Eve Fanfest 2009


Jun 20, 2004
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Well I really didn't like it mainly due to people not too familiar with the English language, people winging presentations, technical issues, and drunk people. But there were a couple of things announced that I think even non-Eve players here will spike interest. Most of the videos will be put on youtube and the vids will be re-posted on this.

1) They went over lighting and ambient occlusion in Incarna. Incarna is the expansion that let's you walk in the station. It was supposed to be released this year but it has been pushed back to "when it's done". It will be released before DUST 514 they said. It's just undergoing radical changes and wasn't shown that much at all. They did say that you can do business with shady people and perform illegal activities. It's also where you will own your own bar and talk to Dust 514 mercenary corps. One of the developers quickly glossed over it but said that combat in Incarna would not happen, at this time. If you die though without a pod, you die without getting cloned and are really dead. Not sure what the developer meant.


There is a fair bit of fan fiction that goes with pod pilots. There is an ancient alien race in Eve and they made pods. The extreme toll on the human body while flying kills ordinary people, the pod greatly enhances pilot performance, and you can live forever by being cloned. Everything in space is done wire by the wires in the back of your head and is simulated like the Matrix.

2) COSMOS is now "New Eden". It's almost a Facebook that ties right into Eve. It is where your forums are hosted, pics/vids, mail, calendar, more.

3) Dominion will come out on December 1st. Currently it's nigh impossible to control any part of the map in Eve and is subject to major alliances you hear on Kotaku. The only real way to get into lawless space is to be a renter corp which pay a due to live in the space like a union fee. Dominion will change how you gain control of space and we will probably see friends turn into enemies and see a fair bit of drama.

3) Fleet formation in Dominion. Currently a giant ball of ships fly around and never in the fleet formation you are used to seeing in Eve trailers.

4) Planets will have a overhaul and stars. Stars will just looks better, planets will appear larger and have city lights on dark parts of the planet. There will be dynamic cloud formation, water planets, etc.

5) It will be possible to use up to 3 monitors to play Eve, 6 in the future.

6) DUST 514 was the main part of the show unfortunately. They mentioned that you buy the game, then pay more for additional things like special guns, etc. Really it sounded entirely sketchy, gameplay bland, it looked sucky. :bonce:

7) They introduced the Tech 3 ship cruiser class in Apocrypha with worm holes. They are planning to push out Tech 3 Frigates and Battleships.

8) Epic missions came out as well with Apocrypha and I enjoyed the level 1 arc. The level 4 arc came out and I think it's still buggy but I can't even get my standing up to do them. Regardless they are making pirate arc's with Dominion.

9) They went over it very quickly but they showed a face of a Jovian pilot (looked like a Incarna model to me). Well it sounded like far into the future they will declare war on Eve or maybe we can play their race in the future.

10) In Dominion, Motherships are called Super Capitals and use fighter bombers. These little guys do massive damage on other ships. Titans are getting heavily nerfed. CCP originally thought that there would be 3 in the game ever and using the Dooms Day device would be a measure of last resort. Well now we have more than 25 Titans in-game. They did a overkill on one alliance and used the device 25 times. The device is an area of affect weapon and will destroy entire fleets including pods. So now in Dominion you can only fire on one target that you want to kill.

11) You can mine comets.

As for me, I'm in a renter corp and doing pretty darn good. I have so much money that I can pay for Eve with in-game money easily. Gordonfreeman911 can ironically do the same thing. I will have to see what will happen after Dominion but if the crap hits the fan, I will aim to be a pirate.
I have to agree with your sentiments, hool. If the shit hits the fan, we should maybe search for a ratting corp, and have some fun :p
Dust514 sounds pretty badass tbh :)
T-t-t-t-triple post!

Dominion is looking to be a great expansion, the sov changes sound ace - should really open 0.0 up a lot.
Your Huzzah guys going to move from NPC to full nullsec?
We arent in huzzah atm, left a month or so back to seek out some new place to live! But havent moved yet :(

Just waiting for another 2 carriers and we are ready to go!

Chances are we will just join them again tho lol
I just started on a 21 day trial and I'm loving Eve a little too much. Most of the changes listed don't mean much to me, noob to the game mechanics as I am, but the graphical upgrades sound good. Hopefully they won't come at the expense of too much performance, since right now the game's at a sweet spot for me in terms of how it looks and runs.

(BTW I use the same name in game if anyone wants to give me a shout. You'll find me flying drudge missions in a Cormorant with seven Glock 9mm's sellotaped to it.)
Yeah I noticed you were blue to me Stormy recently. As I said Caldari is OK where you are now. What I have noticed is:

Pro-Caldari: Masters of shield tanking and missiles. Relative easy to train for and use. They are only really good for jamming and running missions. The Drake is an amazing ship and people probably won't target you because the Drake has a very good tank. Missiles always hit their target provided they are in range.
Neg-Caldari: After 3 months of running missions, you will be very bored and will not have too much money. If you are in a corp in high-sec they are considered "care bears". You might consider leaving Eve (like I was thinking). You will want to check out 0.0 and the massive battles you hear in the news and gaming websites. Curiosity will get to the better of you and make you move there only to find you are extremely rich (buying game time with game money) but a poor PVP race. Once Caldari shields are gone, they go down fast. Not too much DPS output. You will be the primary because everybody knows Caldari fails in PVP.
Result: You start to train for another race like Amarr.

