Ever have one of those days...

May 24, 2003
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...where nothing is wrong but you are annoyed at everything?

Well, I've been feeling like that a bit today. I know why as well, its this neck pain I've got. I came home from work the other day -having done quite a lot of work i might add, and i decided i would massage my back with this foot massager thing we bought (Yes, foot massager but its shaped so you can place it on you back between you and a chair. It feels really nice but anyway), and i went to be feeling very relaxed. However, i was so tired, and now so relaxed that i didn't move all night. I really did wake up in the same position i feel asleep and there was a dent in my bed in the shape of my body. I didn't get out of bed straight away, but instead rolled around a bit and stretched but as i was moving i felt my neck (In particular the back) grow really tight. Then when i tried to move it in any direction it was really painful. I had to hold my head with my hands when i got up because the pain of holding my head with just my neck was making me fall over.

It doesn't feel like cramp exactly, it hurts more than that and its not pulling i just cant turn my neck. Anyway, its eased up a lot but i still can't look left or down properly.

All of yesterday and today i've been in agony (painkillers didn't do much), in fact its one of the most painful things i've ever felt(For any period of time more than a few minutes that is) and it just doesn't go away.

Its stopped me doing most things that involve moving about and because i can always feel the pain its really making my temper short. I'm quite a controlled person and i don't normally let pain show and so far i haven't lashed out at anyone, but my family can see that my thread is thin...I've actually been trying to make a joke out of it but that can only go so far before it just gets annoying again.

Anyway, just felt like posting that before i go to bed :)

For those of you who can't be bothered reading....

My neck hurts a lot and its making me mad.
I feel like that too many days D: Once I shattered my wrists and it throbbed for weeks after the guy set it.

but on that note, I fall asleep in the most ackward positions and sometimes I get pain whenever I bend in the direction of the painful body part
take a hot shower and rub yourself down with baby oil or some sort of oil afterwards. jump into bed and you'll feel a little better.
When everything but you is wrong, it is usually you who are wrong.
Dedalus said:
take a hot shower and rub yourself down with baby oil or some sort of oil afterwards. jump into bed and you'll feel a little better.

make sure youve got some facial cleanser and some bunny slippers. chocolate ice cream helps too.

heh. sorry about that farrow. i remember once i woke up with the most rediculous cramp/charlie horse in my neck and at school whenever someone started talking to me id have to like rotate my entire body to look at them. good stuff, i had my brother hit it for like 30 minutes as hard as he could. fixed it right up.
Yeah well its getting better....Dedalus, i decided not to do what you said because...well I'm worried that you have a camer hidden somewhere.

I just kept on wrenching it in the direction that hurt....Obviously that made it hurt more but i could feel the muscles really ease up...Its weird because i was just sat there about 5 minutes after wrencning it and i suddenly felt half the muscles relax, it felt so nice i can't even begin to describe.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah well its getting better....Dedalus, i decided not to do what you said because...well I'm worried that you have a camer hidden somewhere.

I just kept on wrenching it in the direction that hurt....Obviously that made it hurt more but i could feel the muscles really ease up...Its weird because i was just sat there about 5 minutes after wrencning it and i suddenly felt half the muscles relax, it felt so nice i can't even begin to describe.

yeah. the one in the toilet bowl is the funniest.

anyway, glad you're feeling better.
We don't have a toilet! A ha! Got you there didn't i....

Wait..Did that come out right?