Even More Nuclear Dawn Media


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
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The Nuclear Dawn team promised us a month of "Media May-hem" for this May, and they're keeping their promise. Hot on the heels of the last news update, which told us about ND's feature spread in Computer Gaming World, is a new media release featuring some interesting new content. We see several new classes of player models from ND's Consortium team, as well as new screenshots from nd_russia and nd_japan, by renowned level designers Robert Briscoe and sa74n.[br]

[br]The ND team is actively recruiting a weapons animator, a character animator, and a third coder to complete their team, so if you think you have what it takes, head over to their website and sign up.

We've been promised even more media in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.
I know, sexy right? Those map shots are gorgeous.
new spotlight effect in first screen?
AMAZING! The atmosphere seems to be very well developed. As much as you can tell from screenies that is. I can't wait to play this one!
Look good, but I would like to see some random screenshots to see if they look as good as those ;)

Anyway, what makes this mod different from other mods?
Betelgeuze said:
Look good, but I would like to see some random screenshots to see if they look as good as those ;)

Anyway, what makes this mod different from other mods?

What i know, its just a "basic" Multiplayer FPS but with Natural Selection features thrown in there.
Graphic whise it looks amazing. But the thing is. How good will it run as compared to hl2. Cause it seems they want all out and made a mod that will only run smooth and look good on very high end PC's.
Looks amazing but small thing in the second pic, his hand is going through the gun, or it could just be the gun reloading itself...looks good though can't wait.
Majestic XII said:
What i know, its just a "basic" Multiplayer FPS but with Natural Selection features thrown in there.
Lol, that's like saying Natural Selection is just a basic multiplayer FPS with RTS features thrown in! I guess the interpretation of basic varies from person to person. Probably best to make your own mind up.
Graphic-wise it looks amazing. But the thing is. How good will it run as compared to hl2. Cause it seems they want all out and made a mod that will only run smooth and look good on very high end PC's.
All your questions answered

The way their maps look, their story is developed, everything about this mod, make it prime single player material. I mean, I don't doubt it will be awesome MP, but I would really like to see an SP adaptation.
-Crispy- said:
Lol, that's like saying Natural Selection is just a basic multiplayer FPS with RTS features thrown in! I guess the interpretation of basic varies from person to person. Probably best to make your own mind up.
All your questions answered

NS did actually something new with their concept (btw, there is marine vs marine in NS). This idea is just to ride along the wave of NS-like mods/games that followed.

Too bad you guys dont have a alien kind of race in the game, it would make it more diverse... but yeah, NS already did that :p
Majestic XII said:
NS did actually something new with their concept (btw, there is marine vs marine in NS). This idea is just to ride along the wave of NS-like mods/games that followed.

Too bad you guys dont have a alien kind of race in the game, it would make it more diverse... but yeah, NS already did that :p
I'm sure you'd prefer a Counter-Clone instead. NS had MvM supported, but never officially promoted. It was not an official game type. There have never been any official MvM maps for either the Classic or Combat game modes.

Secondly, the Marine team did not have separate classes. A player could not choose to go HA, or to select a shotgun. This was the commander's choice. The only true class system was on the Alien team, and as you said ND doesn't have Aliens.

Thirdly, NS popularised a new game genre. Complaining about mods making games for this new genre is like complaining about every single RTS game that followed Dune II.
Looks amazing but small thing in the second pic, his hand is going through the gun, or it could just be the gun reloading itself...looks good though can't wait.QUOTE]

When you fire a pistol in real life, the slide goes backward. Thus, the mod is actually just being realistic.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Id pay for this..
Ever tought of giving all that extra cash lying around to the red cross or some other hippie organization.
-Crispy- said:
Thirdly, NS popularised a new game genre. Complaining about mods making games for this new genre is like complaining about every single RTS game that followed Dune II.
Choo Choo; all aboard the exaggerate train!

- Pax
-Crispy- said:
I'm sure you'd prefer a Counter-Clone instead. NS had MvM supported, but never officially promoted. It was not an official game type. There have never been any official MvM maps for either the Classic or Combat game modes.

Secondly, the Marine team did not have separate classes. A player could not choose to go HA, or to select a shotgun. This was the commander's choice. The only true class system was on the Alien team, and as you said ND doesn't have Aliens.

Thirdly, NS popularised a new game genre. Complaining about mods making games for this new genre is like complaining about every single RTS game that followed Dune II.

"I'm sure you'd prefer a Counter-Clone instead." Are you kidding me?

There was/are many MvM server up for NS and many people played it. It doesnt matter if its official or not.

To me, a class system is the most boring and easiest way out. We've had it for ages so its getting really old.

The things about ND (apart from the attitude of your leader) is that it wants to be original but it all boils down to a nice exterior with well-tested gameplay mechanics. For me, the mod community is a breeding ground for new game mechanics where designers can try out their ideas and see if they work. Leave the boring and "safe" stuff for the real industry so to say.

I'm kinda fastidious as to what "original" really means, but I wouldnt count ND to it. It sure is pretty though...but thats not enough for me to be interested in it.
OK, well you're entitled to your opinion, just like others are entitled to make their own interpretation of what we show. Like others have said, the real proof will be when we make our first release. We're confident we won't disappoint.
-Crispy- said:
Thirdly, NS popularised a new game genre. Complaining about mods making games for this new genre is like complaining about every single RTS game that followed Dune II.

Class-based games have been run into the ground almost as much as the RTS mechnics pioneered fifteen years ago. It's a legitimate complaint and the answer to it is innovation, not scolding people for asking the question.

For my part, I don't think the mod will dissappoint the hordes of fans you already have. You've got some great art and some gameplay that will no doubt be solid, since it's time-tested.
Looks really solid, im eager to see if they can pull off the gameplay. Only crit of the map in japan is it doesnt really look like japan but regardless I hope its a good mod that lives up to the hype.

The screenies look so grainy, it´s allmost like concept art.
Is it the textures they use? I love it!

Somehow alle source mods look so... smooth - too smooth. The edges are smooth, the surfaces are smooth, except of course when they use the bumpmapping, but then still it´s all so shiney somehow.

Anyone know what i mean?
Great design too.

Only in the second pic, the enemy dudes seem to move strange. The way they´re standing there seems unnatural.

Hope they don´t make the gameplay too fast. I´d love to play it.