EVE-Online coming to Steam!

I'm very impressed by this game. Looks like I will be subscribing.
C'mon guys, if you are playing eve post your info!

My Info:

Race: Gallente
Bloodline: Intaki
SP: 2.7 Million
Name: noisexbleed
I got two accounts, both with over 20mil sp. I chucked on battle ship 5 on them both and left my subscription to run out. So ill be on again soon I hope once the 40 days are up.

Ohh my mega is going to ruuule! hopfly going to be getting over 1000 dps :D BOOM!
I got two accounts, both with over 20mil sp. I chucked on battle ship 5 on them both and left my subscription to run out. So ill be on again soon I hope once the 40 days are up.

Ohh my mega is going to ruuule! hopfly going to be getting over 1000 dps :D BOOM!

what race are they?
I played EVE last year, started in February and cancelled my subscription around June (partially in a fit of rage at EVE haters).

I'm really considering getting back into it, although I probably won't use my old character (Hulk pilot (with no Hulk) out in 0.0 alliance space, if it still exists), but rather go for combat... unless the mineral market's gotten back up, but from reading the eve-o forums it doesn't seem to have done so.

Unfortunately I apparently have the self-confidence of a blade of grass so every time I read EVE criticism the intention is postponed a few days.

I want to see what Trinity looks like, though. Do they still require €20 to reactivate your account if you've just got a cancelled sub? I logged into my account the other day and got to the credit card data input page, it didn't seem to mention any of that, just a selection for the subscription period.
I want to see what Trinity looks like, though. Do they still require ?20 to reactivate your account if you've just got a cancelled sub? I logged into my account the other day and got to the credit card data input page, it didn't seem to mention any of that, just a selection for the subscription period.

if you want to come back you don't need to pay for the game... all you need to do is buy more months and then you can immediately start playing.

why should you come back? well next expansion is supposed to introduce faction wars! :cheese:

They never delete your character off the servers unless you go out of your way to remove it. Just pay for a subscription again and off you go. I usaly use time codes, about $15 a month which works out around ?7 for me because the doller sucks :D

I renewed my account lastnight, still got 10 days left on my skill tho and its a frigging pain in the balls but i got 250mil which is the most I have had so thats cool.

I left my account with a million sell orders and came back with tons of it sold lawl :D

Time to stock up again tho it seems.
So anyone start playing in the end?