ever got too emotional due to a game?


Aug 6, 2004
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i remember way back when i've played unreal 2 the awakening i got teary eyes a bit at the end...i really felt bad.
btw...this game is seriously underrated.

what about you, any game brought you to tears?
I actually did drop a tear at the end of Grim Fandango. Also felt a bit emotional at the end of Mirrors Edge, mostly due to the music tho.
I genuinely can't think of one game that has made me cry.

And I'm not exactly the most un-emotional person in the world. Numerous books and films make me blub. But for some reason never in games. That's what shows they still aren't quite up to scratch story or character wise yet.

The most moral I've ever been in a game was when I had to kill everyone in the Assassin's guild in Oblivion. All those guys were awesome and I had to kill them. Thought long and hard about that one.

I sense another play through of Oblivion soon.

EDIT: Ah yes! Grim Fandango. I did get a little choked at the end of that.
Yeah after playing Shaq Fu.

I cried because it was so terrible
I'm usually just D: at the end of a good game, never gotten properly torn up about one
i remember way back when i've played unreal 2 the awakening i got teary eyes a bit at the end...i really felt bad.
btw...this game is seriously underrated.

what about you, any game brought you to tears?

I didn't care for the main character but I did feel sorry for the Kai. Those guys were cool till they started getting killy. And no , no game has ever made me cry or feel the slightest bit of emotion (other than anger or joy).
HL2-EP2 - the end

Bioshock: for some reason the happier ending made me feel all warm & fuzzy inside alot.
I didn't care for the main character but I did feel sorry for the Kai. Those guys were cool till they started getting killy. And no , no game has ever made me cry or feel the slightest bit of emotion (other than anger or joy).

that's because you're a robot, sent from the future to make us feel like pussies for crying to video games :upstare:
Zelda: Ocarina of Time made me cry at the ending
Final Fantasy 7/8/9 got me teary eyed at parts, but I'm a little bitch
I got sad at the end of Episode 2 as well. Assuming that's the one where
Eli gets it in the face
Not at any games, I don't think. But I did get incredibly emotional and devastated when i read the Song & Swords series books by Elaine Cunningham.
Once, I was playing TFC. I can't recall how long I'd been playing for, but it had been a significant amount of time. I was at Well, playing sniper, crouching near the leftmost window of the median facing the enemy yard. I zoomed in, charged up my rifle, and everything else fell away. You ever get that? That feeling where the outside world no longer exists, where everything in your entire life at that moment is within the borders of the monitor? Borders you can't even see anymore, because all your focus is within that screen.

An enemy sniper appeared in the window of their base. He swung his crosshairs toward me as I put a bead right on his head. He looked at me down the barrel of his scope and I looked back at him. This is the only moment in my entire life where I can recall ever feeling the phenomena of "time standing still." In one immeasurable instant, I viewed this enemy sniper's entire life: his hopes, his dreams, his accomplishments. I'm not sure what caused me to feel those thoughts suddenly welling up in my head; maybe it was too much time played, or the adrenaline of the moment, or simply the poetic image of us two snipers staring into each others' eyes, poised to kill.

I pulled the trigger first and watched him crumple beneath the window sill.

I'd ended that sniper's life; his hopes, his dreams, his accomplishments.

I cried.

And then I realized I'd been playing for far too long and got off the computer.
Homeworld 1, believe it or not. Playing for hours over and over again and finally beating the Kadeshi Garden level was amazing to say the least. Also, the last level.
Never cried, but they make me very angry, thats emotional right?
Zelda: Ocarina of Time made me cry at the ending

I think I'm just too attached to this game. It was the first game that I ever played through to completion, and nothing I've played since has ever matched how it made me feel. Every time I go to any game exchange type place, I see if they have it, and every time I see it, I want to buy it. But then I realize that I don't have an n64 to play it on.
Far Cry 2 - never have i been so happy that i reached the end of a video game before.
Bioshock - happy ending is happy
GTA 4 - Satisfaction. nuff said
Game music can be very moving, but the only actual game that has moved me is...silent hill. I remember the first one when I was 14 or so and being terrified of covering my eyes, scared shitless that I'll find myself in a horrible rape scene of my parents whenever I uncover them.

