Ever felt so sick you just wanted to die?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Well, a couple days ago I did. I'm not certain what I had, but I contracted some sort of stomach virus or something. At first I just felt nauseated, but later I found myself in the bathroom having to throw up every five to ten minutes.

Throwing up is one thing, and usually I only do it twice in succession before laying back down, but with this sickness it escalated in its violence and I found myself having to hurl almost constantly half a dozen to a dozen times before my body would settle for a brief few moments, with only a second or two inbetween before I could catch my breath. Eating or drinking anything didn't much help alleviate the inevitable dry heaving though, since with having to do it that much, anything will be out of your stomach in the first half bout. So I just had to suck it up and deal with the dry heaves which made my throat raw.

It just went on and on all night long, constant pain, and I felt so bad that I kept telling myself while hovering over the toilet that I wanted to die <chuckles> I knew it would be over in time, but I just wanted it to be overwith then and there, even if it took death to cease the pain <grins>

I got better the next day, only feeling very queasy and sore internally if I laughed or coughed or chuckled. No more throwing up, but a few days after the worst symptons, I still feel uneasy and uncomfortable, like I have gas and keep burping occasionally. Not sure how to get rid of the feeling or its actions. Oh well.

Any of you guys ever been so sick that you just wanted to die? It's a figure of speech, meaning the pain of the ordeal was unbearable at the time. I know there are many people out there who haven't gotten sick in years, so I expect to see a few no answers thrown in here. Heh.
haha, thats nothing, one is was throwing up every 50mins, had a back muscle ache, stomach, my nose started hurtin, my eyes started hurtin, dunno wtf it was, but i took 2 tabs of this paracetomal n the back muscle cream. n it cleared up in 24 hrs :p
Oh yeah i've been that sick. Started feeling bad at company Christmas party. I was supposed to go to a hockey game that night and sit in a loge.
I went home because i wasn't feeling too good. By the time my wife got home my temp was 103.1. She wanted me to go to the hospital, but i said no.
My temp didnt come down for about 12 hrs. There was alot of throwing up and misery. The worst part was i had taken off the days between Christmas and New Years and didnt fully recover until the day before i had to go back to work.
I have been really sick many times, maybe similar to yours, but when i was young i had a stomache problem that caused even water to be thrown up after i drunk it, i was in hospital for weeks. After that i startyed having 'stomache migraines' through my childhood, and when i was older i found out i had become Diabetic. Some people think the thing that made my stomache messed up caused my diabeties. Go me!
After I got 4 of my teeth pulled.... made me not really want to die ... but... goddamn worst pain ever.
thats nothing...one day my eyes and ears starting bleeding, they rushed me to the hospital but the car crashed so all my family died. I live on the street now and post messages in public libraries.
LAYP said:
thats nothing...one day my eyes and ears starting bleeding, they rushed me to the hospital but the car crashed so all my family died. I live on the street now and post messages in public libraries.
So sorry for you..........Not.
You probably had food poisening, I had it on vacation in Vienna once, I had to trow up violantly 5 times in 2/3 hours. really bad, the only thing you can do is to eat nothing for atleast 24 hours and drink a lot of green tea.
i had the worst ****ing toothache ever my nerves in my two front teeth were ****ed and my teeth were pierced with pain as i have never felt before. at one stage my teeth had become very loose likr after 2 nights of excruciating pain i dunno why maybe cause of swelling and i was just about to rip them out, but my dad stopped me. the dentist just cut my nerves out and all is well now. apart from ****ing memory crash error in hl2 for me woot!!
Raziaar, I've had the same sort of sickness.

Blows, eh?
the exact same thing happened to me after i moved to canada ..
ive never been alergic to any kind of food till i started to eat this sammon ..from here ....my mom keeps telling me that its not the fish ..but its happened to me twice now and i ate fish on both ocasions and yes it really made me feel like just dying .........coz there was blood in the dry heaves and stuff and i also had diahrea (spelling) it was awful and it drains ur strength so u cant even get up to vomit .....had to have people hold me ..it was really awful and im really glad u got through it ...the second time round i got into a hospital and they helped me get out of it faster .....
The worst illness I ever got was a couple of months ago. Very bad sore throat, and bad headaches. My parents decided it was an infection so I took anti biotics for a few weeks and it finally went away, that sucked.
I've had lerengitis(sp?) twice. Once during band class at school I lost my voice and my throat started hurting and I couldnt talk. Stupid teacher kept asking why I wasnt answering his question. To make the day worse some jackass had failed to give me a note saying my mom wouldnt be picking me up so I had to take the bus. I waited for about twenty minutes outside and the band teacher pulled up and asked me if I wanted a right. I declined because I got the feeling he wanted to molest me, finally the school called my mom at work and she picked me up.
yep....i had something called viral labyrinthitis which is a virus which sets in the balance of your ear off and NO exaggeration...i was dizzy for a month and a half....it was HORRIBLE

i had to go hosptial and put in a wheelchair because i couldn't walk...plus i was violently vommiting if i had anything other than water. so i didn't eat for days and could start to eat little scraps after about a week. worst time of my life
mindless_moder said:
the exact same thing happened to me after i moved to canada ..
ive never been alergic to any kind of food till i started to eat this sammon ..from here ....my mom keeps telling me that its not the fish ..but its happened to me twice now and i ate fish on both ocasions and yes it really made me feel like just dying .........coz there was blood in the dry heaves and stuff and i also had diahrea (spelling) it was awful and it drains ur strength so u cant even get up to vomit .....had to have people hold me ..it was really awful and im really glad u got through it ...the second time round i got into a hospital and they helped me get out of it faster .....

