Ever think the games you play apply to real life?


Jan 20, 2006
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Not looking for "you know you game too much" jokes. No sob stories of games running your life. No metaphors.

Have you ever had moments when you've thought something in a game existed in real life, if only for a few seconds? I've had a few. Mostly when under the influence of something (alcohol), but it does sometimes make me wonder how big a part my hobby plays in my life.

One involved Half-Life 2. Me and my friends were in a pub, doing that pub thing. We actually met a cop who was off duty and we were making conversation with him. As such drunk conversations tend to go, you start drifting into semi-serious territory that you're actually too stupid to effectively talk about. And at some point he mentioned the ethics of his job and how important they are. I kid you not, I asked him "Well, dude, the Combine don't really have ethics." He gave me this confused look, so I elaborated "You know, you're a part of the Combine police state. How can you say you have ethics."
Roughly five seconds later, I realized what a moron I was, apoligized to him, told him I was drunk, and sat silently in a corner.

Second time was when I was heading home on the tram. Too much to drink, feel asleep, and then woke up at the end of the tram line. The driver actually woke me up at the end. It was my last tram so I was kind of distressed. But when he asked me if I needed assistance in getting home, I waved my hand and said "Not a problem. I'll just Hearthstone". For those of you who don't know, a Hearthstone is an item in World of Warcraft that warps you to a saved location. He gave me a puzzled look and then walked away, throwing his hands up in the air and shaking his head.
I actually rummaged through my bag for about ten minutes looking for my damned Hearthstone, wondering if I had trashed it by accident. I walked home for about two hours, and I guess after sobering up a bit, I realized that I had no ****ing Hearthstone.

Ever had that? Or am I just insane?
You play too many games.

But I play a lot of FPS. One day Indonesia or some part of Asia will invade Australia so I'll be prepared.
This one time me and a mate were playing Red Alert on LAN for about 5 hours straight. Then I got hungry, so I'm like "I'm gonna go build a sandwich." Took me probably a full minute to realise what I'd said :)

Also, there's this plant on our back porch that looks exactly like a sprig of Nirnroot. Every time I see it I wanna go harvest it :D

Space Farm said:
But I play a lot of FPS. One day Indonesia or some part of Asia will invade Australia so I'll be prepared.
And as Vin Diesel has taught us in Triple X, a few months of playing FPS games is just as effective as years of military arms training.

Wii will make it so :>
Well.. if Nazis ever invade, I'll be nice and ready.
I thought this thread was going to be about how gaming may or may not have helped you in real life such as quick reactions, random knowledge or knowing to "check behind that corner" or something...

...not about being a goon :P
I've had a few moments like that. In my freshman year, when I was obsessed with Halo, I'd sometimes turn a corner in school and wonder why the people I could see weren't showing up on my radar. A couple months ago, I was going paintballing with some friends, and I tried to look behind my car to see theirs. I was wondering in a sort of vague way why I couldn't see them, until I realized that real life doesn't have a zoom button :p
JNightshade said:
I've had a few moments like that. In my freshman year, when I was obsessed with Halo, I'd sometimes turn a corner in school and wonder why
why it looked different from the room you were just in?
no! stop this thread before you give the crazies cannon fodder for "games make you shoot people" D:

but in any case, yes, I have seen some barrels and thought that they looked alot like half-life 2's. But then I used that to say, "wow, games are getting closer to photorealism"

right after I played hl2 for the first time I had a sudden appreciation for phyics, and I went around kicking stuff and tossing it.
Stuff like that has happened to me; especially after playing the hidden:Source.

It scares me a little, but... I can tell, you know? My brain is seperated. Sometimes it leaks, but... It is seperated, so I am not really worried.
What the hell are you talking about? :|
I remember once the phone rang and I started tapping my ear, wondering if my codec was working. Then I realized I was a moron...
You remember a few years back, when people used to have those laser pointers? I mean like, everybody had them. That didn't go very well with me, because around the same time I was a very hardcore TFC player...

I was hanging out at a friend's house, me, him, and his gf, just sitting around in the living room chatting. I'm sitting on one of his couches, they're sitting in chairs, and there's another small, empty couch to my right. They're on my left. So we're talking, can't even remember the conversation, but I notice this flash of light on my jeans. A dot. A red dot. And my first reaction, being a TFC player, is that red dot equals sniper rifle. Pointed at my jeans. NEAR MY SENSITIVE BITS.