EDIT: the ending of silent hill 2 is pretty moving too...pretty intense for a video game:
i remember way back when i've played unreal 2 the awakening i got teary eyes a bit at the end...i really felt bad.
btw...this game is seriously underrated.

what about you, any game brought you to tears?

I agree with u 100% everyone hates that game for some reason.

Deus ex
Half-life 2
Metal gear solid 3/4
I can only remember getting a bit sad while playing Final Fantasy 7. Other than that, not really.
halo 2 - cliffhanger pissed off
halo 3 - not watching the post-credits stuff so I thought he was dead
I think I'm just too attached to this game. It was the first game that I ever played through to completion, and nothing I've played since has ever matched how it made me feel. Every time I go to any game exchange type place, I see if they have it, and every time I see it, I want to buy it. But then I realize that I don't have an n64 to play it on.

lol yeah... Now whenever I replay it I get teary eyed just entering Kakariko Village and hearing that music, or when learning ocarina songs, and also those secret places I remember from back then. Actually, pretty much everything in that game makes me nostalgic. That's pretty gay. :>

There should be a Zelda: OoT support group at the local parish.
Team Fortress 2 makes me cry when I lose. This game should come with razor blades and emo makeup. when our team loses at the end and I'm still alive, i try hiding and sometimes its inevitable but i just want to scream!!
i remember way back when i've played unreal 2 the awakening i got teary eyes a bit at the end...i really felt bad.
btw...this game is seriously underrated.

what about you, any game brought you to tears?

The ending of Unreal 2 made me teary eyed as well. Of more recent games, only the end of Episode 2 made me truly emotional.
MGS 4 ending caught me by surprised. Piece together the whole story and it was rather sad.

Here's one both sad and angry, Arcanum and how half-ogre babies are made. I raged to the point where I wanted to commit gnome genocide.
I don't think a game ever managed to get me even close to tears. But the Cynthia moment in Silent Hill 4 was pretty emotional, the music was perfect.
Only visiting old childhood favourites gets me emotional. Anytime I see something to do with Secret of Mana I remember completing it over and over during a summer holiday with my best mate and brother. For a few seconds i'm a little kid again with no cares in the world and this crazy adventure to go on. I found my Super Mario World instruction booklet the other day too. Immediately I was back at Christmas and opening my Super Nintendo for the first time. Good times :)
I'd have to say Final Fantasy 7 got me pretty good.

Then playing Shining Force on my emulator, I was just about at the end of the game, lots of fun. I decide to load up the game and load state to continue my battle.

I hit Save State.

I didn't save once that entire game.

I cried.
Silent Hill 2 scared the crap out of me. Project Zero too to a lesser extent.

Sometimes, very occationally a game will make me smile from ear to ear. The last example I can remember is playing HL2EP2 during the last fight. The guy announced that the strider were gone, but then realised there was a bigger wave coming and the techo music started playing and I realised the fun was about to start.
I wouldn't say I got too emotional, cause occasionally a player deserves to shed a tear.

I cried in World of Goo when

World of Goo Corporation blew up

I occasionally cry a little in Red Orchestra when I get too deep into the game and I really get reminded how dangerous a war is.

I cried a little in Beyond Good and Evil when

The Lighthouse was bombed

I can't remember how I reacted to games I played a long time ago.
I don't think I like the thread title and it's (perhaps unintentional) implications that emotionally reacting to a game has negative implications on the player, when it usually just implies the game has done something very right. It also makes me confused as to what level of emotional reaction (emotionality!) needs to be reached for me to post it.

If "smiling ear to ear" like Riomhare mentioned counts, then the entirety of TF2, World of Goo, Super Mario Galaxy, and Little Big Planet (those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head) definitely have earned a mention.

Also, I simply must mention Lost Winds, despite the reaction not being so "emotional", the game just a sense of peace and tranquility that make you feel so peaceful and calm it's amazing. I've never had such a reaction to a game before.
I'd have to say Final Fantasy 7 got me pretty good.
Before FF7 came out in the US, I was gobbling up ever bit of information I could on it. I went to this Japanese site and downloaded a video for the end scene of disc one.

I really didn't feel any emotion watching Aeris die because I hadn't played the game yet.

When I finally got the game and started to find out about her character I was like, "Aw, dang, you die. I can't get attached to you at all."

The scene everyone recalls bawling over in FF7 was completely lost to me.

Thanks, random Japanese website.