Whoa. We had been eating salmon here too. Though, it was in texas(not sure where the salmon was from. My brother got sick first, and I got sick a day after. I ate just as much if not more than him.
I had a hernia repair about a year ago. The anesthetic made me violently ill about eight times, which caused my abdomen (which had only been sown shut an hour beforehand) to contract. They couldn't find the doctor to write a script for whatever it is that calms the sickness, and they'd maxed out my pain meds during surgery. That was extremely painful.
qckbeam said:
I had a hernia repair about a year ago. The anesthetic made me violently ill about eight times, which caused my abdomen (which had only been sown shut an hour beforehand) to contract. They couldn't find the doctor to write a script for whatever it is that calms the sickness, and they'd maxed out my pain meds during surgery. That was extremely painful.
CHRIST. That sounds like hell.
I don't think I've ever wanted to die...especially not from sickness or physical pain. But I've felt things emotionally that I almost couldn't stand at the time. I'd just crawl under something and pretend it wasn't happening...litterally, I'd crawl under a cussion and go to sleep.
ugh, i remember once when i was a little child i couldn't swallow food. i had no idea why.
i remember having headaches which made me feel like i wanted to die

headaches really hurt :o
Please share more, these are really enticing. (Did I use that word right?)

Hmm.. For me.. Well.. For the past couple of weeks, I occasionally get this sickness in the early morning during school...

It starts with a.. well.. oddly enough.. a... "hardening" if you know what I mean ;)

Then I get some minor dizziness.. Then a stomache ache X_X

Then comes the real sickness.. So all this is happening, and I am stuck in a class, trying to pretend I am listening, and I dont have the gut to ask to be excused, because I know I can fight through it. It's really crazy. That doesn't make me want to die though...

When I was 11 or so, I had a strange thing happen.

It happened during gym, and got worse when I got home.

I had a searing pain.. In my left testicle. :x :x :x

Later that day my mom took me to the hospital... (Because the pain didn't stop) And I had to have a male doctor feel my balls. rofl...
The next 4 hours were miserable though. I was scared as heck. I was just a little boy. I cried.. I feared the worst... All in the hospitol. Later that night, we got me an ultrasound. Another person touching my balls.. This time with a.. ultra sound thing.. But this time it was a woman.. (No, what you are thinking did not happen.. perverts..)

So it turns out it was a swollen gland in my left testicle. (I didn't know you had glands in your testicle...)

I got a medicine, and if I remember correctly, it was gone the next day. Good side is, I missed 3 days of school. :)

Hmm.. I will come back and post more if I can think of some.

(Wow, this post is bigger than I thought it would be...)
Well, I only felt like I wanted to die, as a figure of speech. Of course I would rather live, but the thought of death and the end of the pain was certainly alot more pleasant than throwing up a dozen times in sequence with only half a second to a second inbetween to catch your breath. When that bout was over, you had about ten minutes of rest before your stomach ached again and the process repeated. All I wanted to do was rest, to be able to sleep off the sickness, but it didn't come. Even though my body was so incredibly sore and tired and I felt like I could pass out to sleep any second. I could barely even keep my eyes open during it all because my body was so physically and mentally tired.

It was about five to seven hours before the throwing up subsided, and I had chucked probably a hundred and fifty times during the whole thing.
I was hospitalized for pneumonia once.

That's as worst as it's gotten for me.
When I was about 13 I think, I had the worst headache and stomache ache I ever had, I just couldn't stand the pain, couldn't sleep, couldn't even move cause my stomache hurt so bad. That was the worst for me.
When I tried to quit smoking and to quit drinking caffiene at the same time ( I am addicted to caffeine, it sucks) I Got the worst headaches, Ugh I couldnt sleep for three days and I couldnt concentrate on a damn thing,I drank a lot of mountain dew and smoked alot of ciggarettes the fourth day. All the symptoms were gone in about three hours.
I had cancer of the anus....hurt alot....now I don't have an anus, I just have a poop bag.
I fell out of a tree

It happened like this!!

edit forgot attach

please excuse crude flash anim im not exactly a pro at flash :P
I puked out my nose before, gross as **** but funny now that I look back on it lol
One time, when I realised I payed to see Van Helsing I wanted to hang myself, but I was to sick to get up on the stool :-(
Lessee... I've had tonsolidis 4 times(no food but freakin' jelly for days on end), eye operation, had to go to hospital in grade 2...

I guess the only REALLY bad times was when I had my tonsils out. It was hell. I didn't each anything that could was definately a solid for about a week and a bit. But it was okay, I just played games and ate sugary, soft, see-through stuff.

So I got off lucky. :D