth, coupled with the nuke cleaning up any survivors, would have completely stopped the aliens.

Eventually though, something would happen. Maybe people would return to BMRF's ruins and see that something survived, or maybe the aliens would make the first move, but the invasion would start up again. It's my opinion that by the time gordon comes on the scene, america has been completely taken over by the aliens, along with a lot of the rest of the world. City17 is one of the stronger pockets of human resistance, and gordon comes along to help.

It was time my conspiricy theories came out for an airing... :cheese:
Well, seeing on the city 17 trailer, I guess that is a little after he gets off the train. when he walks over in between those gates and the door, they shut and the camera takes pictures of him. And my guess is that he was told to go there to destory the aliens for them, but they figure out that he should be killed so they hunt him's a big guess, but it makes sense, eh?
Because it's freaking original.. without all the american patriotism.
maybe it's in europe because it generally looks cooler than america, and they wanted a change of setting?
Was the original actually based in America? Or do you all presume that it was?
HL2 takes place 10 years after the first...right? Well, a helluva lot can happen in 10 years. Maybe since America was the source of the alien invasion, it was taken over first. And then the Aliens and combine spread over to Africa, Asia, and Europe. And now City 17 is one of the few remaining strongholds against the invasion.
I personally think the aliens are not that much of a problem, they probably almost destroyed mankind, but the aliens you'll be fighting are unitelligent ones, seems to me the combine are in control of the earth, probably to steal its ressources like water, why keep humans alive then? i dojn't know? slaves? to make them join the Combine? probably the last one.
well thank christ its not in scotland...

just watch the day after tommorow and you will see why...

suffice it to say i would get owned if that film was real....

Its probably in europe becuase..... why not? why do games always have to be set in america or iraq or north korea?

getting bored of either suburbs sand or jungles.
Read that, this is most certainly what City-17 is. After all it fits the description and has a name like one of those secret cities.

Then think about how these cities were sites for Russian military research, maybe the Russians were experimenting with teleportation technology like the US was in HL1. That would certainly have something to with the story.

Thats my theory anyway.
Hmm, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out you're right Mullinator.

Of course, post-Soviet Russia might have had a bit more trouble funding R&D into technologies like teleportation than the U.S. So unless they were experimenting with it pre-1991, in practice more like pre-1985 at least it probably doesn't have an equivalent of a Lambda complex (unless the BMRF refugees built one).
City 17 looked a bit like Prague to me.

And comments like 'cause it's better than america'.... well... implicit the reverse? ;) please stop that crap...
Recoil said:
City 17 looked a bit like Prague to me.

I admit, it looks like Prague, but isn't the Czech Republic landlocked? Doesn't really add up considering there's a docks level, with some pretty large looking ships (ones that wouldn't be sent up a river) stuck in the sand. City 17 could be in Poland, if you're seeing a dried-up Baltic in the videos, or it could be Romania or Ukraine, if you're seeing the Black Sea. But, my geography's terrible.

-Angry Lawyer
IMO not the Baltic, or the Med as they're connected to the Atlantic Ocean... and that much water disappearing would have extreme effects on weather patterns and temperature... think The Day After Tomorrow type thing.

Possibly the Black Sea (the Bosphorus or Dardanelles could be closed in some way - earthquakes maybe?). More likely the Caspian Sea I think. The Aral Sea is probably too far east to be considered Eastern European.
*Whips out his world-map*
Nahh, I'll stick with the idea of it being the Black Sea, because the Caspian is more in Asia than Europe. I'm not sure how the cities in Kazakhstan look, but I'm pretty sure they're not like City 17 (someone, feel free to prove me wrong).

Plus, I'm sure I read somewhere that one of Valve's artists was Romanian - thus, it's possible that we're looking at Romania.

-Angry Lawyer
Well if it's the Black Sea Istanbul is probably a bit screwed.
Anyway, if he's Romanian he might still have visited the Caspian :) I still think a city on the western shore of the Caspian could be viable.
But that'd make City 17 a Georgean or Azerbaijani (not sure if I got the plural right there) city, and I'm pretty sure architecture there is closer to Turkish, rather than Eastern European. Although, I can be proven wrong.

Then again, we could all be wrong, and it could be in Bulgaria :p

-Angry Lawyer
no, city 17 is on the sea of japan...

The most dangerous environmental threat for Primorskiy Kray today is probably radioactive waste. The Russian Pacific Fleet and its arsenal, located in mainly in Vladivostok and nearby Russkiy Island, has both nuclear weapons, ship borne nuclear reactors, and radioactive waste. About 100 vessels list in the harbors around Vladivostok, and some 40 aging nuclear submarines are docked at Bolshoi Kamen.
Looks too warm for Sweden. And I'm sure there'd be a higher percentage of attractive women in the video if it was in Sweden ;)

Doubt it's on the sea of Japan - that'd make it on the Asian half of Russia. That's quite some distance from Eastern Europe.

-Angry Lawyer
Now you're headed for even colder climes!

I'd like it if it was Poland, though. Being Half-Polish, I get to promite my continental heriatage whenever possible :)

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Looks too warm for Sweden. And I'm sure there'd be a higher percentage of attractive women in the video if it was in Sweden ;)

Doubt it's on the sea of Japan - that'd make it on the Asian half of Russia. That's quite some distance from Eastern Europe.

-Angry Lawyer

well according to valve, Beta = finishing touches...

to them, all of Russia could be eastern Europe...


*heart explodes*
how bout the is in europa because that's where he should solve the problems?
I thought it was clear. Eastern europe was use as a basis of inspiration but City 17 is not a recreation of anywhere. It just draws from the architecture etc.
and why is that "clear"?

if there is an actual City-17, NAMED city 17, an old military city, in russia, with a big bay with abandoned submarines in it (which were seen in the coastline video)

could it get any more clear then that?
I thought there was a real city 17, it was a fake soviet city? or some missile factory? IIRC
it was a real city, it has since been renamed, but there was a city 17, as late as the 1980's AFAIK... its on the sea of japan, its a soviet sub base, and a nucliour waste dumping site, plus a large city
more than likely the US would be a smoldering crater...they'd probably be the first ones wiped out by the aliens cuz they would put up the most resistance