Pro-Minmatar: Pretty good with turrets, speed, and missiles. They are an excellent PVP race I have been told and have seen.
Neg-Minmatar: Look like flying wrecks. Use missiles and usually must fly in close-combat like Caldari.
Result: A great race to cross-train for PVP for a quick pay-off.

Pro-Gallente: Support ships of Eve. Heavy tanks in Armor. Use drones as main weapon. Use blasters as well.
Neg-Gallente: They tank very well but they don't put out too much DPS. Drones can be gone if you have a bomb. This was shown when Pandemic Legion faced a bunch of Dominix. The bitch of every race or the medic to the fleet. Plus the ships look sexually suggestive.
Result: You will probably see the end of the battle and your role is to support your fleet. Your the medic and you do that role well.

Pro-Amarr: They are THE PVP race of Eve. They are a laser race meaning no waiting for the missile to hit the target. When you fire lasers they do 1337 damage. Their battleships are extremely punishing. Their ships look epic. They do not carry ammo. Have the largest capacitor. Can fit sensor boosters on and do epic damage 150km+ away meaning you won't get webbed/warp disrupted.
Neg-Amarr: As a result of having to depend upon the capacitor, they will easily shut down with no energy such as a NOS or Energy Neut. The tech 1 crystals last forever but the real damage is in tech 2. Tech 2 crystals break after a certain amount of cycles. Hardest to cross-train for a race. Only do EM and thermal damage. You will miss if you are not within the optimal range of your guns.
Result: I have noticed time after time this race is FTW. You don't need ammo in your cargo meaning you can put more loot into your cargo bay. Everybody knows they pwn in PVP.

That is what I have seen since I started playing. I am starting to learn that warping to 50km from the target is smart. I'm just getting better at how to PVP in Caldari. Right now I'm going to train for a Zealot (an Amarr Heavy Assault Cruiser). I just learned how to use tech 2 blasters on the Harpy which is my first tech 2 ship. I really like frigs so I will train up to Assault Frigates/HAC's for Caldari and Amarr and maximize their potential. I may go up the ladder from there or go to Minmatar and Gallente. My character sheet is here: http://eve-sheet.com/skills/James_Forest

Goonswarm also made a really cool video:

*Finally I want to add that not only do tech 2 ships look cool, they perform really well. Like the Merlin is an epic little Caldari frigate but the Harpy is on a different level. It has a lot of resistance points and extra modules making it that much better. I also recommend people watching Pandemic Legion vids here: http://www.eve-search.com/thread/1159646 "Resting in Curse" made me want to train for Amarr.
I've been playing EvE on and off for a while, but like most MMO's your experience comes down to who you play with. I haven't really found a decent group of people yet, most of the corps I end up in end up splitting apart due to in-fighting, or are filled with miners who believe its the best thing you can possibly do!
Actually about Minmatar with most of their ships you can get away without using an missiles, esp when fitting for PvP. Also some of their scrapheaps look badass so that ain't a neg.
Their real negatives is that the large-size versions of their turrets - projectiles - suck quite a bit, their ships are split between all 3 (4) types of tanking, and their racial ewar is relatively weak. Still, stick to medium and small (inc. T2 versions) of their ships and you're grand. Let your friend in the other factions' ships do the ewar.

Lobster and Laivasse you'd be welcome to join the corp Pitz and I are in, though we're currently in a war it's decent enough - esp. to get started.
Hool you just suck!

All races have good dps, Blasters chuch out more dps then anything else? But they have drawbacks with a lack of range.

Amarr are good at pvp but only in particular situations. They are good buff ships but are not so great at repair setups as they really heavily on cap and the scorch t2 ammo is very good giving you good range and tracking. But they are very much not the win win race. You will learn that very soon once you have trained for them :p
I hope they eventully allow you to also land on planetary bases like in the old Elite and Frontier games. I did see they announced that the first major update after Dominion will include the abillity to own Planets and use them for manufacturing tasks, similar to POS's. If they combined that with Incarna, it will be like two MMO's in one.

They also mentioned Tech 3 frigates and moduels are next on the list for equipment.

28:12 is the epic Incarna teaser.


44:26 they show off Incarna and ambient lighting tech.


Planetary interaction should really increase interest in non-Eve players. Basically it's a Sim City on steroids. You create governments and do everything possible in Sim City on it's tied to you in Eve. Now if you screw up really bad, you can nuke it from orbit (yes they said it would be a feature). :LOL:

*More and this is the CCP panel:


Can't wait for the Goonswarm thing.
I really think people should check this out.


Even if your not intrested in EvE as a game there is a lot of really intresting background on how its run and where the game will be going in the future. For example how the plan on making the game more accessable through mobiles and consoles and also information on "COSMOS" which will be a social network dedicated to EvE. Also some bits on just the size of the company and growth.