Ever have one of those mornings?


Sep 22, 2003
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Everything was going great until about 45 minutes when I arrive at my work, which is just a once a week internship at the moment.

First, my RFID swipe card doesn't work to get in the front door, so I walk across the street to the security desk in the Manulife Financial building, and they say they've replaced all of the ID cards and that my building's front desk staff has it.

Well, that wouldn't be a problem if the front desk staff was in at 8:30 AM, but they don't start until 9:00 AM. How unfortunate.

So I go in the back door, which is unlocked, and then hit the first secure door, knock, show my ID, and the guy opens it non-chalantly - perfect.

Next secure door: now this room that has direct acess to http://www.bell.ca applications. People take this one a little more seriously, and some foreign guy notices me knocking on the door, and he starts asking me all these questions (no one knows me, since I'm only here once a week, and I look my age, or maybe even a little younger, which is 19, so people don't know what the ****). I can't understand a word he's saying, so I just say a bunch of words and point to my cubicle and he finally goes to sitdown.

Phew - I sit down, plug my computer back in after the guys I work with mangled it as they do every week for using as a server, etc. and then notice that, hey, something is leaking out of my bag! Great, it's my wonderful protein shake that bonds its smell to anything it touches. About 200 mL of this crap leaked out into my bag and starts going EVERYWHERE! This wouldn't be so bad, because it didn't leak over anything important, just my bag, which will now smell like rocky road for the next decade, give or take a month. However, since I don't have my ID, I can't go to the washroom to get paper towel and wash it out, I have to resort to using paper to try it out.

Well, it could have been worse; my laptop could have been in the bag, but luckily I don't bring it here, otherwise I would have been freaking out. Now, off to attend a boring two hour presentation about some policy this company has, like about working unpaid overtime or some crap.

How is everyone else doing on this fine Wednesday morning?
I have one of those mornings every morning, afternoon and evening of my life.

Normally I'd say "those mornings" or "those days" when I have a good one, it's so rare.

Edit: And 50% of protein shakes are useless apparently.
Well then, hello! I'm down by the rotary at the moment, where are you?

More good news:

My new swipe card won't get me past the second secure door. Someone screwed up :|
I have one of those mornings every morning, afternoon and evening of my life.

Normally I'd say "those mornings" or "those days" when I have a good one, it's so rare.

Edit: And 50% of protein shakes are useless apparently.

How is protein useless?
It's not that protein is useless. It's the fact that the drinks don't contain the amount of protein required to make a difference.
I get 56 grams of protein a day from protein shakes. I had 10 from the two pieces of toast I had this morning, and however much is in one egg. That's over half of what I need for my body size already, and I have spaghetti for lunch, turkey with a whole wheat roll for a 3:00 lunch, and a banana.

I'll probably have my protein requirements done for the day by 3:30, and then I plan on having whole wheat pasta with chicken tonight for supper, and more flax seed toast.

The protein shakes are just a supplement

Dictionary.com said:
1. something added to complete a thing, supply a deficiency, or reinforce or extend a whole.

Though, because of my spillage this morning, I probably got screwed out of 10g :| Today's an off day though, no big deal.
I get 56 grams of protein a day from protein shakes. I had 10 from the two pieces of toast I had this morning, and however much is in one egg. That's over half of what I need for my body size already, and I have spaghetti for lunch, turkey with a whole wheat roll for a 3:00 lunch, and a banana.

You sound like you're going to overdose or something :p