My friend later remarked that he had no idea a man could jump that high or move that quickly. I leapt off the couch I was on, I don't even think I stood up I just suddenly took flight, leapt OVER the other couch which was about three feet away, grabbed the back of the couch on the way down so that I literally flipped the thing over onto its back and took cover behind it. This is even more impressive combined with the fact that I was a pretty big guy at the time.

The sad thing is I didn't even do it in jest. In the few seconds the incident occurred I really thought I was being targetted by some unseen sniper aiming for my goodies.
The closest I get is in those pre-awake bits when you wake up, and I was wondering why I couldn't see the mana bar when I awoke. : (
lol this is crazy...

the only occurence like this I could think of is after having played one of the GTA games 1,2 or 3(can't remember which) extensively, I would sometimes for a very brief moment(like 2 seconds) feel that getting around town was way too slow on foot and why not just jack a car.

let's hope Thompson doesn't read this thread lol...
I went to the beach at dusk a few days back and was admiring the waves and the "skybox", thinking it would be an awesome FPS level...
99.vikram said:
I went to the beach at dusk a few days back and was admiring the waves and the "skybox", thinking it would be an awesome FPS level...

Yep, that's happened to me too. I remember one time, not after paying, but after working 5 hrs straight on a project in 3ds Max I was looking at every object in my room and thinking what technique I should use to make a polygonal version of them.:cheese:
a few years back while in a RTCW clan (we played competively) my wife would often say that sometimes I'd make shooting sounds while sleeping ...damn nazis invading my brain

my avatar is Captain Sternn from the movie/comic heavy metal

CptStern said:
a few years back while in a RTCW clan (we played competively) my wife would often say that sometimes I'd make shooting sounds while sleeping ...damn nazis invading my brain
Did you make them while you were playing as well? That would make more sense...otherwise that's pretty weird. :D
no ....hehe you make shooting sounds while playing? :O
I often think my work would be a sweet level on CSS. I imagine where the spawn points would be, the best way to flash the other team, where the chokepoints are, places to awp and camping spots etc...
CptStern said:
no ....hehe you make shooting sounds while playing? :O
Hahahaha! No no no--I don't, but I thought that maybe if you did then that would at least give your body an excuse to repeat such bahavior unconsciously. :)

Pyu! Pyu! Pyu! <--that's my laser sound FYI. (Thankfully I don't have to use it most of the time because the majority of what I play has pretty good sound direction.) :E
pyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuKAPOWIE!!! ..that's my rocket launcher sound ;)
The sniper/couch story was cool. :D

I don't remember much other than when I was drawing something once, I noticed the reflections on the pencil, lost thought of the drawing, and started comparing the reflections to the ones on your gun and gloves in Half-Life 2.

I also find myself sometimes really wishing I had a quickload option. :(
I remember one that affected me now.

One day after a long GTA session I had to goto work. There was a slow driver in front of me and I almost just swerved onto the empty sidewalk to go around him and drive like a maniac.
When playing paintball a few years ago at a friends birthday party I would regularly do stupid action poses having played way too much Metal Gear Solid 2

action poses such as:

I also walked really slow thinking that I would be more accurate and ready (also the whole time thinking of the cutscene moments), after a few rounds of doing that and having gotten hit in my middle finger rendering it numb and useless, I just went back to running about shooting, did much better

Also once I said "lol" when I laughed
I've also noticed that I have an increased appreciation for the beauty of nature. It's so nice that, no matter how good graphics get, they will never come CLOSE to the beauty of a sunset at the beach.
Dog-- said:
Well.. if Nazis ever invade, I'll be nice and ready.


and no I have never thought about applying game play to real life situations.
Well, if the communists invade, I'll bunnyhop and kill them all. :p

But really, I've never had any experience like that, except I put in my social studies report once that China used the zergling rush tactics but they had to GG.

I got an A. Turned out that my teacher was a fan of Starcraft. :D True story.
Was out at night feeding my cousins dog one time, and I couldn't see a ****ing thing.

So I opened my mouth and thought of the letter F.

Just today, I dropped my cable release (long cloth/metal wire thingy for a camera), and it started waving all over the place, and the first thing I thought was "shit, the server side physics are going all wonky".
I love this thread :D

I remember one time in school when we were making these miniature houses out of cardboard, whenever I messed up I thought to myself "No problem, I'll just 'ctrl+z'".

Sometimes real life sucks :(

EDIT: Sometimes when I speak I can see myself pressing 'y'...