Ever been on a diet? Did it work for you?

StardogChampion said:
What kind of exercises can you do without having to leave the house, not including push-ups? Yes i'm a loser, not a fat one, a slightly underweight one, sue me.

Sit-ups, weights, treadmill, get a punching bag
I'm really light, but my distance running doesn't help with bulking up.
With some people, they can't seem to lose weight; with me, I can't seem to gain it :P
Hazar said:
With some people, they can't seem to lose weight; with me, I can't seem to gain it :P

yeah, I'm like that too.. fast vs slow metabolism I guess
bliink said:
yeah, I'm like that too.. fast vs slow metabolism I guess
as am I... I'm painfully thin, yet I eat more than my friends who weigh almost twice as much as me.

I'm 110 lbs. (after I've eaten!) and I'm 5'8"... my wrists are like 3 inches across >.<
Ennui said:
as am I... I'm painfully thin, yet I eat more than my friends who weigh almost twice as much as me.

I'm 110 lbs. (after I've eaten!) and I'm 5'8"... my wrists are like 3 inches across >.<

ahh.. you're an ectomorph..
I'm not sure what I am.. its too complex to figure it out for females :hmph:
I'm on a rustlers diet .... it works brilliantly. :D


my lifelong diet has consisted solely on that brownish, dry-tasting bread and 2% fat milk. as a result, i'm tall (don't know how tall) and skinny.
Evil^Milk said:
my lifelong diet has consisted solely on that brownish, dry-tasting bread and 2% fat milk. as a result, i'm tall (don't know how tall) and skinny.

You mean <gasp> wheat bread maybe?
I lost 10 pounds this summer to be able to row in the tackweight devision. Mind you the last 3 pounds were mostly dehydration the night before weigh-ins. On a general principle don't eat crap food, less flour and refined products. More fruits meat vegetables. Generally being hungry equals weight loss.
never been on a diet... never needed to. I need to gain weight if anything :p
I had nothing to do with it, I swear to Vishnu.
blame raz

he told me to D:

edit: nonshens.. he had everything to do with it
Believe the guy who is so ashamed of his past threads that he would never in the world wish for any of them to be revived. In fact, he is so ashamed, he wishes they were all locked, every last one of them, so they could never be revived again.
Oh dear god. I'm going to bed.


Hazar, I'll take care of you in the morning.
lol, mystery teh solved...sort of.

I was thinking Raz was just going on a retarded thread rampage...
Heh, diet varys so much depending on who you are and what you are trying to achieve.

Genetically we are all suited to different diets, the "2300 cal, high carb, low fat, low protein" recomended diet by the government is absolute shite however.
No human has ancestors that ate mainly carbohydrate, people always presume eating fat makes you fat....it's actually carbohydrate that makes you fat.

If you are consuming fat the body must be burning this instead of carbohydrate, if it is burning fat already it makes it much easier for it to burn off your fat supplies, this is traditionally what happens as animals enter winter and carbohydrate levels fall, giving way to nuts and meat (high fat), for humans.

The atkins diet is unhealthy because they are not eating the right type of micronutrients, the most healthy diet one can eat is a paleolithic diet, eating what cavemen did, it's simmilar to atkins diet with the low carb aspect but what little carbs you do have are highly nutritious (raw vegetables, berries e.t.c)
Also it is vital when following any high fat diet, especially sat fat to intake plenty of omega 3, either from fish or as a supplement, these efa's keep saturated fat on the move throughout the body.

My diet is pretty well finalized and perfect, i feel damn amazing all the time
I'm 180lb, mainly muscle currently, here is a typical daily diet for me.

Breakfast - 3 organic eggs, nuts and seeds, small amount of grain, omega 3

Meal 1 - 100-200g organic beef, raw organic brocolli, raw organic carrot, stinging nettle, garlic, ginger juice, walnut oil

Meal 2 - Tin of pilchards, few organic tomatoes, handful pumpkin seeds, 250g blackberries, 100g damsons.

Meal 3 - 100g lamb, 2 organic eggs, raw brocolli, more carrots, stinging nettle juice, various herbs, olive oil

Post workout nutrition would consist of a banana and some whey protein (i'm going to go on egg protein when they whey has finished as it is superior)

Supplements i am on are, large multivitamin, omega 3 caps, l leucine, ornithine alpha ketoglutarate, grape seed extract, acetyl l carnitine, arginine alpha ketoglutarate, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, HMB, l glutamine, saw palmetto.

Lots of supps but all natural, i do not use steroids.

By the way, i am cutting up at the mo so my diet will contain more complex carbs (forcing glycogen storage) and be a lot more cals genereally when i am bulking up after winter.
I went on weight watchers 5 years ago and lost 40 pounds.

I gained it all back last year though....now I feel extremely fat.